Chapter Two

Chapter Two

A Chapter by Nene

Here's my next full chapter. Enjoy it!




I was in my room that afternoon, reading a book called The Iliad, written long before the War. Ava and I, along with Viol, were reading and talking in our dorm room.


“I heard that once you two and Vin become Lord and Ladys, our crew will seriously move up in ranks,” Ava confided. The seven of us had always been friends, since we’d been in Witness Preparation School together, despite our varying ages. In recent years, the four oldest remained in the lower levels of the hierarchy with the three Lessers until we would be fully initiated. “We'll be right under Jora’s crew.” Jora was the leader of a group of Lord and Lady Witnesses who were considered the elite. Their authority was just below that of the TC. “They say it’s because Taro favors you,” the small, brightly-headed girl added, glancing at me. “You’re his protégé. He wants you to be his legacy, you know. And Cril’s taken a definite liking to you. No doubt about that.” Ava laughed. “You’re so lucky, Mel.”


I felt a shiver of joy, the way I always did when someone mentioned my promising future. I loved my life- everything was perfect. I was the Chief’s favorite student, the cleverest in the Academy, a talented hover boarder, and I had the affections of a handsome, capable Lord Witness, a rising star himself. I had a bright future ahead of me as a Lady Witness- maybe even one day as Chieftess. Life couldn’t be any better.


* * *


That evening, as the light outside was dimming, the Academy was only just beginning in liveliness. A social event took place once a week. This was because the senior Witnesses of the TC agreed that the younger ones needed some pleasure in their life, for all the work they did for the world, maintaining order and stopping insurgents. The TC explained that we couldn’t be expected to be truly loyal if our lives weren’t enjoyable, so every care was taken to give the Witnesses an exciting and complete lifestyle. No expense was spared. I vaguely recalled hearing about a girl, long ago- her name was Tain, if I recalled correctly- whose loyalty had wavered, and she’d run away to join the Naturals. I shuddered at the thought of betraying my sisterhood like that. How could you turn your back on mankind, allowing them to kill each other, cause chaos, pollute the earth, and murder babies- and not want to help cease it? The thought was incomprehensible. I shook my head and forced my thoughts back to the dance that night.


All Witnesses waited eagerly for their fourteenth birthday to participate in the gatherings. Of course, I had been coming to them for nearly three years now, and I rarely missed them; they were fun. Viol, Ava, and I usually went together, often accompanied by Rowe, Vin, Xerc, and Cril, as was the case today.


The seven of us trooped into the Diversion Hall, where the events always took place. Ava and Xerc were leading the group, with the latter doing most of the talking, shy Ava listening intently to his heated words. Rowe trailed alongside Viol and Vin, and behind them, Cril fell into step with me, walking beside me. “You look…beautiful,” he complimented me, taking in the sight of my short, wine-red dress, with its rolled spaghetti straps, ribbed bodice, and flowing hem.


I laughed, realizing he’d worn a matching burgundy shirt. “Great minds think alike,” I noted. He offered me his arm, and I took it hesitantly. As we walked across the Green, I noticed how attractive Cril looked that night- every night, really. His wavy auburn hair stroke a perfect balance of neatness and messiness, and his brooding gray eyes, were focused down on me, and me alone, as we talked.

As we all entered, we laughed together, heading immediately to the center of the hall. We were the perfect age for these social events- set firmly in the middle of the age group who usually attended them. We were also the most wild crew of them all, always pulling the most daring stunts to catch illegals, even playing a few mischievous tricks within the Academy. Nothing drastic, of course, but simply in good fun.

After a short time, I went to the bathroom, and caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror and paused to study the image. I was fairly pretty, though not particularly gorgeous . My skin was too pale and my features too delicate. Though my almond-shaped hazel eyes were large and clear, framed by long lashes, my face was thin and dramatic, sharp angles, not the soft curve of traditional beauty. My hair was my best feature and my pride and glory; soft and golden blond, it rippled just past my shoulder blades. Despite being slightly taller than average, I always looked younger than my age, somehow- much a grievance of mine. And I always seemed to fade into the background, like a ghost, pale and thin and insubstantial. Nothing like Viol, with her dark, exotic looks, or Ava, with her crimson mass of curls. Sighing, I turned away from my reflection and slipped back out to the party.

Every member of Cril's crew was dancing to the music together, laughing and shouting along to the rhythmic thud of the fast song. We danced in a circle, all of us together. Gradually, though, the music slowed, and I found myself being drawn away from the others by Cril. I allowed it, not minding in the slightest as the two of us swayed to the rolling music. His eyes never left my face. "Cril?" I asked, rather hesitant, an entire question in that single syllable.

He, too, spoke cautiously for once. "Of course. You know how I feel about you, Melrose."

I cringed- in truth, I hadn't the faintest idea. "No."

Cril raised an eyebrow. "No?" He smiled. "Ever since we were children, Mel, I've liked you. And in recent years...I've grown to love you." He looked up. "More than you know."


I was dizzy, overwhelmed. I had suspected this for a while now, but to hear him say it...have you ever been told by someone, not a family member, that they love you? Particularly one you love that way in return? It was enough to entirely destroy my thought complex. I wasn't sure what to say in reply. After a moment of silence, of gathering my own feelings, I said softly, "I...I love you too, Cril."

Still solemn, a rarity for both of us, Cril kept his gaze on me. "I want to spend my life with you, Melrose."

It took me several moments to process that. Many Muddles got married, though their personalities and emotions were so warped and underdeveloped that it was more of a physical attraction or an instinct than anything. Witnesses, who of course had far greater intelligence, and who could actively experience deep feelings, often dated each other in adolescence. Despite this, most of us chose not to marry, for they devoted themselves to the cause of preserving the world's tranquility. Still, there were some who did both; Professor Taro, for instance, was married to Professor Ora, one of the members of the TC,  another instructor at the Witness Academy.

I wasn't even a Lady Witness yet, though. I was not ready for marriage yet, and I told Cril so.

He blinked, as surprised as I. "Oh, no," he told me hastily. "I wasn't thinking now. In a few years, perhaps. For now, we'll just...see what happens."

At that moment, a stranger stepped in front of Cril. Glancing at him, the boy asked, "May I?" Without waiting for a reply, he cut in, sweeping me off in a graceful waltz, leaving Cril standing there, mouth agape.

I attempted, rather fruitlessly, to gather my wits. After a moment, I finally glanced up into the stranger's face. What I saw made my breath catch. He was a perfect contrast to me in every way. His blue eyes were like the ocean at its purest, whereas mine, stormy green, were like the sea caught in a storm. Onyx hair graced his forehead, slightly untidy, and he was taller by at least two inches, making him about five feet nine inches. But none of that startled me more than his utter confidence. I'd never met a Witness like that before. It unnerved me. Apparently, I held none of the same curiosity for him, as he spoke easily.


"What's your name?" 


My eyes flashed, the only hint of unease. My lean muscles were still, and my voice was calm. “Melrose. And you?”




He smiled. “I’m Talisani.”


I stared at him blankly. Who was this strange person? "What are you doing here? Are you a Witness?"


Talisani watched  me warily, like a mouse eyeing a rattlesnake. "Why wouldn't I be? Do you really think I could get past your guards if I wasn't?" He asked, giving a question instead of an answer. He had a fair point- the Witness Complex here was built in a square shape, with the large Green in the center, surrounded by the Academy, the HQ, the Diversion Hall, Witness Dorms, Dining Center, and Illegals' Prison, with the landing banks for the notus in the very center of the Green. The only way in was by notus, and the skies were heavily patroled by Witnesses. Still, his question told me all I needed to know.


I sighed. "Okay. Let's phrase that differently. What I meant was, I know you're not a Witness. Now tell me why you're here, and it had better be good, or I'll alert the entire HQ about the Runner who crashed our dance."


Talisani narrowed his paralyzing gaze. "My apologies for ruining  your party, lady," he said cooly before starting to move away.

"No, wait!" My thin arm shot out to wrap around his like a tourniquet; though it looked far too fragile to have any real force, slender muscles lay beneath my alabaster skin, pulling Talisani back. "I'm not finished questioning you," I told him with a blazing look, hoping I looked more authoritative than I felt. I really didn't want to notify the guards- not yet- but this was all new to me. Never in my training had a situation like this been covered. Now that I thought about it, this seemed a serious fault in my education- why hadn't we been prepared for invaders? The answer came to me as quickly as the question. Because no one expected a normal person to perpetrate the Witness Headquarters.

He gave me a small smile. "You're used to having your way, aren't you? Just like everyone else in this room." His azul gaze swept along the scores of young Witnesses before they returned to mine. "You're different, though. It's too bad we have to-" He broke off and shook his head. "I'll do my best to spare you, against my better judgment. Anyway, I'd recommend you let me go."

I grit my teeth. "I don't think so. You're a threat to the Tranquility Convention and the rest of the world. No way am I letting you walk free."

He shrugged. "Suit yourself." He looked at me, eyes regretful. "I'm sorry," he whispered before his shape faded into existence, while a great beast, black as night, slowly materialized- I wasn't sure whether to call it a dog or a wolf. Startled, I leapt back with a shriek, but it didn't attack; it merely turned with impossibly agility and bolted from the room. The guards at the door had abandoned their posts to enjoy themselves, and it seemed that no one else had seen the creature. My eyes scanned the room desperately- Talisani was gone. All I could see was the tip of the animal's onyx tail as it vanished out of the room, my hands touching nothing but air.

Cril came up to me then, catching my elbow and spinning me around. Seeing my wide eyes and alarmed expression, his own face went dead calm with anger. "Melrose. Mel, who was he? What did he do to you?" Cril demanded, shooting a furious look at the door. "Are you all right?" His gray eyes searched mine, warm with concern.

I refocused my eyes on him. "No," I said shakily. "I'm all right. He-" I swallowed. "He just...disappeared. Vanished. He wasn't threatening me, not really, but he said he'd try to spare me..." I was well aware that I wasn't making any sense; my ravings were hardly coherent.

Cril wrapped his arms around me, pulling me close. I could feel the warmth of his heart, pushing against his sternum. "You're shivering," he murmured into my hair. "It's all right. Forget him. He's gone. You're safe."

I leaned against him, making sure my voice was steady before I spoke. "I'll be fine. Witnesses aren't afraid of a rebel. Probably a daredevil Runner. I'm only sorry I didn't catch him in time." Not to mention bewildered over his disappearing act. "I'm not going to tell the TC about this. But I am going to find him," I added in a determined voice. "No one disrupts the peace of our world. Especially not him."



© 2008 Nene

Author's Note

Again, as in my first chapter, constructive criticism welcome!

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Added on October 27, 2008
Last Updated on November 9, 2008



Hey, everyone! My name is Nene (pronounced "neh-nay", it's short for Diane). I'm fifteen years old. I love writing, horse-back riding, going to movies with friends, and cross-country running. I'm an.. more..

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