Everything I See As Nothing (Age 14)
A Poem by Andy Hackett
Not sure what I was on about here. I remember it being about some guy whose committed some horrible crime and doesn't know why he's doing it, but he can't stop it. Kinda like Ted Bundy or something I don't know. 
Sirens ring out, children screaming, mothers crying,
Stepping through the valley, I heard criminal voices lying,
But the problem was known, an old common theme,
It was me who did the damage, although fair it seemed,
My conscience racing, I'm fretting, stressing my mind,
All I do is pull myself together and leave it behind.
Why the damn hell do I put them to die?
Why doesn't it phase me when they cry?
And when, tell me when will I ever be redeemed?
Everything I see as nothing, but never seems to be a dream.
Every time I see my face in the mirror, I remember who is there,
Just beyond the eyes. Never know where the real me lies? This is where.
So as I stepped through the valley of the dead, thoughts in my head,
John Street echoed with silence now, my thoughts full of lead,
And I dropped to the ground, and the thoughts rang of victims screaming,
It would never be the same, and the thoughts rang of voices saying "What is the meaning?"
In the end, I realise with a faltering sigh,
That which I thought was my purpose is a lie.
And when, tell me when will I ever be redeemed?
Everything I see as nothing, but never seems to be a dream. |
© 2008 Andy Hackett
Added on May 26, 2008
Andy HackettWaterford, Ireland
Born on March 06th 1990.
I play football avidly.
I've been writing since I was about 11, but only really started writing regularly around the age of 13.
Buddy Wakefield is my food and water w.. more..