![]() 27A Chapter by J.R. BergwickI've watched one too many cheesy Dracula movies. The Romanian capital of Bucharest is a thriving city, anything but what one would imagine of the homeland of the Count, or the historic warlord counterpart that inspired his legend, Vladimir Dracula III. Flying over the city you can see the city is encircled by a roadway with roads branching off into the city. In a way it looked mystical. We land and unboard the planes promptly, Patrick seeming rather queasy as he gets out. I flip open my phone and hit the speed dial button for Lupin Dravis as we wait for the busses to arrive. Lupin picks up on the other end, "Ellow?" "Lupin, this is Ivan. We've just landed in Romania." I report "Minunat! Wonderful! The transportation here should be there shortly. I've sent them back after McMill and Menos's troops got here. That leaves only the Reaper to arrive. It's an impressive display my lord, cel mai impresionant, într-adevăr." "Glad to hear it. Any word on the Ruins?" I ask " Not really, no. It's clear that it's their base, but nothing noteworthy has happened. I don't think they realize that we know where they live." Lupin replies I ponder in silence momentarily. "Perhaps. That or they're confident they can win a battle in it. Do we know anything about it's defenses?" "Nu. The intel group didn't want to risk being seen." The shuttle buses arrive, painted to resemble legless wolves. "Lupin, our rides are here so I've got to go, but remind me to talk to you about subtlety when I get there." I joke "Anyways I'll talk to you later. Text me if Marvick arrives before I do." "Will do, my lord. La revedere." Lupin hangs up I board the front of the first bus, taking the front most seat and sharing it with Saundra. The Elders and my companions sit in the seats around me. That feeling of importance washes over me again and I can't help but to smile. The busses drive us to a train station where a train is waiting for us. It too is painted like a wolf, and complete with a tail! I wondered silently if it howled when it's whistle blew. As if answering my question the Train's horn blares as I step aboard. Nope, it's normal. I find out that Transylvania isn't a city as I thought it was, but a large region of about forty thousand miles. We're headed to the city of Sighisoara, near the center of the region. The train ride from the capital to our wolffish destination takes approximately ten hours to arrive. Sighisoara is beautiful. If not for the cars I'd have thought we traveled back in time. The place looks perfectly preserved! Looking around I count nine towers rising from the surrounding buildings and cobbled streets. The most striking feature of the town, though, is the fourteenth century clock tower. "It's wonderful, isn't it?" Wyatt says, just as starry eyed as I am, "It looks practically like it did the last time I was here." "When was that?" I ask mesmerized by the ancient city Wyatt counts on his fingers and mumbles to himself. "I was thirty five at the time so that was in the year fourteen twenty three. I was born here Ivan." The year takes me by surprise. I know Wyatt is ancient, but I wasn't expecting that. "Wow" is all I can say. "Wow indeed. I remember watching my father work up in that tower over there." He points, failing to hold back tears of happiness Ba large man wearing round glasses and the attire of a butcher approaches the train and begins talking to a lycanthrope down the train a ways who points to me. The butcher walks my way. He's got slick black hair ending in the beginning of a beard, with a mustache adorning his upper lip. "Ivan I presume." The butcher says and sticks out a masculine hand "Aye." I take his hand and shake it nervously "And you are whom, may I ask?" "How rude of me. I am Alexander-" "Dracula." Wyatt interrupts "Yes. Do I know you sir?" Alexander the butcher asks "No, but I knew your ancestors personally. You've got the Dracul traits, though you're a bit bigger than they were." Wyatt says Alexander sniffs the air, "Ahh, a bat. I thought your kind was with Avengus." "They claim to be neutral, but that's what it seems like. Myself and my pupil, along with a handful of others, have allied ourselves with Ivan though. "I see." Alexander turns to me, "The Alpha sent me to guide you to the camp. You and your company follow me please." We're lead out of the city and into a dense forest. Our line of soldiers wind through the woods to a clearing. Tents and fires fill the field and creatures mill about. It almost looks like a renaissance festival. There is a large white tent in the center with a small pillar of smoke escaping through the hole in the top. Alexander directs his attention to the group of Lycanthropes behind me and in a loud, clear voice shouts, "There is plenty of room left so feel free to set up camp until it's time to head to battle. Ivan and his generals should report to the planning tent to meet with the other leaders."
I enter the big tent first and hold the flap as the others file in behind me. There's a desk on the far side of the tent with a map and a drawn version of the ruins pinned down. Lupin and Menos are bent over the desk pointing to different places. "Still no word from Marvick? And where's McMill?" I make another sweep to make sure I didn't overlook the Leprechaun king. "He is staying at his castle. He says that he does not know how to fight and is of no use to us dead. I think Marvick is planning something. I do not trust that man." Menos grunts, not looking up "Knowing the Reaper, I'm sure he is planning something but he's one of the most loyal people you will ever meet." Maurine interjects "I trust Marvick just as much as I do any of you, even if he is a bit, umm, odd." I remark, "Anyways, I'm sure he'll show, but we need to work out our plan. Luckily I do remember the layout of the inside pretty well, or the parts I ran through anyways. I can point the way to the armory and the Hall of Gods." "We'll I don't think that'll be an issue. The thing we need to worry about is getting in. After that, then we can worry about trashing the place." Lupin explains, "Look at the top of the map here. The plan is to draw out their army with this group here," he points to a big red X drawn by the trees, but not out of their safety, "after they meet we have the bulk of our force come out and make a pincer strike." Demonstrating how our hidden forces will attack, making the shape of a crab's pincer. "Seems like as good a plan as any," I shrug, "I have to admit, I'm no good at this strategizing thing. I've always been the one fighting." Taylor and Saundra mumble something in agreement with me. Saundra raises her hand, "What if that party that the Chaos Eclipse sends out is a fake? I mean what if they do the same thing we're doing?" "That's a risk we're just going to have to take. If they're able to set up a counter attack trap for a trap they don't know about, then I tip my hat to them." Lupin says "How soon can we attack them?" Torcon asks while he spit shines the flat end of his war hammer. "Tomorrow night. Otherwise we'll have to wait another month for a full moon." Lupin says matter-of-factly "Well then, Marvick better get moving or he'll miss all the fun." I say loudly, hoping that he'd hear me somehow. I realize how stupid I look when everyone is staring at me. "Sooo, what do we do while we wait?" Saundra asks "Whatever you want to do." Lupin answers "Set up a tent, go train, get a bite to eat. I don't care." "Well then, I be off to grab a pint an' some grub. Ye comin' big guy?" Patrick asks Torcon. After nodding, Torcon lifts Patrick onto his shoulder and leaves the tent with Patrick singing. "Food might not be such a bad idea." I lick my lips at the thought. "What cha say Taylor, Double date before battle?" "Double what!? What do you mean?" Taylor chokes Saundra smirks, "Please. We all know about you and Maurine." Their faces turn a deep red as they stutter and stumble over words before Taylor finally lets out a sigh and asks a single word. "How?" "I've got a nose for these things." I wink at him. I take Saundra's hand and lead her out of the tent then call back, "Come if you want, but it's now or never bro." I can't peel my eyes off of Taylor and Maurine as they share a drink. All the hell he gave me for being what I am with Saundra could now come flying back at him, but I decide to keep it to myself. I swallow the bite of turkey leg I've been chewing on and clear my throat. "So, Taylor, how long have you two been together?" I ask awkwardly "Since you stomped out and got yourself kidnapped by Lucifer." He pauses for a moment,thinking, then shakes his head, "This is ridiculous, the war I mean. It hasn't even had an official battle, yet we've lost so much. Daim, Silvermain, Ra, they're all gone and the war's just begun. To be honest I'm scared as hell right now. In twenty four hours one of the four of us might not be coming back." Maurine rubs Taylor's back to comfort him. "As soon as Reaper Marvick shows up with the dead, I'm sure we'll all be perfectly fine." "You put a lot of faith into him Maurine. If you trust and adore him so much, why did you leave?" Saundra asks "He saved me from a stay pack of Helhounds when I was a little girl. He took me on as an apprentice and taught me death's embrace. I left before he became the Reaper because I felt there was a new field of Necromancy to be found. I don't know why but I still feel it, the ability to bring back things long since departed. Things that Necromancers to be beyond our power." "Like what? I mean you guys are able to stitch together creatures and bring them back to life, so what could be out of your power?" I wonder "Many things. Elementals for example.if we could use them, then we could create soldiers that can wield the elements themselves. Another examples are the Dragons of old." She says "Dragons be tha grandaddiesh of tha Drake Kin." An inebriated Patrick says as he stumbles by "Really? You go get drunk the night before battle?" I scold him "Don't be shuch a downer, hic, lad. Hash shome fun." Patrick mocks and thrusts his mug out to me "I'll pass, and I suggest you do the same if you plan on living." I push the mug away Patrick falls backward, spilling the ale all over himself, and snores heavily "Damn drunkard." I shake my head. "Saundra, I think it's time we retire for the night." I say taking her hand "Then lets go find a tent." She chirps "We should probably go do the same, Taylor." Maurine suggests "I suppose so. Alright, lets go." He agrees We trudge over to a large pile of collapsed tents and grab a couple, then go out to find a spot to construct them. The tents are nothing special, just a few metal poles and a tarp with a zipper. It doesn't take too long for me to fall into a lousy, anxiety filled sleep. When I wake the next morning it's clear I'm not the only one who had a bad night. At least half of the soldiers wander around camp groggy and half asleep. At the eating area, Patrick is rubbing his temples with a cup of hot coffee in front of him. "Well at least someone slept well." I say loudly on purpose Patrick winces, "Not so loudly lad, this bloody hangover is gonna be tha death of me." "I warned you. So was having some fun worth it?" Taylor asks "It never is lad, but ye never think 'bout the bad when ye be drinkin' with friends." Patrick says I laugh to myself and give Patrick a single slap on the back, "I suppose you have a point there. Lets just stay away from any more drink until after we win. Deal?" Patrick nods sheepishly "Good." I say and grab a couple plates of food and some coffee for Saundra and I Taylor does the same for himself and Maurine, then we walk back to the tents and eat. Not too long after we eat a Lycan reaches our tents and instructs us to report to the planning tent. We're amongst the first to arrive at the tent besides Lupin and Minos, who seem to live here. Shortly after a groaning Patrick is escorted by Torcon. "Are Richard and Wyatt coming?" I ask in general "No. This is for the Leaders and Generals only." Minos answers "They kinda are generals if you think about it. And what exactly is this anyways?" Taylor asks "I suppose you could say this is the fine tuning of a well oiled machine." Lupin says cryptically "Meaning what?" Maurine asks annoyed "Meaning that this is totally pointless." I cut in, "Lets cut this short. Pardon my behavior, but I'm in no mood for this planning and talking crap. I want to get this ordeal over with." "Very well. We're gearing up to leave as we speak, before we do though I'd like to just make sure everyone is ready for what's to come. Do you all know what to do?" Lupin starts Everyone nods and gives verbal confirmation. "Good." He continues, "Now, Ivan, lets go see your adoring troops. I think they deserve a final address since not all of them are going to be coming back." "I agree. Lets go." Horns sound around the campground, signaling for everyone to gather in front of the large central tent that serves as our war room. I sit inside frantically trying to come up with a suitable address for all my soldiers going to battle and maybe never coming back. The truth is that nothing I said would repay them for their sacrifices, but they deserve something and for now a thank you will have to suffice. The words won't come together though in my rapidly moving mind. Nothing I think of sounds good. Ten minutes pass and I hear Lupin get the crowd's attention, "Everyone, please quiet down. Lord Burgman wishes to speak to you all before tonight's battle. Now, without further adieu, Ivan Burgman." I brush the flaps of the tent aside and step into the sunlight. I stop dead. So many soldiers stand in front of me. I knew there were a lot, but the army looks even larger when clustered together like this. Saundra kicks the back of my foot, "Say something." I shake my head and clear my throat. "Ladies and Gentlemen, soldiers of the rebellion," I cry and hear my voice somehow amplified by hidden speakers, "I honestly don't know how to start. An obvious thanks is in order for joining and helping this cause. As you all know this battle tonight is very important, and may determine how this war goes. It marks the official start of this fight and I know that with all of you behind me we'll dominate the battlefield. This very battle may be enough to hand us this war. This is our world to live freely in! No one is going to have anyone as slaves on our watch! Now my brethren, lets go to their home and give them a proper rebel greeting!" There's a thunderous applause and cheers raining down on me as I stand here with a fist raised in the rain. I apparently didn't do as badly as I thought I was doing. © 2013 J.R. Bergwick |
Added on April 12, 2013 Last Updated on April 12, 2013 Tags: Ivan, Burgman, Nightwars, Rebellion, Book One, Book 1, Chapter 27, Werewolf, Vampire, Werewolves, Vampires, Leprechaun, Minotaur, War, Sy-Fy, Syfy, Fight, Necromancer, Zombie, Blood Nightwars: Rebellion
By J.R. Bergwick
By J.R. Bergwick
By J.R. Bergwick
By J.R. Bergwick
By J.R. Bergwick
By J.R. Bergwick
By J.R. Bergwick
By J.R. Bergwick
By J.R. Bergwick
By J.R. Bergwick
By J.R. Bergwick
By J.R. Bergwick
By J.R. Bergwick
By J.R. Bergwick
By J.R. Bergwick
By J.R. Bergwick
By J.R. Bergwick
By J.R. Bergwick
By J.R. Bergwick
By J.R. Bergwick
By J.R. Bergwick
By J.R. Bergwick
By J.R. Bergwick
By J.R. Bergwick
By J.R. Bergwick
By J.R. Bergwick
By J.R. Bergwick
By J.R. Bergwick
By J.R. BergwickAuthor![]() J.R. BergwickIsanti, MNAboutI'm an 18 year old writer. I've been writing stories most of my life, mostly short stories. I've complete led on novel and am currently working on it's sequel and a separate novel. I enjoy writing bec.. more..Writing