![]() Chapter TwoA Chapter by Alex P.Upon getting home in the middle of the night he crawled into bed, only to find out three hours later. Vampires apparently don’t sleep. This will get old fast. He grabbed his phone to shut off the blaring alarm, damnit I really enjoyed sleeping. His father gave a slight knock on his door. “Ya, I’m up.” He groaned, and then quickly got out of bed to flick on his light. Grabbing clothes, he went down the hall to take a shower. The hot water felt good, but without the sleepy feeling he had to admit, it felt weird. He was thinking ahead to being in school, should a vampire be in a building full of people? His thoughts were dispersed as he began to hear a heartbeat, actually, two of them. No, no, no, no! He spun the knob for hot water off, and let the cold water flow over him to break his thought. He would be damned if he made a feast out of his parents. “Feelin’ okay? You look terrible.” His father asked when he stepped out of the bathroom. “Ya, just didn’t get a lot of sleep.” Marcus said and continued into his room. The cold water hadn’t helped, he could still hear the heartbeats. He’d have to leave earlier than usual and find a snack. Referring to humans as snacks now, great. Grabbing his book bag, car keys, and pouring himself a thermos of coffee he headed out. Driving to school had always seemed like a chore to him, but today he was just happy to get out of his house before he went dark side on his parents. Coffee, that was always a comfort to him, at a red light he unscrewed the lid and took a swig of the hot liquid. He spit it back into the thermos. “What the f**k?” He said, he had never tasted something taste so bad. What the hell, do vampires hate coffee? Pulling over to the side of the road he reluctantly dumped the thermos out his window. A little further down the road he saw a boy walking next to woods, music in, completely oblivious as Marcus parked the car behind him. He could feel the hunger creeping over him, better not to get blood on my clothes. Peering over his shoulder to check behind him before he turned the kid around by grabbing his shoulder and gazing into his eyes. The hunger took total control, and he could feel himself inside of the boy’s head. His strongest emotion was fear right now, but without even trying Marcus looked past that. “Follow me.” He snarled. “Okay.” The boy said. Marcus led them into the woods a short distance until he couldn’t clearly make out the road anymore. “Why are we...” Marcus sunk his fangs into the boy’s neck, he let out a scream, but Marcus’s hand quickly silenced it. The bite was clean, he licked his lips when he was done, his craving for the time being was sated. The body dropped, and he checked the time, hurried back to his car and sped off. “Marcus. Marcus.” Chris snapped his fingers in front of Marcus’s face. “Quit staring at Mrs. Henderson like that, you look like you want to eat her.” Chris chuckled. Eat? Marcus snapped out of the stare and looked over at Chris. “Sorry I was day dreaming, what are we doing?” He pulled out his physics text book. “Day dreaming my a*s, you’re eyes were glued to her. I mean she isn’t that bad.” He said turning around in his seat and looking at her. “Page 257 one through five. You’re gonna have to help me later on tonight.” “I don’t see why, this stuff is rather easy.” Marcus said scribbling down work on a sheet of paper. The class after that was pre-calc and then lunch. Marcus sat with Chris and Trevor. Chris aimlessly staring off into space at the moment, while Trevor was finishing his genetics homework. “So any plans this weekend?” Marcus asked and caught Chris’s attention. “Thinking about throwing a party Saturday night. You guys coming?” Chris said as he moved from staring to pushing his food back and forth with a fork. “Maybe I’ll come out, what about you Marcus?” Trevor said looking up from his work. “I’ll be there, I need a good party.” He said getting up to go throw his try away. As he got the trash can a girl bumped into him, luckily he had the tray over the can when it dropped. “Sorry,” She said smiling and then hurried off. She had gorgeous eyes. He slid back into his seat, “on second thought, maybe I won’t be there.” “Why?” Chris got his answer when he followed Marcus’s gaze. He was looking at a girl who was smiling back from across the cafeteria. “Excuse me.” Marcus said getting up. “Well this is new, when can you ever recall him speaking to anyone voluntarily besides us?” Trevor asked watching walk over to the girl. “Never.” Marcus silently moved behind her, her friend’s eyes glued to him. “So I couldn’t help but notice you smiling at me.” His voice startled her. “And who are you?” The friend across from her finally asked. “Marcus.” He shot her a hypnotizing glance, and her eyes dropped to the table. “Can I get yours?” He asked, eyes falling back on her. “Kelsey.” She smiled. “Hello then, don’t mean to cut this short, but can I have your number?” “For?” “Oh you know, miscellaneous purposes.” He grinned. “Very well, I expect to find out very soon.” She said, scribbling her number down. “Thanks.” He smirked, spun around, and headed back to his friends. She couldn’t help but notice how graceful he moved away. She had seen him many times in the hallway, but he never moved like that. “Well that was.... interesting.” Chris said as Marcus sat down. “What, I can’t be social?” “Well I mean, you usually aren’t.” “Turning a new leaf. Time to be a different person.” He said taking out his phone and adding her number to his contacts list. The next period he unknowingly spent staring off into space, although when asked a question about the lecture the teacher was giving he always had the correct answer. It was a weird experience for him, he was retaining everything that the teacher was saying while amongst his own thoughts. Leaving the classroom he was really curious as to why he had just spent an entire period thinking about a girl he hardly even knew. _____________________________________________________________________ When he got home he was hungry, but that hunger soon turned into dizziness. Deciding to go lay down, when he opened his door he remembered that he couldn’t actually sleep. This is gonna take some getting used to. Letting out a sigh closing his door and headed to the front door, when he opened it Kristopher was standing there. “Surprise. Surprise.” He grinned. “Wasn’t expecting you.” “Ya, well I thought I would stop by and see how your first day being undead went.” “Care to talk about it over something to eat?” Marcus stepped out closing the door behind him. “You’re already hungry?” He asked with a confused look. “Ya, and I’ve already eaten once today.” “Damn, I wasn’t kidding when I said stone cold killer, tell me have you already offed mommy and daddy?” “No. This morning I could hear their heartbeats and had to leave early. I fed on some kid on the way to school.” Marcus said walking to open his car door. “Where is your car?” “Didn’t drive, first lesson about being a vampire, we are able to move very quickly. I got her in a matter of minutes from my house. Although in some cases such as long distance human transportation is necessary. Just start running and follow me.” Kristopher explained then bolted Marcus following closely behind him. He was amazed at how fast he was moving, the feeling of the wind rushing over him, and the scenery changing so quickly. It felt like he was dreaming. Marcus could clearly see Kristopher ahead of him because they were going the same speed, and when he became a blur Marcus stopped. They were just short walk from being up town. “I’m hoping your hunger has already introduced you to compulsion?” “What’s that?” “When you bring a human under the control of your mind.” Kristopher explained as they walked into town. “Then yes, I did it when I fed on that boy earlier. I was like I was inside of his head.” “That’s because you were and in time with practice you’ll even be able to hear thoughts. Which can or cannot work to your advantage, sometimes humans are thinking of some pretty bizarre things. As far as other vampires, we can share thought with others nearby.” Kristopher quit talking. “So let’s go find us a human shall we?” Down town was quite cozy today, it was a cool, sunny, autumn day. Ashvale was a small town in Northeastern Ohio, the small storefronts reflected that. People were walking down the sidewalks peering into the autumn decorated displays. “Quite a cute little town.” Kristopher said eyes on the prowl. “Always has been,” Marcus said. “What about her?” Kristopher followed Marcus’s eyes, “perfect.” “Meet me in that alley way, or better yet, watch what I do from the alley.” He swiftly went off after her while Marcus retreated to the alley way behind him. Once there he poked his head out to watch. He was behind the girl as she walked and quickly swiped something from her purse without her even noticing, he waited a moments before calling out to her. “Miss I think you dropped this.” She stopped looking back, and when their eyes met Marcus had to feel bad, he watched as her back quickly straightened and Kristopher pointed over by Marcus. Seeing this notion Marcus quickly moved his head and walked further into the alley. The two walked down shortly after stopping in front of Marcus. “You ready darling?” Kristopher said brushing her hair back to reveal her neck. “Yes,” She said, her body still straightened as it was before. Any emotion of pity or mercy left Marcus, his hunger took over him. He lunged forward at her neck, but Kristopher was quicker and pulled her towards the exit of the alley. “What are you doing?” Marcus growled, fangs out. “You must learn control. Now c’mon I know you’re starving, I can see it in your eyes.” Kristopher held her close and slowly inched towards the opening to the street. He turned grabbed her hand and they disappeared. He couldn’t control himself, he let go and charged after them. Smashing into Samuel and Alec stopped him from even getting close. “Now, we can’t have you causing a scene in the middle of town. Control your hunger, don’t let it control you.” Samuel said pushing Marcus backwards. He didn’t have control though, and before he could even fall backwards was up again and throwing a punch at Samuel. © 2012 Alex P.Author's Note
Added on November 15, 2012 Last Updated on November 15, 2012 Author |