The land of blooming flowersA Story by Nekoanamae![]() A mortal boy appears in the Gods Realm. A world between Life and death. Aryia, the Goddess of Spring welcomes him with welcoming arms thinking he is someone else.![]() “One, Two, Three, Four…” Landon blinks his eyes open. His vision blurs and his eyes recoil from the bright sun “Five, Six, Seven, Eight…” He hears a female voice continue to count. He moves his hand up towards the sunlight ‘So bright..’ he thinks. He looks around him. A glass Dome sits on the perimeter around him, encasing him in a forest ‘Where is this?’ He thinks to himself again. He puts his hand down beside him again “Nine, Ten, eleven, Twelve…” The voice continues. Landon looks around for the voice. But, sees no one. The wind rustles the leaves on the trees, making the sunlight move in a coordinated dance “Beautiful…” He whispers to himself without thinking. An archway of leaves intertwined with flowers hangs over a pebbled path “Thirteen, Fourteen, Fifteen, Sixteen..” Landon takes a step towards the archway. His arms swing back and forth beside him. He hears footsteps beside him. The girl's voice begins to become louder as he walks up the path “Seventeen, Eighteen, Nineteen, Twenty..” He continues to look around the path. A bird he has never seen before calls from above his head, making another bird chirp “Landon!~” A high pitched voice calls out to him, making him whip his head to where the noise had come from. A glowing blue butterfly flaps its wings like a beating heart “Twenty-one, Twenty-two, Twenty-three, Twenty-four..” The butterfly begins to count again, mimicking a young girl's voice “What is this..?” Landon says, reaching over to touch the butterfly “Don't touch it!” He turns his head, finding a woman with light brown hair in a White blouse and black corset skirt. She holds her left hand as if it was injured “We have been waiting for you, master Landon” The woman lets go of her left hand and moves it to where her skirt is, lifting it up. She touches her white blouse with her right, curtsying before Landon. Landon watches the girl “I think you have the wrong person..” he tells her. The woman looks up, a type of void in her eyes watches him “Miss Ariya doesn't make mistakes like that, master Landon”. Landon watches her silently “Why are you calling me master..?” The maid stops curtsying and interlocks her hands again “You are Miss Aryia`s guest, master Landon” Her aqua jeweled eyes watches him, waiting for his next question “what is this-”, This place is called the Rosebush Acres, it is in the realm before returning to the mortal realm. It is where the gods of your world reside, master Landon.” The maid says, interrupting Landon “So I`m-”, “Any more questions you have, you may ask Miss Aryia. We have kept Miss waiting for too long” feelings defeated, Landon nods his head “Follow me, Master Landon” The maid says, sliding her feet across the pebbled path and turns her back to Landon. A blue bird flies and lands on the path, pecking at the pebbles. Landon watches the bird for a few moments before following after the maid.In the distance behind him, he hears the continuous counting of the blue butterfly “Twenty-five, Twenty six, Twenty-seven. Twenty-eight…”. Landon follows the maid down the pebbled path, until they reach a tiny grass area. A Table and two chairs sit on the grass area. An umbrella sits in a hole in the middle of the table. The maid moves towards the chair that sits on the right hand-side and pulls out,and gestures for Landon to sit down. Landon does as the maid says. The maid moves to the other side of the table and bows low in front of him “Please wait, as I go and tell Miss Aryia you have arrived”. The maid stands and turns her back to him and walks behind the bushes and wildlife. Landon puts his elbow on the table and rests his head on his hand. “What kind of person makes their guest wait?” He whispers to the wildlife around him. Landon stares at a part of the glass dome. He sees a transparent reflection of the world he is now inside. The wind ruffles Landon`s hair making him feel more relaxed under the shade of the umbrella. A pair of running feet and someone panting sounds behind the bushes and wildlife the maid had disappeared. The footsteps stop and Landon looks up. A girl with hair almost the colour of white, however, on closer inspection he notices the blonde, appears before him, her face drenched with sweat. Her hands grip the sides of her dress as she stands huffing in front of Landon. The woman pants, making her chest heave in and out of her chest. Landon covers his mouth and looks away from her, blushing starting to cover his face “Oh my god… It's you.. Leighton” Landon hears the woman breathe, watching his every move. He looks back towards her and sees tears starting to spill over her eyes and trickle down her cheeks “Ah.. Miss? Are you okay?” Landon asks the woman “Ah.. Yes, I apologise, Leighton…” She wipes her eyes with the back of her hand. Once her tears are dry she sits down in the chair opposite Landon “You must have a lot of questions…” The maid comes out from around the bushes carrying a tray full of snacks “Yes.. I do..” Landon hesitates on his reply. The maid places the tray on the glass table “You can ask as many as you want, Leighton!” She says smiling at him. The maid freezes at the name “M`lady..” The maid looks down at her sitting master “Leila..?” The maid steps closer to her master and prepares herself to whisper in her ear. Landon leans in slightly to listen to the conversation, but he only hears a few words like “Not Leighton.. Name.. Landon… Dead” He frowns at the words. When the maid pulls away from her master Landon sees her face shocked. The Girl clears her throat and begins to speak “I am sorry for what happened early.. Landon” She lowers her head trying to avoid eye contact with him “It's okay.. But, would it be alright if I ask a few things?” He flicks his wrist and waves his hand towards her “Of course.” The maid places two china teacups on the table in front of them and begins to pour tea “What is your name?” The girl picks up the teacup and takes a sip. She takes the cup away from her lips and clicks her tongue “I am the master of this part of the Dome.. Miss Aryia. You mortals call me the Goddess of Spring, or the Goddess of Love.” She stirs her tea and watches spin around i “Goddess? Then, this is where the Gods live? Then what was that blue butterfly from before?” Landon stands, placing both of his hands on the table and leans over the table watching Aryia carefully. She sighs before answering his questions “To answer you first answer, this is the land of the four seasons. Summer, Autumn, Winter, and Spring. This Dome holds all four of us Gods. And to answer your last question, the blue butterfly was a human soul waiting to be sent back down to earth.” Her golden jewelled eyes look at him with a stony look. Landon falls back into his seat making it rock back and forth “Then.. Why am I here?” He whispers as he states at the ground. Aryia stops stirring her tea and looks up at him “You were meant to be here. You are the new fifth God. The god of life.” Landon looks her in the eye which makes her explain more “You control the lifespan of everything on earth, whether someone lives or someone dies.” Aryia places her teacup on the table and folds her hands in her lap “Until you understand your powers better, you will be staying in my Estate.” She slides out of her chair and turns her back towards him “Leona will show you where you will stay.” She takes a step and hears Landon`s next question which makes her body feel chills. “Who is Leighton?” Aryia turns to look back at Landon. “He is someone you should not concern yourself with, Landon.” She gives him a warning look to not continue the conversation “Who is he?” She doesn't reply “Master Landon, Miss Aryia cannot answer your questions anymore. Any questions you may have, you may ask me.” The maid Leona says, stepping in front of her Master “Then you tell me.” He says firmly. Leona glances at Aryia “He was My Lady`s lover. He had gone down to the Human world a few centuries ago and disappeared.” Aryia hugs herself. Landon watches the back of her, watching her long hair flow back and forth in the wind “Sor-”, “I thought you were him…” Aryia places her arms beside her and says to him without turning “Please enjoy your stay.. Landon.” As soon as she says his name, she disappears behind the bushes and wildlife where she had appeared from before. © 2021 Nekoanamae |
Added on August 31, 2021 Last Updated on August 31, 2021 Tags: #Fantasy, #Shortstory, #Differentworld Author