Not Another Victim - Chapter 1

Not Another Victim - Chapter 1

A Chapter by Nikki_PorcelainDoll

"All my battles have been won, but the war has just begun!" - Hollywood Undead, City


Not Another Victim

Chapter 1


     “News alert! Another young lady has gone missing. Name: Elizabeth Ann Marcantel. Age: 16. Below is her picture and our emergency number. We suspect that this is yet another kidnapping. We have not caught this man or woman yet. Please, do not hesitate to call if you have seen this young lady or any other of the missing kids. All of our detectives are currently working on this case day and night to find the missing kids and the person behind all of this. Until we catch this person, we are asking everyone to please take caution with everything you do. And again, if you know anything at all, please, do not hesitate to call!”


     I pulled the blanket up to my chin and clicked off the television. Another one of my best friends had gone missing. Almost all of them were gone now. I couldn’t take it. I hated not knowing whether they were dead or alive. Would the same thing happen to me? Would I end up just like them?

     My mother walked in through the door and took one look at me. She already knew. She walked over and hugged me tightly. It was such a comfort to have someone hug me. Even the smell of her perfume calmed me down. It was familiar, safe. Too soon though, she pulled away and held me at arms length. She brushed the long black hair away from my face and out of my deep violet eyes.

    “I love you, baby doll,” She whispered quietly.

     “I love you, too,” I responded sadly. My voice shook when I talked.

     I knew that she was scared that I would be next. Hell, I was scared that I would be next, too. You would have to be a down right idiot not to be scared. The kids being taken were all from my school and were all around my age. No matter how many cops were around, this guy (or girl) always got who they wanted. Oddly enough, most of the teenagers taken were from my circle of friends. Most of them extremely close to me. All the more reason to be scared.

      I wished so desperately that I could talk to Liz - or to anyone - about how scared I was, but… My closest friends were gone. They weren’t here to help me out like they usually were. I felt so alone, for one of the first times in my life. My friends were disappearing one by one, and there is simply nothing I can do, except wait until it’s my turn do this little disappearing act. My tears spilled over my eyes and down my cheeks…I felt so helpless.

     “I’m so sorry, sweetie…” My mom said.

     “Me, too,” I replied dully.

     “Remember that I love you, Ashton,” My mother said softly and then walked up the stairs to her room.

     I pulled my knees up to my chest and hugged them tightly. I had this weird sinking feeling at the pit of my stomach. I was still crying. My mind started working in overdrive and I couldn’t stop thinking about what was going to happen. What was I supposed to do? Sit here and wait until I was chosen to be kidnapped? Cry all day and feel sorry for myself?

    ‘You don’t have to be a victim,’ said a small voice at the back of my mind.

     ‘What the f**k am I supposed to do then, huh?’ I thought.

     ‘Fight back!’ the tiny voice half yelled, half whispered in my mind.

It was then, that I knew what I would do. And I wasn’t stopping at anything to do it.

© 2010 Nikki_PorcelainDoll

Author's Note

Sorry if there are any errors. Hope you like it(:

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Added on September 8, 2010
Last Updated on September 8, 2010



Laffayette, LA

I go by Nikki. 15. Writing, dancing, and singing are my passions. Colorguard is my thing to do (co-captain!) I'm counting down the days til I turn 18 'Nuff said. more..
