Before, when I was still as young as you, I frequently saw a girl whose face was blurred as if I was in a dim corner watching the main character in the movie. That girl was very familiar to me.
She was like the girl in almost all of the movies in the Philippines. Seeing her like a dying star was the saddest scene I had seen. I thought she would stop breathing, but she did the right thing.
Nobody knew the pain she was keeping, since no one noticed she was tired of everything. She wanted to scream, yet her mouth never said anything.
For all the pain, she blamed no one. No one knew she was living in vain. She cried and cried and cried, for no one was there to listen.
Finally she found the way. She found the way to be happy. That's when she started expressing herself through writing which became her favorite thing. She learned to appreciate everything, thanks to the Supreme Being.
Last night, I saw her again while I was asleep. But she's no longer the girl I knew before, 'cause she's now a fine woman. All along, she's been following me wherever I go, because she's my alter ego.