Nadine Livie Eaves
A Poem by
ideas are born of subtlety and wishing the vacant gaze, the lost cause mere details of a bigger scene the prologue to this restarting game.
featuring you, you, you let's not forget you, too a crowd of gatherings the audience of a great play.
life has come anew dimming stars, ignis fatuus enjoy the memories you're only a click and flash away
© 2009 Natasha
Author's Note
"life has come anew
dimming stars, ignis fatuus
enjoy the memories
you're only a click and flash away..."
...'ignis fatuus'--this works perfectly
in setting this poem's mood...
...magnificent poetry...i love it:-)
Posted 14 Years Ago
I like it. And I'm not too sure how I feel about it or towards it; but it does make you think a little about the surroundings of life and sorts.
Now I'm thinking of the world as a stage :]
Posted 15 Years Ago
I like it. And I'm not too sure how I feel about it or towards it; but it does make you think a little about the surroundings of life and sorts.
Now I'm thinking of the world as a stage :]
A excellent poem. We can fall into the light and fall just as quickly away from it. Description was very good. Ending was perfect.
Posted 15 Years Ago
A excellent poem. We can fall into the light and fall just as quickly away from it. Description was very good. Ending was perfect.
1 of 2 people found this review constructive.
A excellent poem. I like the description in your poem. Ending was very good. Life is to be lived and celebrated.
Posted 15 Years Ago
A excellent poem. I like the description in your poem. Ending was very good. Life is to be lived and celebrated.
1 of 2 people found this review constructive.
I really liked this, made me think how every beginning has an ending that can be as sudden as a snapping lens of a camera. Thankyou for sharing!
Posted 15 Years Ago
I really liked this, made me think how every beginning has an ending that can be as sudden as a snapping lens of a camera. Thankyou for sharing!
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
5 Reviews
Added on December 22, 2009
Last Updated on December 22, 2009
Natasha Under blooming cherry blossoms in, Japan
I write. I feel. I think.
Therefore, I am.
Here, at least.
Hello, how are you?