Chapter VI

Chapter VI

A Chapter by Namaa Hammond

Dear Weaver,

It is time to say goodbye- just for now- I promise. Maybe someday we shall meet again in this unforeseen revolving earth. Your spellbound company had never appeased my distress. It did not pacify my torment as expected. Nevertheless, I have no other way but to explain it, routinely, on paper. I never expected. I never hoped, wished or dreamed. For some reason, you have given me a perfect example of what not to believe in.

It is now the middle of September. Cheyenne is mere reaching autumn, my favorite season of the year. I could say it is because the coldness finally settles in after a long summer. I admire the autumn foliage amid the arid grass on the ground. I peeked outside the fogged window of the bistro and waited for my friends to join me. Weaver, have you ever heard of the old saying, “You do not know how much something means to you until you lose it?” Well indeed I started to believe the wise-men's tale. I have been taking everything for granted, and perhaps your presence.

Today only Pete and Rachel joined me for coffee. We gathered in the very corner of the bistro before a square wooden table. The couches were connected and we decided to order our coffees. There it began.

“I'm going to order my coffee, you guys. I need caffeine!” Rachel was ecstatic. Her personality was royalty. She was unafraid, bold, wise and persevering.

“Me too.” Pete continued. Pete was an ordinary guy, yet he inherited such benevolence and kindness within him. His kindness and wit had also made him a successful man.

“Rachel, get me an American Coffee with milk. I'll wait here.” I replied as I lit my cigarette wistfully.

“You mean white milk?” She poked fun at me for the times I would get tongue tied ordering a coffee from you.

The day was dismal for me indeed, as for the others it was blithe. But nothing makes me more content than to see them happy. I peeked over the table and looked through the counter. I did not see you today, and for some reason I sensed a presence so odd. The door of the bistro was slammed shut from the violent winds of November, and the lights had flickered then dimmed. Could it be possible that you have left a coldness, a heavyhearted boreal? Smart spell you bound me with, I must say, dearest Weaver.

And so it is. Exactly as I predicted it would happen. I am never wrong when it comes to my instincts. I nearly felt a punch in my stomach. A weight in my chest. I could not believe it. I looked to the counter and the owner of the bistro had taken your shift. You were gone. How I knew? The message you left me. I found it. And if you ever read these letters, you would know my answer.

Pete and Rachel sat down in front of me and they were sensing my tension. As much as they pried and attempted to see what has been bothering me, I did not budge nor did I speak. I stood up and walked towards the book shelf. You knew I read a lot, and you knew how much I love to write; something led me there. I looked above the books of business and accounting costs, and I found a piece of paper lying. It was rolled with a red ribbon tied around it. Again, I am enthralled.

“Nothing is more painful than what I had to do. Maybe it was the best for the both of us. We may meet one day soon. I found another job in California. I am now an editor of a town newspaper in San Francisco. I bet you never expected me to like writing at all, but I will leave you this letter and its' meaningful words. So many beautiful things come from nothing at all, and I want you to know that what I told you, will not disappear. However, I am glad to finally have gotten this job. And this is hard, but you must trust me. Time is wasting, and I am not a saint. I apologize, for I have never made the effort to tell you what I wanted to before.


Like a bat out of hell, I rolled the paper back up and carried it with me as I fleeted towards my chair. I grabbed my purse and threw the paper inside without anybody noticing. Chances are, the people around me would think I stole something. However, I knew it was a letter he left for his girlfriend. Who am I to think he actually would leave it for me. A complete stranger.

“I'll be right back.” I fought back my tears so hard that I could feel my eyes burning into my forehead. Looking at my reflection in the window, I suddenly appeared as if I had one foot in the grave. 

My heart was palpitating and skipping beats as I dashed through the glass door. The wind was so strong. So powerful. I held my breath and stared into the seamstress of pale soft feathered clouds overlooking the sky. The mist painted the night skies gray. The stars once translucent were obscure. I walked towards the bathroom and I opened my purse. I looked through the words written in black ink. My tears fell across the words “effort”. I now know your name, and I may have lost you. I rolled the paper back up and put in into my purse. As I walked back outside, I stared at the empty, concrete stairway. The wind had come to a silence and the tears continued to well upon my eyes.

I cheerlessly dragged myself back into the Bistro. Remember William? The one you had destroyed my hope in, but the one that had opened up my mind? The thought is bittersweet and it has got to stop. You left without warning, yet you left this letter and I had to read it. The winds are violent, yet the air is clean. I can no longer retain myself from wonder and awe, because you have taught me more than just that. You have taught me that life would not be as intriguing or enjoyable, if there was no darkness. For without darkness, there would solemnly be no light.


© 2014 Namaa Hammond

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Thank you for sharing the amazing story. I like the way you made the emotion of the character come alive. You know how to keep the reader attention. I like the finding of a new job and the ending.
"The thought is bittersweet and it has got to stop. You left without warning, yet you left me a letter. The winds are violent, yet the air is clean. I can no longer retain myself from wonder and awe, because you have taught me more than just that. You have taught me that life would not be as intriguing or enjoyable, if there was no darkness. For without darkness, there solemnly would be no light."
Thank you for sharing the amazing story.

Posted 11 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on September 16, 2013
Last Updated on June 20, 2014