![]() Dear MeA Story by JamesTleBourn![]() Time travel is possible... eternal letters to your past self (or is it your present self?)... thousands of years in the future...![]() 12 January, 8000 G.A. X" X" 12102XZ Q’Chellent Testing Department, Level -19 Alak, Q’Chellent, 0031<1432>9900 HYMPAN SYSTEM Dear Me, In this letter that I now pass on to you, I entrust you with information that many would kill for. I know I can trust you, however, because I am you. And, I know what I will eventually ask you in this letter has already succeeded because I have seen the results of its success already. What I am about to say will confuse you, but all I was confused when I read this letter. I am you. You may be confused because you are reading this in 2046 A.D. and this letter is addressed from 8000 G.A. (G.A. stands for gen agorr, which is Krennish for “Galactic Year”). I won’t tell you much because what you will accomplish in the next ten years will happen without much outside help. You are a distinguished middle-aged person now, at the age of 41, and you will soon come to believe what I am saying and know it’s truth. I know you will, because I did, and I am you, but I am just procrastinating at this point. This letter will enclose information that will alter your life and all of humanity. You will, sorry for the spoiler, travel to the future when you’re 53. This letter will have given you knowledge that time travel is possible. You, then will function and accomplish things in this future (I cannot tell you of these things for the possibility that if you knew them, you would not do them), and then after you’ve done what you were sent to the future to do, you will send this letter to your past self in 2046 AD, just as I have. Therefore, this letter, these pieces of paper, have been in a time loop for forever. It has always been constantly sent to the past, only to be sent back to the future, and then the cycle repeats. This cycle is called, as it is known within the small circle of astrophysicists and chronophysicists that I, we, work with, the Infinite Letter Within Eternal Notions, or the ILWEN for short (ILL-whèn). As you will certainly understand, ILWEN is the most astounding thing created by any intelligent being. You will certainly be doubting the possibility of backwards time travel, even as you know that the forward motion of it is possible in the vicinity of black holes or objects of its likeness. Forward time travel happens from the alteration of light and time around a black hole from its immense mass, and backwards time travel happens from something similar. Einstein was hinting on this, but he only got to the front half, and he died before he could finish the equation. White holes function exactly opposite to black holes, in other words, its backend. Instead of sucking in matter, it constantly spits it out. It is the other end of a black hole from another universe, next to our own in the massive pool of them. And if it’s the opposite of a black hole, it’s time functions are negatively matched as well. In that case, when you get in its orbit, you end up going back in time. As for the placement and appearance of white holes, they are seen almost everyday by your astronomers, but they are mistaken for stars. And when their radial footprint is researched, it is counted as a star, because the star's remnants that were sucked into its black hole on the other side are coming out of the white hole. With that information, you will discover how to time travel in 2058 A.D., and in 7999 G.A. you will discover how to send this letter back to your past self so that you would be able to be where you are in the year 7999. And, after the turn of the millennium, you will send this letter out. You will not necessarily remember all of this when you discover the foretold things because you will have put this letter away. But, you will, at the last moment, remember the letter to bring to the future. Then, in 7999, or last year, you will read it. This following information will be for your future self and my past self. Your past self (from 2046) will not understand this, but you (from 7999) will. Once you discover and fully understand the Equation of Two Colors (you must fully understand it, and not a moment before), and when you understand what Y^2/TY=E means, if Y is the past, present, and future of someone, T is time, and E is an eternal loop, go to the main chronophysics testing lab and open file REN 12. Once you get that file, follow its instructions and apply then on both ProtoWhite2 and ProtoBlack7. Once you’ve done that, go into the wormhole with the letter in hand. The letter, once you let go of it, will travel back to you, when you were 41. Now, because I know that you (2046) will have read the part for your future self, I will give five pieces of advice that gave me the courage and intelligence for what I have done (what you will do): 1) Do not be jealous for those you will leave behind, for they will not have lived if you hadn’t left into the annals of time, 2) All things foretold in the future will come to pass, no matter what you do, 3) The ILWEN was, is, and will be, 4) You are not me, but I am you, and 5) You, me, and ILWEN, we are all the same thing"we are time, and time is eternal. After I go into the wormhole with this letter, I will leave this universe. I will go through this rip in our universe and into the place in-between it all. I will be among the universes, in the infinite sea. I will leave time and this universe, but not entirely because I will be time; I will be a universe; and I will be. I, me, you have always wondered of these things, and now that I am old, when you get old, I will go into the unknown, to gain the knowledge of it all. With these words, I bid you farewell, yet I will always be with you. I will be with you forever because I am you. So, I say goodbye to myself, goodbye to you, as I, as we, as you, enter into that void that is full, into it all. Yours sincerely, Yourself © 2020 JamesTleBournAuthor's Note
1 Review Added on April 5, 2020 Last Updated on April 5, 2020 Tags: time travel, letter, first-person, black holes, infinite, infinity, eternity, time, future Author![]() JamesTleBournYggerstale, Canadian District, AntarcticaAboutAm I new? Yes. How old am I? Why would I ever say. Where do I live? Like it says: the Canadian bit of Antarctica. Will I accept read requests? I guess *shrug* as long as you comment on my stuff.. more..Writing