![]() ScreamsA Stage Play by Nashacra![]() A fight between the enemy that lives in my mind![]()
So what, you want me to apologize?
Yes I want you to apologize For what? We gave you everything you needed when no one else would. We took care of you when no one else would. We loved you Loved me!? You never did any of that. Love is kind, love is beautiful. You never loved me! You put me into depression and left me to rot No, that was your fault. We did what we could but you were hopeless I could of had friends, you could have let me have friends, you could have been kind to me, comforted me, let me be free, but you didn't. You wanted me all to yourself so you lied to me saying I was worthless and no one would love me! Because no one was going to love you, I mean look at you! We were doing you a favor, saving you from rejection and pain You caused me pain! You cause yourself pain! Stop blaming everyone, but yourself! All I ever did was blame myself, I'm done! You're in the wrong here, not me! I hate you! I've always hated you! I hated you too! Do u know how it feels to be stuck with some anti-social, worthless b***h who can't survive unless she's drugged, having to watch you f**k up at every turn.. You can't blame me for that! you were in control of me, so if I f**k up that's your fault You always yell at me about how I caused you pain and did nothing but hurt you, but you don't realize how much you actually need us, okay?you need us! I don't need you! That's what you think. Who else is going to do the things we do for you, who else is going to understand your pain and your problems. Face it, we're all you have. All you ever did was say I was nothing, that my problems were stupid and I was stupid for having them. You cut me, bruised me, and abused me and your saying I should be thankful because you're in my life. What's gonna happen when you're alone huh? Who are you going to turn to? You think that you can run to them? You think they'll understand you and love you? When they figure out who u really are they'll want nothing to do with you Shut up! Poor scared little girl, lost in a big world all by herself. They hate you, you know I said shut up! We carried you through life!!!! You kicked me while I crawled!!!! So that's how you see it. That's what we did to you. We should have never wasted our time with you, I told them that she would betray us and we would be left to die after all we did for her, and I was right. You didn't do anything for me. I didn't betray you guys you betrayed me! You left me alone for eight years with no one to turn to, no one to run to, and now you have the gall to come back and blame me for what happened when I had nothing to do with it. You had everything to go with it. The moment you stuck that dirty needle into your veins was the moment you stuck a wedge between us. All you do is push people away, this is why people don't like you! You never gave me anyone to push away, you never gave people the chance to like me or hate me or love me. You kept me locked up like I was some sort of trophy that you couldn't live without. Trust me, you weren't a trophy. You're so condescending! What did I ever do to you? You were nothing, but a disappointment. Everyone could see that. You did nothing with your life and now look at you, holding up a gun to someone who “doesn't exist” like we have this huge history. We do have a huge history. You were the only person I thought I could trust, the only people I thought would never abandon me when my own parents wouldn't take the time for me, but I was wrong. All you are is a selfish, figment of my fucked up imagination and I've had enough. You can't control me anymore. You can say all you want about me or about us, but in the end you owe us your life I don't owe you anything. I can't owe what you never even gave! We wasted all of our time for you. I never asked you to do that, I never wanted you. We're all you have. Once they figure out who you are and what you've done they'll want nothing to do with you. Hell you're endangering their lives just by being in the same room with them. You think I wanted all this to happen to me. It's all your fault the FMD wanted us. For God's sake I almost stabbed my mother because of you. The FMD were bad people and you knew that, we told you that, but you didn't listen did you? You went ahead and completely ignored us! Because you have a real bad habit of making things seem worse than they actually are. With all the lies you fed me how was I supposed to trust you? You were our first priority, sure I was a dick to you, but if I knew someone was going to hurt you I would try and prevent it. Bullshit! You never did that You don't pay attention you stupid piece of s**t! See thats what I mean. If you really cared about me than you wouldn't say s**t like that. I can say whatever the hell I want to you. You have to listen to us! You belong to us! No! I don't belong to anyone but me! We were all you had!!! I could have had others and you know that! You're worthless!!! You're not real!!!!!!! Shut up!!!! No!! I won't ! We protected you!! You're so full of your own lies!! You're the liar!!!! Then what are you? Shut up!!! © 2017 Nashacra |
Added on January 6, 2017 Last Updated on January 6, 2017 Author![]() NashacraSouth Portland, MEAboutHello, my name is Sam. I tend to write short writings regarding pain, mental illness, and suicude though they are not terribly dark neither are they terribly light. If you are interested in these topi.. more..Writing