The title drew me in, but once I started to read I couldn't stop! I loved this and I can very honestly say that. It was a joy to read. I loved the imagery you used and how well each sentence and verse flowed so beautifully. Just from this poem I know that I am going to enjoy reading more of your works!
How I love the depth and darkness of autumn, the chill, the fragrance of decay, and your thoughts come on the cold winds. A poem, and yet a novel, a world of you carried over the mists of time, season by season, and you build this world and make me wonder what brought you to the door of winter. The soul aches in each line.
I loved the complete poem dear friend.
"Its waters flow
from Origin to Grave,
saddened by their own immortality.
Its constellations are
fiery butterflies
that fizzle and flutter. "
The above lines were my favorite. Life is moving forward, falling down often and seeing the light of hope in the darkness. I enjoyed this poem. You make me want to write. Thank you for sharing the outstanding poetry. I did like this one.
If you're a dreamer, come in
If you're a dreamer, a wisher, a liar
A hope er, a pray-er, a magic bean buyer,
If you're a pretender, come sit by my fire
For we have some flax-golden tales to spin
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