A Chapter by J.R. Bergwick

It is dismal and raining when I arrive in D.C. The news must've been all over me and the war to come because people seemed to know who I am know. Some people smile or wave to me, meanwhile others watch menacingly as if I were Frankenstein's monster. I half expect those people to break out the torches and pitchforks.

  I'm able to rent a car and get to the White House in one piece. George meets me at the gates.

  "Welcome back." He says through my window from under a black umbrella. "Some of the others are here but we're still waiting on King McMill and Chief Minos."

  "Thanks George." I say then drive up to the White House once the gates open.

  A house worker is waiting at the doors when I drive up.

  "Mr. Burgman, the President has sent me to escort you. Please follow me sir."


  I follow the worker  through the maze of offices in the business wing of the White House to the Oval Office where the others are waiting. I enter to find the President, Reaper Marvick, and someone I haven't met before sitting in lounge chairs. Marvick is in the middle of a joke.

  "...and the ghoul turns to him and says 'I don't know about you, but I'm bored to death!'"

  All three men burst into laughter. They stand when they see I've entered the room.

  The mysterious man walks up to me and sticks out a hand. "Lord Burgman I presume, pleased to meet you at last. I am Lupin Dravis, Alpha of the Lycans." The man introduces. He looks to be only in his mid twenties. He's got a athletic build and short brown hair swept to the side. He, like both the other men, is wearing a suit. He looks like a normal person rather than the head of the largest Lycan den in the world.

  My face lights up, "Of course. Yes, it's a pleasure. So you spoke to Richard then?"  

  Lupin nods, "Yes. A determined fellow, that one. He told me that you, yourself, are a Lycan of a special breed."

  "You could say that. I'm a Lycanthrope hybrid." I say to the Alpha

  "Intriguing. I didn't even think that the two viruses could co-exist in the same inhabitant. We've tried the combination before but all the hosts died shortly after or went well..." Lupin looked over at Marvick who is visually demonstrating how a Helhound takes down a target. “Have you blooded anyone yet?”

“No sir. I really don't have the desire to take on an apprentice, nor do i think I'm ready to do something like that. I'm sure I probably will eventually, but not anytime soon.” I say

Lupin and I join the other two in the sitting area and converse, making sure to avoid the topic of Pyrokinetics until Chief Minos and King McMill arrive. I then bring up the topic we all dread.

“I wish this could be under better circumstances, however we all know why we are meeting here today. There are two matters to attend to today; signing the document, thus solidifying our alliance, and the matter of the war.”

Everyone nods in agreement, then I continue.

“Both of these will be done live to the public and will be seen worldwide as we change it. President Korvach, is everything in order?”

Korvach nods, “Yes, its all in the other room. What's the plan for all that?”

“There are cameras facing where each one of us will be seated, as well as one facing a well lit table as instructed?” I confirm

The President nods again.

"Okay, good. I'd like to tell you all that there's a plan but I want this to be as real as possible. No scripts or prior rehearsals. I've got a rough plan, but other than that it's open to changes. Do as you feel fit to do. If everyone is ready, please lead the way Mr. President."

We follow the President out of his office and down a hall where we turn into a red room. We each take a seat at a long table. I sit at the head, President Korvach at the foot, McMill and Minos sit on one side with Lupin and Marvick on the other. The alliance document is laid out on a separate, smaller, well lit table with its corners held down. I wait to see the little red light on my camera before I begin speaking.

"Hello everyone, I am Ivan Burgman. I’m sorry to interrupt your previously scheduled programming, but i bring to you an emergency broadcast. Some may recognize me from Avengus’s video, but i assure you that I am not with him. I am, in fact, leading a rebellion against him. I am here in the White House in Washington D.C. in the United States of America. I, as well as the head of each race of creatures allied with me, are here to sign an official Treaty of Alliance that will also serve as a Declaration of War. There is supposed supposed to be one more nation with us here tonight, but they, unfortunately, are no longer existent. The last living Pyromancers were attacked in their settlement in Egypt by a Chaos Eclipsean force lead by the Generals Beelzebub and Lucifer. There were no survivors. i would now like to take the next few minutes to have a moment of silence for our fallen comrades.” I bow my head for the next three minutes in silence then resume my address, “Do any of my fellow leaders have anything to say before we commence the signing ceremony?”

President Korvach speaks first, “I'd like to thank the World Council for electing me as the representative for the human race in this. I’d also like to say thank you, on the behalf of the human race, to King McMill of the Leprechauns, Chief Minos of the Minotaur, Reaper Marvick of the Necromancers, Alpha Lupin of the Lycans, and Lord Ivan Bergman for forming this alliance to help us combat, not only Avengus but any future threats. Together we will fight and die, but more importantly we will live as one world.”

McMill speaks next, “Ta all me Leprechauns and me L.S.A. force, I speak  with hope now. Endlessly we have been hunted by tha greedy in hopes to be robbin’ us of our riches due ta ridiculous stereotypes, but now we may finally live in peace. I expect every one of ya ta fight tha good fight and ensure the survival of not just us, but all tha races at this table.”

No one speaks for a few moments before Marvick starts up. “Ooh. I know me and my people and kinda frowned at because of the whole raising the dead thing, but i want to say that we only use the dead from our community, who are naturally willing to be back after death. I'm actually kinda nervous about any conflicts that are,undoubtedly, going to occur within our societies because of all of our cultural differences. Its not going to be an easy, overnight thing to have all of us living together but thats why all of you need to help each other. So as King McMill said, lets fight the good fight, but nothing too extreme please. If i can keep from jumping rope with the enemy’s intestines so can you.”

An awkward silence follows. We then get up from our seats and go over to the table. I sign the document first, followed by Korvach, Menos, Lupin, McMill, and last was Marvick who does his i with an eye.

Once everyone sits again I speak once more. “Avengus, if you and your brothers are watching this, this is the beginning of the end for you. We have an army, but we also have something you don't. We have hope and a reason to fight. So come with your legion and watch as this rebellion takes every last life from your soldiers. This is a war we plan on winning.”

All the leaders at the table nod and confirm what i said. At that we all sit in silence as the little red lights on our cameras shut off.

“Well gentlemen, any ideas for a plan of action? I've got people working on the new HQ set up in Washington state. I suppose it'd be a good idea to suit up our armies and get ready to fight.” I state

“I say we should make the next move and attack Avengus’s force." Korvach says pounding his fist on the table

"Absolutely, but until we can pinpoint his castle I'm afraid there's nothing we can do. Lets get some soldiers on intel. Maybe they'll have better luck than I am." I say

"Right away m'lord. I'll put some of my L.S.A. units on it." McMill jumps

"I'll send some of my soldiers from Crete as well." Memos offers

"I can donate some hounds and their masters too. They're great at finding people and places. Even better if they're promised lunch." Marvick cackles

"Fantastic, thank you all. I'll try to be as much help as possible in locating his castle." I begin, "Right now all I have is a castle built into the side of a mountain. There's an open field in front surrounded by a dense forest. I faintly remember howling, though that could've been me. That's all I've got." I say

"A castle in the mountain? Why the hell are we putting a team together?" Lupin asks "That sounds exactly like the ruins of Morlock."

"Ruins of Morlock? Where's it at? What are the ruins?" I ask frantically

"They're the remains of an old cult that used to worship some demonic war god in Romania. It's been inhospitable for centuries though." Lupin explains

"Cozy." Marvick remarks dreamily

I c**k an eyebrow at Marvick and shake my head. "Sounds like Avengus. He's made it a bit more livable though. He housing a large battalion, his seven generals, his brothers, and who knows what else there."

"What's this about brothers? There are more like Avengus?" Minos wonders aloud

I nod in confirmation, "Three of them, and a father that's even worse than them. I wish I could stay and discuss this but I must return to HQ and help. As I said before, I suggest your armies prepare for battle. Move your battle ready forces to the Lycan stronghold. I'll meet you all there with my own force, then we'll set up for an attack. Mr. President, no offence, but I'd prefer that there be a minimal amount of humans there, but have a platoon of reinforcements ready just in case. Air strike is a very last resort. I want this war to be fraught on as even ground as possible. We will win by any means necessary though."

"Very well. I can send my best for this and I'll have both the Army and the Air Force at the ready." Korvach agrees to my request

I bid them all farewell and leave. I board the first plane I can to Washington and arrive in time to help finish moving into the new HQ.

The halls of the old Eclipean hold are haunting. These are the same halls I rampaged through at the beginning of this mess. The memory of enemies lurk in the shadows as I recall my first battle against the Chaos Eclipse. Rain was still alie, those four jagged scars on his face still fresh. My hand runs over a deep gouge in the wall I made while I was escaping. Boxes line the halls and people are moving past one another. They applaud me and pat me on the back as I move past them to find the room that Saundra and I will be sharing from now on. I finally find it after getting lost a couple of times. We're sharing one of the larger rooms in the HQ. It's very nice, may have even been the Vampiric General's room at one point. The size of a VIP's room at a hotel, it's been painted a lush forest green with a large king size bed against the far wall. The walnut wooden furnishings that were left in the room are in wonderful condition. Saundra is fitting the bed with clean, less dusty, sheets.

I rap on the door a few times, "Honey I'm home!"

She turns around and smiles, "About time. I saw your address on TV." She lets out a long sigh, "So it's officially war now. I knew it was coming but I was hoping we could finish this before involving the lives of others became necessary."

"I know love, but Ragnarok and his children are major threats that aren't just going to go away if we smile and ask nice hun. I'd take them on alone if I could, but that's suicidal and it'd  be a stupid attempt. I hate risking the lives of others, especially those of my friends. I just want this whole thing to stop. Everyone is gearing up for war and we're to meet them in Transylvania."

I call everyone into the main chamber, the one that Azmodaus used as her throne room when I last came here. The setup is the same as it was for the last meeting back at the Den, but it seems more spacious here. I stand in front of a legion of judgmental eyes, neither resentful or loving, as the Lycanthropes wait for the stragglers. They saw the broadcast and know what is coming. They can sense it. We are the products of war, are we not? I stand before them and clear my throat, taking a calming breath before I speak. "Lycanthropes, my brothers and sisters in arms, as you may have seen we are now officially at war. Avengus has made his moves, attacking the Pyros and the Minotaur, and even us in our own home. It is time, now, to strike back!" I thrust a fist into the air, "We are going to the a Ruins of Marlock, where Avengus and his so called army reside. We will go to the place where they sleep, where they eat, and where they breed. We will go to the place where they think they're safest and we will crush them!" I bring my raised fist down into my other hand.

The crowd of Lycanthropes erupt in a volley of cheers and raised fists.

Bloodlust quiets the crowd. "We are all ready and eager to fight for you, Lord Ivan. When shall we leave?"

"Bloodlust, my dear friend, no one is fighting for me. I'll be out on the field with every one of you. What is the condition of the move?" I ask

"It is complete." Luna says

Taylor slaps me on the back. "Turns out we work better without you."

"If there's a god," I start, "let him have mercy upon Avengus should I die."

Saundra hugs my side, "And that's just from what I'll do to him."

Wyatt emerges from the crowd laughing. "I'll give you that one." He turns to me, "Remember back when I blooded and I was listing off everything she was able to do?"

I nod my head wondering where this is going, "Aye."

"She's figured out how to transform." He says frankly

My eyes open in surprise. "So you know how to turn into the werebat-thingy?!" I ask Saundra "What's it look like? Come on, you've gotta tell me babe!"

Saundra turns bright red and shakes her head, "No, it's ugly and embarrassing."

"You're worried about what you look like during a transformation?" Taylor laughs, "Take a look around girl. None of us here are too cute and cuddly when we're rending flesh with tooth and claw."

"Taylor has a point...for once, sweetheart. But if you don't want to say, then I'm not going to make you. I'd like to see, but I'll just have to wait until you're more comfortable with your new form." I say

Taylor makes the noise of a whip cracking then walks away laughing while he's quickly swallowed by the enthusiastic crowd.

"Lord Ivan, Essence bows her head, "you never answered Bloodlust's question. When do we leave?"

I clear my throat and tell everybody to quiet down so I can tell everybody at once. "We are to leave and meet our comrades as soon as possible. Everybody is hereby dismissed to get anything they may need to fight, otherwise go wait out front. I will have buses out shortly to shuttle us to the airport."

Everyone just stands there for a second before I snap at them and they all scramble to get their things and get out.

I direct a few of those heading outside to the garage and grab a few of the buses and pull around.

The time it takes to get to get ready, load onto the buses, drive to the airport, and get up into the sky amazes me. We've had to set some sort of record. It's just over an hour from when we left that I tell everybody where we're going. We're now loaded onto a very large jumbo jet and soaring through the air to Romania. I know this will be my only time to really rest from the point we land. Even now anxiety has its death grip hold on my gut and refuses to let go until the battle is over and either myself or Avengus lay dead and cold.

I'm able to distract myself by talking between Taylor and Saundra, whom I chat with idally as we fly. I'm even able to work in a small thirty minute nap.

© 2013 J.R. Bergwick

Author's Note

J.R. Bergwick
i know there are a lot of grammatical errors. Ignore them for now and ill get to them when i go through and edit again.

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Added on April 12, 2013
Last Updated on April 12, 2013
Tags: Ivan, Burgman, Nightwars, Rebellion, Book One, Book 1, Chapter 26, Werewolf, Vampire, Werewolves, Vampires, Leprechaun, Minotaur, War, Sy-Fy, Syfy, Fight, Necromancer, Zombie, Blood


J.R. Bergwick
J.R. Bergwick

Isanti, MN

I'm an 18 year old writer. I've been writing stories most of my life, mostly short stories. I've complete led on novel and am currently working on it's sequel and a separate novel. I enjoy writing bec.. more..

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A Chapter by J.R. Bergwick

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A Chapter by J.R. Bergwick

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A Chapter by J.R. Bergwick