A Mother’s Tragedy
Brittany walked down the long corridor to her mom’s room. She knew the outcome of the accident wasn’t looking good at all. She rounded the corner to see her mom’s room full of people. The thing she heard next would haunt her for the rest of her life.
Here’s how it all began. August 15 was Brittany’s first day of high school, so her Mom took her to school. They got there and Brittany said her goodbyes followed by her mom’s good lucks. Brittany headed off to class and her Mom left. Little did she know, she only had three more hours to live.
Brittany’s mom, Anna, walked back to her car, got in it, and started the car. She went back to the house for a quick cup of coffee before starting the errands for the day.
Anna left at 9:45 on August 15. During Brittany’s day, she was very nervous and anxious. She never could figure out why she hadn’t told her Mom she loved her, but she just ignored it. At 10:4, Brittany was walking into her third period class.
At 10:45, Anna was pulling up to the bank. She had to drop off a few checks to be deposited into her business account and get cash back. That took about ten minutes. Anna drove off headed for Publix. Anna arrived at Publix at 11:20. She went inside and grabbed a shopping cart. She got her sandwich meat, her fresh vegetables, and fresh fruits. She also went back and got some cereal for Brittany. By the time she was checked out, it was 11:50. She loaded up and pulled out of the parking lot... hold that thought for just a minute.
Brittany, by this time, was in her fourth period class, which is English. English is Brittany’s best subject and favorite class. Have you ever had the feeling that your world just came tumbling down around you? Then you’ll know how Brittany felt at 11:52 am on August 15.
As Anna pulled out of the parking lot, a woman, named Sarah, cut into Anna’s lane and hit Anna. The car was sent spinning and became logged in a tree. Because of this, the driver’s side door was crushed in upon Anna. Lucky for Anna, someone in the parking lot was calling 9-1-1.
Brittany’s stomach was just in knots! She felt so bad that she thought she was going to vomit right there. Brittany’s only saving grace was that the lunch bell rang.
As Anna sat there wasting away, she thought of nothing but Brittany. She knew she was going to die and had no place for her daughter to go . Brittany’s dad, who was a soldier in the Army, was killed in the line of duty when Brittany was only two months old. Someone came up to the car yelling at Anna. She tried to make out what they were saying, but everything was muffled.
They kept repeating it until they finally got a response. This is what they were saying. “Miss, are you okay in there? Can you hear me?” Anna told them that she was hurt bad and needed someone to get to her daughter right away. The nice young man was more than willing to help.
“Thank you very much, sir. I need…I need you to call…Cedar Hills…High and have them…tell Brittany…Johnson what’s happened.” And before the man could reply, Anna passed out. The last thing she heard was sirens.
Brittany was just coming out of the ladies room when she heard the page. “Brittany Johnson, please come to the Principal’s Office immediately. It’s an emergency.” That’s when Brittany knew what had happened.
The paramedics arrived to see Anna’s body mangled. Fire rescue arrived and had the “jaws of life” out and ready to remove Anna from the vehicle. They pulled her out and checked for a pulse…there wasn’t one. The paramedics started performing C.P.R. One, two, three, four, five breath. That was wall that was heard for what seemed like forever. It was only thirty seconds by a clock, but it felt like eternity. She came back but her vitals weren’t very strong. They loaded her into the ambulance and started to drive off when she went into shock.
Brittany walked into the office pale and sick. The principal, Mrs. Montgomery, was crying herself when Brittany walked in. She tried to compose herself the best she could, but there was just no way. Brittany started to cry knowing something was seriously wrong.
The EMT’s were able to sustain Anna on the way to the hospital. When they arrived at the hospital, Anna was rushed straight into surgery. Her prognosis wasn’t looking good.
Back at school, Mrs. Montgomery and Brittany had finally calmed down enough to speak. Mrs. Montgomery told Brittany everything she knew and informed her that her grandparents were on their way. She also told her that Anna had a twenty percent chance to live. Brittany fell to the ground and wept.
Anna had extreme internal bleeding. She lost half her liver, a kidney, her spleen, both her legs, and her left arm at the elbow. She also had twenty-five stitches in her head. She was not the most attractive looking woman anymore. They shaved her beautiful blond hair off so they could sew up her head where the steel had cut her. Her face was also mangled. She couldn’t open her right eye. She looked awful.
Brittany arrived at the hospital. She ran in through the main entrance yelling, “Which floor is the ICU?!” The lady at the desk said that it was on the fourth. Brittany was already down the hall before she realized where she was going; she headed straight for the stairs knowing the elevators were slower than she was. She reached the fourth floor completely out of breath. She decided to walk seeing that many people on the floor were already running up and down the hallways.
Anna was wheeled into her room. Almost as soon as the doctors turned around, her heart rate dropped dramatically! It kept dropping and dropping until she flat lined. They started C.P.R. and called for the crash cart. Brittany saw this and had that thought, or prayer that it couldn’t be her mom, but deep down in her heart knew it was. She walked down to the room, looked at the name on the door, and walked in.
“Charge to 300!” BOOM. Nothing. “Charge to 350!” BOOM. Nothing. “Charge to 400!” BOOM. Nothing. “Try it again!” Came the order, but the doctor there said, “Amy, you’ve tried everything. She’s gone. Even if we keep going, there’s nothing we can do now. I’m calling it. Time of death, 12:45.”
Brittany burst into tears and fell to the ground. The nurses and the doctors didn’t even know that she was there. The tried to comfort her but it just made her worse. When they turned to leave, in the doorway was the grandparents. When they saw Brittany they knew…they knew they just lost their little girl.
Dr. James Curry came up to Betty and John Johnson to tell them all that had happened. “Mr. and Mrs. Johnson. I regret to inform you that your daughter has passed away. We did everything we could to save her, but every time we thought she was healed something else came along. She had too many injuries for us to save her. I’m truly sorry for your loss.”
“Thank you, Doctor. We know you did all you could,” Said Mr. Johnson shaking his hand.
Nothing else was said and there was no need for anything else to be said. Mr. and Mrs. Johnson held their granddaughter just trying to calm her down, but everything they tried failed miserably. The next morning was the hardest for Brittany.
1 Review Added on July 18, 2008 Author![]() Nash-ashaOcala, FLAboutI'm 17 graduating in '09. I started writing a couple of years ago. When I first started, I was writing screen plays for an acting class. I started writing poetry in that class and LOVED it...I kinda e.. more..Writing