Just a Kiss? [CHAPTERS 6-12@!]

Just a Kiss? [CHAPTERS 6-12@!]

A Story by AG{ae-gshee-)



Chapter 6

That night, Alexa and Brandon just got back from The Cascada Concert. They stopped at Alexa’s door to her house, and kissed……Somewhere close by, someone was watching them, stalking them, watching their every move.

Alexa smiled and said “Thanks for the concert Brandon it was great!” Brandon smiled and said “All for my girl.” Alexa smiled and kissed him one last time and said “Goodnight Brandon.” Brandon started to walk away and he shouted over his shoulder “g-night Alexa.”

When alexa stepped through the door she saw that her mom and NEW dad were watching TV Erin turned around and said “Well about time you got home!!” Cat and Alexa both rolled their eyes. Erin looked at cat and back at alexa “So that’s where she gets it from!!” Cat laughed and said “She gets all of my good looks.” Erin looked at her and said “I can tell.” Alexa rolled her eyes and walked upstairs. When she passed Lexis’s room she saw that she was crying. Alexa walked in and said “Lexis what’s wrong?” Lexis looked up at her big sister and held her arms out. Alexa picked her up and said “Now, tell me what this is all about?” lexis looked up and said “Do we have a new daddy?” Alexa walked over to a chair and sat down in it. She looked at the wall in front of her and said very blandly “yes. We do.” Lexis looked at her stuffed animals and said “What happened to our old daddy?” Alexa looked at her and said I’ll tell you that in a minute.” she put lexis on her bed and went in to get Bryan. When she got back she picked up Bryan and put him on lexis’s bed, and she began her story… about 30 minutes later Lexis smiled and said “Well this daddy isn’t gonna leave us right sissy?” Alexa smiled and said “No Lexis he won’t!” Lexis yawned and said “good night sissy!!” Alexa smiled and said “goodnight.” she helped Bryan get beck to his room and tucked in they said their goodnights and he fell fast asleep. Alexa smiled and walked into her room. She turned on her computer and got on Yahoo! Messenger…

PING! Hey Tulip and Nikki want to talk to me in a conference. Alexa accepted and the first words she saw was:

(okay lemme break this down for you!! Alexa is Your_Gurl/// Tulip is Rich_Princess and Nikki is Photoset_Disaster..)

Rich_Princess: Soooo?

Photoset_Disaster: Soooo?

Your_Gurl: Soooo? what?

Rich_Princess: You know what were talking about, how was your date with Brandon?!

Photoset_Disaster: Yeah how was it? :D

Your_Gurl: It was okay…

Rich_Princess: it was OKAY? What the hell? You had front row seats to CASCADA!!!!

Photoset_Disaster: Okay? You need a reason why it wasn’t THAT good I mean I would take your spot in a millisecond if I was invited to go!! O_o

Your_Gurl: LOL I was talking about the people behind us they were really rude to me.. It was like they haven’t seen a girl in a skirt for ages..

Rich_Princess: uwweh you sat in front of perverts??!!

Photoset_Disaster: Gross!

Your_Gurl: Yep that’s why

Rich_Princess: Well I’m going to bed I’ll need a ride to school tomorrow my car is in the shop

Photoset_Disaster: Rotten luck mine is to!!

Your_Gurl: well guess it will be a full car tomorrow the boys need a ride too!!

Photoset_Disaster: Lee too? You haven’t talked to him in two months!!!

Rich_Princess: I’m Sure there’s probably a good reason why though…

Alexa looked at her keyboard and didn’t know what to type. She didn’t talk to Lee only because he’s been avoiding her this whole summer… tomorrow is the first day of school and Alexa wonders if he will talk to her instead of avoiding her… Alexa thought of a quick remark but didn’t type it instead she typed:

Your_Gurl: I’m heading to bed too… I’ll see you girls tomorrow!! :D

Rich_Princess: Night Gurley!!

Photoset_Disaster: Byyyeeezzz :D

Alexa turned off her computer and climbed into bed, all night she thought of how she made Lee mad in any way but all she could remember was the day she chose Brandon over Lee… Alexa didn’t get any sleep that night.

Chapter 7

“BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! BEEP!” Alexa rolled over and smacked her alarm and thought (Bleh Its Monday!!) Alexa rolled off of her bed and went into her closet. She picked out some pants and a t-shirt. She put on her shirt and fixed her make-up. She put on her ring and necklace Brandon gave her, then she put on her belly button ring. She brushed her hair and went downstairs for breakfast.

When she got downstairs and turned into the dining room, a loud boom voice poured into Alexa’s ears. “WHAT THE H.ELL ARE YOU WEARING YOUNG LADY?!”…. It was Mr. Smith. AND yes, he has moved in with us, and yes he was the teacher at the beginning of school, that gave me a smug look, and now he lives with us!! Can you imagine one of your teachers pairing up with your mom or dad? I think not......."Clothes" Batistes said grumpily. Erin gave her a look and said “Go change NOW.” Alexa rolled her eyes “You aren’t the boss of me, remember your not my full step dad yet....u had better remember that!” She pointed out. Cat rubbed her forehead and said “Alexa.. Don’t start this early in the morning, my migraine just went away when I woke up!” Alexa looked at Erin and stuck her tongue out at him, and said “WELL.. It IS true!! And I don’t ;like it when people boss me around!!” Her mom took a sip of her coffee and said "Alexa you need to stop back sassing your elders as in me and Erin." Alexa rolled her eyes and said “ok mom I’ll try to be nicer." Then Alexa thought (Not on your life) I gave them my best angelic smile... Cat rolled her eyes and whispered to Erin “Don’t believe her. Remember under that smile is a devil of a teenager.” Erin laughed and said

“that’s funny hunny bunny.” He kissed her, me and my brother and sister made a sickening face. I put on my jacket and said “Well, I’d love to stay and watch you two tongue wrestle but I have to go to school. She grabbed her backpack and walked out the door. When Alexa closed the door, her younger brother and sister made a face at Cat and Erin. "EWWWWWW" screamed Bryan (Alexa’s younger brother, he is 6yrs old) Lexis repeats whatever Bryan says so she screamed "EWWWWWW". (lexis is one year younger than Bryan… they both start kindergarten tomorrow)…They ran up the stairs giggling, and ran into their rooms, because they knew they were going to get yelled at. “You think Alexa will notice she forgot her pants"? Cat asked Erin. Erin smiled and said “Let her wait and find out for herself........…”

Alexa stepped out of the house. The crispy fall leaves swirled around her as winter was getting nearer. She walked at the end of the driveway and found Brandon and Lee Fighting over each other to get in the front seat. She tried to get their attention. "hey, hey, HEY" alexa shouted they both stopped and looked at her. Brandon burst out laughing and said "hey Hun can u feel a breeze??" Brandon asked. Lee was stifling back his laugh then burst out laughing. "What’s so funny?" Alexa asked. "Look down"!! Lee screamed then fell to the pavement cause he was laughing so hard.... (Alexa had a bad feeling something was wrong..) So she looked down and screamed. She ran back into the house and into the kitchen screaming. "WHY DIDNT YOU TELL ME I DIDN’T HAVE MY PANTS ON??!?!!?" Her mom started at her for a moment and then got up from the table and into the kitchen........then it got reeeeally quiet then an eerie sound came from behind the swinging kitchen door… LAUGHING? My own mom was laughing at me!! I ran up the stairs and Pulled on my pants. I ran downstairs and out the door. When Alexa got outside Nikki was standing there laughing too. (ugh like this day could get any worse) I thought. "Alright! enough is enough.. Get in or I’m leaving you here." I said. Lee looked at her and said “Hey alexa can I sit with you in the front today?" "ALRIGHT! you get the front seat today.” Alexa replied. Lee smiled, but when Alexa got into the car, he smirked at Brandon, then got in. "Ok everyone In??" alexa asked "Yea" Nikki said as she closed the back door. Everyone still tried to hold back there laughs. "Ok then, lets go" Alexa started the car, turned on the heat, and drove off.. In the distance a silver lexis was following them…


“Alexa turn on some music!!” Nikki cried out into the quietness. It had been quiet for some time now and alexa was still driving to school. Alexa smiled and said “Fine. I’ll turn on some music.” Alexa turned on the radio and Cartel- Say Anything Else came on. Nikki, Lee, and Alexa sang along, Brandon just kind of sat there. Alexa turned a corner and came to an intersection. The light was red. Lee looked around and said “Alexa take a right it will get us to school faster.” Alexa looked at him and said “It will?” Lee smiled and said “Yea I take it all the time!!” Alexa nodded her head, and when the light turned green she took a right. They drove for 30 minutes or so singing along to the songs on the radio. Then the car started to slow down… “ALEXA!! Did you forget to fill up the gas tank last night?!” Brandon cried out. Alexa tried to keep the car going, but it came to a slow stop on the side of the road. Alexa looked at the gas meter and screamed “S**T!” she banged her hand on the steering wheel, and looked at everyone, then she said “I swear to god I filled it completely up last night!!!” Nikki looked horrified and said “So were STUCK out in the middle of NO WHERE?!” Alexa nodded and said “Hey it could be worse!” Brandon looked at her and said “How could it be worse?!” Alexa smiled and said “It could be snowing and the temperature could be dropping leaving us to freeze out here!!” Lee sighed and said “Too late It IS snowing and look at the temperature!!” Alexa looked out the window. Lee was right It was snowing!! She looked at the temperature gauge in the car… it was 45 degrees and slowing decreasing!! Alexa groaned and said “Why is this happening?!! Did I do something wrong?!” Alexa slammed her head on the steering wheel. Lee sighed and said “I ALWAYS take this way !!… wait… oh Noooo!! I meant to say take a left!!!” Alexa looked at him and screamed “LEE!!!” Nikki groaned and Brandon got mad and said “Lee this is all your fault!”

Lee leaned over to look at Brandon and said “I made a mistake!” Brandon sneered at him, Lee made a look and said “You wanna take this outside?!” Brandon smiled and said “I’d be glad to!” Lee swung the car door open as Brandon got out. Alexa quickly took her seatbelt off and scrambled out of the car with Nikki following straight behind her. Lee cracked his knuckles and said “Brandon I’m warning you I have two black belts in karate.” Brandon rolled his eyes and said “Yeah right! Lets go pretty boy or are you afraid ill mess your pretty face up?!” Lee ran up to him and laid him straight on the ground, with one punch Brandon was on the ground with a bloody nose. Lee was about to punch him again but alexa ran in front of them. Brandon pushed Alexa to the ground and took a swing at Lee. Lee dodged it and punched him in the stomach. Alexa started to scream “STOP!!” but they wouldn’t listen, they kept throwing blows at each other. Finally Alexa had had enough, so she took off her ring and necklace, threw it to the ground and said “I’VE HAD ENOUGH OF YOU TWO FIGHTING, STOP IT OKAY!?” Lee looked at Alexa and walked over to her but she pushed him away, and ran the direction the car was facing. A few minutes later of running, Alexa stopped and looked back… she could barely see the car though the thick falling snow, and she couldn’t see her friends. Alexa looked around at her surroundings. The snow was getting thicker and she now couldn’t see about 7 feet in front of her. Alexa fell to her knees. It was getting really cold out and all she had on was a thin jacket a tank top and some pants…Alexa began to black out everything looked all a blur. The last thing she saw was Lee and Nikki’s face.

About an hour or so later Alexa woke up in the back of her car. Nikki, Lee, and Brandon looked at her. Alexa got up and rubbed her head. “What happened?” Alexa asked. Lee spoke up into the dead silence. “You blacked out Alexa. I’m glad your awake you gave me quite a scare.” Alexa smiled at him and looked at Brandon. He looked horrible he had a black eye and a puffy cheek. Alexa leaned forward and gave Lee a hug, then said “Thank you for looking for me.” Lee smiled and said “Anytime.” Alexa looked out the window and it was still snowing REALLY, REALLY HARD. She sighed and said “Guess we might be stuck here for awhile..” Nikki nodded and said “God I’m freezing!! Lee try and see if the car will start up again. ” Lee nodded and tried to start the car. It sputtered a couple times and the engine died out. Everyone groaned loudly, Alexa took out her cell phone and checked for a signal. Lee sighed and said “Signal is down on all of our phones, I even tried walking a couple miles to see if I got some… no such luck.” Alexa slowly put her cell phone back. Brandon snapped off his seatbelt and threw the car door open, He got out and started walking back the way they came. Alexa got out of the car and said “Brandon where are you going?” Brandon turned around and said “What makes a difference if we stay out here for another hour or so we will all die of coldness.” he turned and walked into the distance. Alexa watched as his body disappeared behind the thick snow and fog… Lee stood behind her and said “Let him go.. He will freeze to death and we probably would have a better chance of surviving in the car.” Alexa dropped to her knees as tears streamed down her face. A few minutes later lights came in front of them. It was a silver Lexis and behind the steering wheel was….

Chapter 8

The cold stinging wind whipped out at Alexa and Lee as the car stopped just inches away from Alexa’s cold, cold body. They had nearly been stranded out here for 4 long, long hours. Alexa looked up into the window and saw none other than… Cloe. Alexa stood to her feet and walked toward the window Cloe rolled down. Cloe rolled her eyes and looked alexa up and down and said “what are YOU doing out here??” Alexa tried to talk but she couldn’t. lee came up behind her and said “Her car broke down, and we’ve been stuck out here for over 4 hours can you please give us a ride?” Cloe looked ahead at the thick falling snow and how cold it had gotten since this morning. She leaned forward and said “Who else is with you?” Alexa managed to break out a small shivering “Brandon and Nikki.” Cloe looked at Alexa and said “Brandon has been out here for 4 HOURS?!” Lee nodded and said “But he just took off down the road, and we don’t know if he’s alright or not. Cloe shook her head and said “Get in” quite forcefully. Alexa got into the drivers seat and Nikki and Lee took the back seats. Cloe turned the car around and started up the way Brandon went.

The heater finally warmed everyone and when alexa was finally ready to speak she said “C-Cloe what were you doing out here anyways?” Cloe looked straight ahead at the windshield and said “I took a wrong turn.” Alexa shrugged and turned to look out the window then screamed “STOP THE CAR!!!!!” Cloe screeched on the breaks and screamed “WHAT THE HELL IS YOUR PROBLEM??!” Alexa practically jumped out of the car and ran to a big lump in the side of the road. Alexa started to dig in the deep snow her fingers numb to the bone when she reached the cold frozen Brandon that was at the bottom. Alexa checked his pulse and it was very faint. Alexa screamed for Nikki and Lee to help her get him into the car and on the way to the hospital. Lee sat in the front as Nikki and Alexa sat in the back trying to warm Brandon up. Tears streamed down alexa face as she repeatedly said over and over again until they got to the hospital “Don’t die Brandon, please don’t die….”

When they got to the hospital Alexa called her mom and told her she was alright and what happened today… Her mom said she’d be over when the snow lets out, and that she’ll get a tow truck for her car. About three hours later, Alexa was pacing the floor in the hospital. Brandon’s doctor walked through the double doors and walked up to alexa and her friends. Alexa looked worried because the face that the doctor gave her… The doctor nodded and said “Brandon’s temperature is so low there is no way we could get it up. I’m sorry, but, this might be your very last hours with Brandon Ross.” Alexa collapsed into tears, Nikki started to cry and Lee just stood there. He gave the doctor a void look and said “Are you sure?” The doctor nodded and said “You can go in and see him if you’d like to, he’s awake but we don’t know for how long so I advise---” the doctor looked around and only saw Lee. Cloe, gave him a worried look. Lee knew what she was thinking: ITS ALL YOUR FAULT!! YOU TOOK THIS TOO FAR!! Lee turned around and said “I didn’t take this too far.” Cloe shot up and ran after Alexa. Lee sighed and walked over to a pay phone in the waiting room. He grabbed a slip of paper out of his pocket and punched in the numbers. “Hello? Mrs. Ross? I have someone terrible to tell you about your son.. No….Yes… Okay.. Bye.” click! Lee sat down on a chair, picked up a magazine, and started reading it.

Alexa walked into the room and stared at Brandon. She walked over to Brandon, got a chair, and sat down. She grabbed his hand and started to cry. Brandon’s hand was cold, alexa looked at him with watery eyes and said “I don’t want you to die Brandon.” Brandon gripped her hand, alexa looked up at him with watery eyes tears streaming down her cheeks as he said “I’m sorry… I should have never left you…. I‘m sorry.” Alexa’s voice cracked and said “It’s ok, it’s ok, everything’s going to be all right!!” Brandon’s eyes opened and said “No its not alexa… I’m dieing.” Alexa screamed at him “NO!! ITS NOT TURE THE DOCTORS ARE LIEING!!!” Brandon looked at Nikki and Cloe standing in the door way. He smiled and said “Nikki… Cloe you guys are here too?” Cloe walks over and says “yeah I drove you here.” Cloe’s eyes teared up and ran out of the room. Nikki smiled and said “Hangin’ in there Brandon?” Brandon smiled and said “Yeah.. Just barely… Hey alexa?” Alexa looked up and said “Yeah?” Brandon laughed and said “you know I was going to propose to you at the end of this school year. I wanted to get married to you and have two kids I wanted you to know that I would be with you your entire life… together forever.. But I guess that wont happen now.. I wanted you to have the same last name as me…. I wanted to know that I’m yours and your mine!!!”

Alexa threw her face into her hands, Nikki also had tears streaming down her eyes. She grabbed a chair and put her arm around Alexa to try to comfort her. Brandon squeezed Alexa’s hand and said “Hey, hey, hey, you know that if I do die I’ll always love you, you do know that don’t you?” Alexa looked up and him and said “Yes but I don’t want you to die!!” Brandon smiled and said “But I’ll always be with you no matter where you go, so don’t worry!!” Alexa looked up at him and Brandon said “One last kiss?” Alexa smiled and held his hand. He leaned forwardly wincing painfully, grabbing her chin for one…last.. single…kiss. The kiss lasted for about two minutes before his grip released and he eased into his pillow. “I love you alexa always know that.” Alexa looked at him and said “I’ll always love you too Brandon.” she stood up and gave him one last kiss…just as the monitor was dieing. With one last breath he said “I’ll see you in heaven…. I love you so much Alexa.” With that…. Brandon died that day.. Alexa threw herself to her knees, crying and screaming violently. Nikki draped an arm around her and made her stood up as they walked out of the room…






Chapter 9

Two weeks Later…

It was a cold and dark day, as the casket of Brandon Ross was lowering into the deep cold ground. Alexa could hear Brandon’s mother crying and saying “It wasn’t his time, It wasn’t his time!!” Alexa closed her eyes and inhaled the coldest of air. No longer would she cry over Brandon, yes she might shed a tear or two but not floods of tears.. Brandon would hate that. He was so full of life and laughed at even the saddest parts in time, so he could make everyone feel better. Nikki put an arm around Alexa and nodded solemnly. Alexa nodded too and walked up to his casket before they could lower it any more. She took one single black rose and put it on top of the casket, and they continued to lower it. That day alexa thought of that rose as the key to her heart. That Brandon would always have it and no one could ever take that away form him or her… they were truly together forever. As everyone was coming up to alexa and saying how deeply they were sorry for her loss, Lee walked up to her and said “I’m sorry..” and walked away. That night alexa got down on her knees and did something she hadn’t done in the longest of times…. She prayed. She prayed for at east five minutes and as soon as she was done she said “Amen.” and crawled into bed. She turned off her lamp and fell asleep. While she was asleep she dreamt that her and Brandon were married and had two kids, and they lived together forever.

About 2 more weeks later…

Alexa awoke with tear stained cheeks. This had been going on since Brandon’s funeral. Alexa rubbed her eyes and walked up to her vanity and sat down. She opened the drawer on her right and pulled out her hairbrush and makeup bag. She brushed her hair and put her makeup on. She had been out two weeks now from school and Erin wouldn’t let her miss another day. Lee had been helping her get through this the past weeks, she looked at the photos her and Brandon had collected over the years in a photo booth.. She touched the most recent one… it was two weeks before Brandon died. She sighed got up, dressed and pulled her backpack to her shoulders. She walked slowly downstairs. When she got down stairs she looked at her mom, Erin, lexis, and Bryan. She shook her head, sighed, and slammed the door behind her.

The bitter wind whipped against her face as she pulled her thin hoodie up to her face, to keep from the snow to getting into her eyes. It was like this the day Brandon died. Alexa trudged into the three feet of snow to her car. She shook her boots before getting in. She started the car and drove to school.

When she got to school she was one of the first to be in the classroom. She sat down in her desk and looked around the room. It looked to different since she had been gone. It looked more gloomy then usual and yet, it still had some brightness to it. She looked on the board and on it said: Welcome Back Alexa! We Are Sorry For Your Loss!

Alexa scoffed and pulled out her binder. Tulip walked in and smiled at alexa. She ran up to her and gave her a HUGE hug. “I’m so, so sorry.” she gave me a pathetic look and alexa said “I’m Fine, stop worrying.” Tulip smiled and sat in her seat. After about 15 minutes about everyone was in the classroom. 5 minutes later, Erin walked in and said for everyone to turn to page 557 in their science books and to read to page 585. About 20 minutes later Lee walked into the door and gave Erin his late slip and took his regular place behind Alexa. Alexa got done 25 minutes early then everyone else so she got to read. About five minutes into her book someone tapped her shoulder. Alexa turned around and Lee smiled. He whispered “Hey Christmas is coming up soon…What do you want as a gift?” Alexa shrugged and smiled then said “You supporting me through this is enough.” she turned around and started to read again, no matter how many times Lee had tapped and pulled on her shoulder she would ignore him. Only at least for today…

After 5Th was lunch so Alexa got her lunch and walked over to her group. She sat down in between Lee and Jason and across from Kameron Tulip Sal and Nikki. "Hi." said Kameron. "What’s up?" said tulip. "Hey" said Sal "Bonjor~" said Kyle. Lee Smiled and said “How yah doing?” And Jason smiled and wrapped her in a hug. He pulled back and said “Everyone missed you and I as part of our whole group on myself I would like to say we are very, very sorry.” Alexa smiled and said “Thanks guys but I’m fine,… really.” Everyone smiled and Tulip piped up “So are we gonna meet at our spot for star bucks‘ wonderful coffee after Christmas??” Alexa and Jason both said at the same time, “Heck yes!” Everyone laughed and Kameron said “Whose Driving?” Everyone looked around and said “Alexa And Tulip!” Alexa and tulip looked at them and said “Why haven’t you guys gotten a freaking car yet? Damn!“ They shrugged and Jason turned to Alexa and said “Alexa I have a huge surprise for you on Christmas.” Alexa looked at him and said “Really? What is it?” Jason smiled and said “I knew you were going to ask that, but I’m not going to tell you… it’s a surprise.” Lees eyes squinted at him and sneered. Alexa smiled and said “Okay! Good thing Christmas is in one week, and today is the last day at school!” Everyone smiled and said “Whoohoo no school for two weeks!!” Alexa smiled and said “I’m having a Christmas party on Christmas Night. that’s when we will all give our presents to each other.” Everyone said they would go, They finished their lunches and headed back to class.

By the time it was 7th period Alexa almost had a Christmas party in every class besides 1st and 5th. When Alexa walked into 7th period she saw Jason sitting in a desk close to hers. Alexa wondered what he was doing in her class when he had Science now… She walked over to him and said “What are you doing here Jason?” Jason looked up and smiled, then said “I got my schedule changed in 6th period, I’m in all of your classes now.” Alexa smiled and said “Awesome!” as she slapped his hand in a hi-5. She sat in front of Jason and got out her stuff. During the entire class they passed notes, and he poked her in her side with his pencil, while she squeaked with laughter, causing the teacher too look at them strangely. Lee was looking across the room at them with the most disgusting look he ever gave anyone. (could it be jealousy?……)

At the end of 7th they packed up their stuff and walked out to her car. Lee got in the back and Jason and Alexa got front. The whole way there Jason talked to Alexa, causing her to laugh and laugh. When they got to Alexa’s house Lee got out and went into his house. Jason and Alexa smiled at each other. “Come over to my house! We can watch a movie and eat all the popcorn my mom socked up in the closet.” Jason said Enthusiastically. Alexa laughed and said “Sure why not!!” they got in her car and zoomed off toward Jason’s huge mansion. (Jason is filthy rich, rich, rich!!)

When they got to Jason’s House Jason opened the door to the grand hall. Alexa smiled and said “It’s been so long since I’ve visited your house.” Jason smiled and said “I don’t like it when I have visitors they make such a big deal out of my house, its annoying.” Alexa smiled and they headed into Jason’s HUGE bedroom. He had 4 bonus rooms to his room. He built them himself (they have secret passage ways and everything) He opened a hidden wall and they walked into his Movie room. There was a huge Screen and 6 rows of leather pull back seats, a popcorn machine, a candy counter, and a huge wall full of movies in alphabetical order. They got popcorn and candy. “Jason walked over to the movie wall and said “Which one? Alexa walked over and he put his arm around her waist in a friendly way. “That one!” Jason pulled out Beauty and the beast. He put it in and they settled at the back row. They laughed at funny parts and cried at sad parts. At the end when Belle and the prince kissed, Alexa turned bright red because mostly in movies the guy next to her would kiss her. But all Jason did was tangle his fingers with hers. Alexa went home that night full of wonder about Jason… Did he like her? But most importantly did she like him?


Chapter 10

A Week Later… “ALEXA WAKE UPPPPPPPPP!!!!!! ITS CHRISTMASSS!!!” lexis and Bryan screamed. Alexa awoke and put on her slippers. And dragged herself downstairs. Her parents were already up and looking as groggy as she was. Lexis and Bryan opened their presents first and then it was alexa then her parents. Alexa got a new computer and all the games she wanted for it. Erin got cat a diamond bracelet and Cat got Erin a Platinum watch. (Yep this Christmas is awesome!) alexa thought.

That night alexa had her Christmas party and everyone exchanged gifts. Everyone got everyone gifts. When it came time for Lee to give everyone their presents her gave Alexa a sterling silver bracelet with the name alexa on it. At the end Alexa didn’t get a present from Jason, until he pulled her out side onto the Christmas lighted deck. He sat her down and gave her a big box with holes in it. “Merry Christmas he said quietly as she opened the box, she screamed with joy. There in the box in a basket was a small puppy with a huge bow on it’s neck. Alexa pulled out the dog and Jason said “it’s a girl and her name is Georgia.” Alexa smiled so much she looked like she was about to pull a muscle in her face! “AHHHH OH MY GOOOODDD!!! THANK YOU JASON!!!” she practically jumped in his arms he smiled and said “I knew you’d like it.”

That night Alexa put Georgia to bed with the formula Jason gave to her and she fell asleep right next to her dreaming perfect dreams as the bracelet on her started blinking…

Alexa Awoke at 9:00AM. Two hours to get ready for her and her friends meet at star bucks. She got out of bed and took a shower when she got out she turbo dried her hair with a towel, put on her makeup and put on her glasses. She walked into her bedroom and got dressed. She put on a thin sweater, her boots her scarf and her earmuffs. Georgia hopped up and down on the bed barking happily. Alexa smiled and kissed Georgia on the nose, picked her up, and took her outside to use the bathroom. After Alexa brought Georgia back in it was time to go. She got her keys and went downstairs. Her mom, Erin, lexis, and Bryan were at the table eating breakfast. Cat yelled after Alexa “Alex what about breakfast?!” Alexa shouted from behind her shoulder before she closed the door, “I’m going to meet my friends at star bucks!! I’ll be back by 11 tonight!!” Cat started to scream at her and said “But!! You have school to-” but Alexa had already closed the door. Cat sighed and looked at everyone and said “She will be back later tonight.”

Alexa hopped into the car and picked up Lee, Jason, and Sal, Tulip drove Nikki, Kameron, and Kyle. They arrived at the same time. They got out and sat at their usual reserved table. The waitress was new and Alexa went through the orders carefully to make her job easier. She looked about 17 years old and was already weary this early in the morning. Before she went to take the orders to the people she sat and talked for a few minutes, her name was Ali and she looked like she was scared to be taking to Alexa and them. After her mentor came out looking for her we apologized for holding her back and her mentor gave her a couple hours off so she could talk to everyone. She rarely smiles, but when Kyle smiles at her she kind of smiles but then it fades away quickly. “So are you new here I haven seen you before round hare!” Kyle said happily in his cute French accent.” Ali looked over at him and said “ I just moved here from France.” Kyle beamed and said “I lived in France for 15 years!” Ali’s eyes almost shot out of her head “Really?” Kyle said “Ouia!” (means Yeah in French) “I only know little French” Ali replied. Kyle said with a twinkle in his eye. “Oui, c'est beau chou, chou.” (Yes, that's good, cutey.) Ali turned bright red when he said that and said “Merci beaucoup.” (thank you very much!) Before Ali got back to work, Kyle said “Before you go do you want to go to the movies and dinner with me’s?” Ali smiled brightly and said “Yeah! I would like this very much!” Kyle grinned and said “Cool can me’s pick you up at 7:00?” Ali replied “Sures I cant wait!” Ali walked off smiling with an extra zing in her step. Alexa elbowed Kyle in the ribs and said “Ooooooeeh!!” Kyle blushed and said “Shut it!” then a face of sadness washed over him. Alexa stopped smiling and said “What’s wrong?” Kyle smiled a weak smile and said “Can you guys come with me’s to the movies like extra date people?” Alexa smiled and said “sure!! But ill need a date.” Jason smiled and said before lee got into step “I’ll take you!” Alexa beamed and said “Really?” Jason smiled and said “Yea, sure ill take you.” Alexa smiled and said “Anyone else wanna go?” Nikki looked at Kameron and said “Hey Kam do you--” “yeah! I would love to go to the movies with you!” Nikki smiled and said “I’m in!!” Tulip turned to Sal and said “Sal, can you take me to the movies tonight I don’t want to be left out.” Sal laughed and said “Sure!” Alexa looked at lee and said “Lee you don’t have a date…lee smiled, then Lee grumbled “I’ll find someone.” “Coolio then it’s seetled tonight we all go for a group date!!”

At 5;00 after Alexa dropped everyone off at their houses she trudged up the steps to her house. She opened the door and stamped the snow off of her boots. Her Mom, Cat came into the living room said “I thought you would be home later.” Alexa smiled and said “I’m going out tonight with Jason and a couple of my friends.” Cat smiled and said “ I always thought that you and Lee liked each other. I guess I was wrong.” Alexa rolled her eyes and said “yeah you were.” cat smiled and said “I just always thought you and him had that kind of chemistry yah’ know?” Alexa grunted as she slung off her heavy left white boot and said “Mom I don’t like Jason that way, he might like me but I don’t like him like that.” Cat focused on the clock on the living room wall and said “Well does Jason like you?” Alexa stopped unlacing her right boot and said “I don’t know I’ve know him forever I never really thought of us being together.” Cat sat next to her on the couch and said “Well I want you to have fun tonight.” She took her purse and dug out 30 dollars and handed it to Alexa. Alexa smiled and said “Thanks mom I will.”


Alexa went up stairs to take a quick shower she curled her red hair and put on black leggings a red and white polka dot dress and red shoes. She grabbed her purse, checked herself in the mirror and went out the door to go pick up her friends for tonight. It was 6;00 when Alexa got to Jason’s house she had already picked up Nikki and Kameron. She had to pick up Ali and Kyle after she picked up Jason. Jason walked down the steps of his huge screened in porch and hopped in the front seat next to Alexa, he smiled and said You look hot Alexa!!” Alexa blushed and said “Thanks you do too.” Jason was wearing faded jeans that had rips in them at the knees and a black shirt with a jean jacket. He was wearing his lip ring. jeez man he is HOT!! Alexa thought. She drove off and while she was driving to Kyle’s house. She could feel Jason staring straight at her. After Kyle and Ali scrunched into the car they went to the movies. They saw Dead silence and during the jumpy parts Ali grabbed Kyle’s hand. Jason moved the arm rest up and put his arms over Alexa. Tulip and Sal cuddled And Kameron and Nikki kissed at the end. Chloe and Lee just sat there and watched the movie they didn’t do anything.


After the movie they drove to the Italian restaurant and night club. Nikki sat in between Lee and Jason. It wasn’t pleasant le kept touching her thy and before the end of dinner Alexa switched seats with Jason. Jason gave Lee an angry look after Alexa told him why she wanted to switch seat but nothing happened. The rest of the night after dinner they went into the basement night club and danced. Lee tried to dance with her but Jason kept him away from her and Alexa was grateful for him. After Alexa dropped everyone but Jason off she drove him to his house and the spent three hours talking and laughing. It was 12;00 and she promised shed be home by 11;00. By the time they got to the door it was 12;10 they walked slow, holding hands. When they got to the door they stepped out on his screened door and turned on the decorative lights. He hugged Alexa and kept his hands around her waist and said “Next time we need to go out on a date ourselves…” Alexa smiled and said “I was thinking the exact same thing.” Jason cupped his hands in her cheeks and kissed her. Alexa practically melted in his warmth, but then felt a twinge of guilt in her heart because she still loved Brandon. She pulled away slowly reacting to her thoughts and said “I should go.. Goodnight, Jason.” she felt sad and tired. Jason Half-smiled and said Goodnight, Alexa see you tomorrow.” “Yeah” Alexa said as she walked away in a troubling daze.

When she got home she got lectured about staying out too late, but she couldn’t stop thinking about the kiss. She went upstairs and sat on her bed for 20 minutes and petted Georgia, let her go use the bathroom and brought her in put her on Alexa’s bed. Alexa washed her make-up off, Got dressed in a blue flannel shirt and blue flannel bottoms. Turned off her lights and laid in bed thinking about the kiss. After 30 minutes she drifted off to sleep dreaming of Brandon being disappointed about her kissing Jason and Jason being happy that he actually did what he wanted to do forever.



Chapter 11

Alexa awoke the next morning confused and tired. She dragged into some black jeans and a red and black t-shirt. Got her shoes on, grabbed her backpack and keys and headed for the door. When she got to the door her mom yelled “Alexa I’m making waffles don’t you want some?” Alexa walked past the heavenly smell and said “Neh. Not hungry mom.” she shut the door behind her. Erin wrapped his arms around cat as she said “That girl just hasn’t been herself ever since last night. She wouldn’t EVER pass up the waffles I make!” Erin smiled and said “Babe she’s a teenager they have mood swings all the time I have to deal with them at school so your lucky you only have one.” she nodded, they smiled and kissed. Midway through it he mumbled “By the way?” cat looked confused. He smiled and said “Waffles are burning..” Cat screamed and threw the burnt waffles away.

Alexa threw herself into the car and started the engine. Before she drove away lee’s mom started screaming her name from the front porch racing toward her and slipped on the icy driveway. “oh my god!” Alexa got out of her car and helped Mrs. Chang up. Mrs. Chang said “Oh my goodness Alexa have you heard?” “Hear what?” it had looked like Lees mom had been crying. “Mrs. Chang what happened?” Mrs. Chang switched from worried to slug back. “Lee and his friends got into a car crash last night!!!” “WHAT?!” Alexa screamed. “Its true its all in the newspaper it covers 3 pages!!” she shoved a newspaper in her arms and Alexa blindly saw the big bold words “WORST TEENAGE CAR CRASH OF THE WEEK!!” and it showed tulips car crashed into a house, and a tree on top of it. “oh my poor baby!!!” Mrs. Chang screamed and started to cry. Cat came running out of the house in her robe and Erin was following her. “Mrs. Chang please, come inside, we will have some coffee.” Mrs. Chang shook her head and said “I WANT TO GO SEE LEE!” Alexa had tears streaming down her cheeks and she said “Mrs. Chang ill drive you to the hospital.” Mrs. Chang nodded and they got into the car and off to the hospital.

When they got to the hospital Alexa was rushed off the room that tulip and Sal were in. Cloe and Lee were in a different room and Mrs. Chang went there. When Alexa walked into the room she almost burst into full on tears. Tulip and Sal were beat up so badly. Tulip looked away with tears in her eyes, but it hurt to turn it so she half turned it. Sal smiled and said “Glad to see yah Alexa!” Alexa pulled a chair up between them, sat down and held their hand, while she was crying. Alexa turned to Tulip and said “tulip what happened?” Tulip twisted her face up and said weakly, “I crashed into a house.. After.. After.. Oh my god!! I REMEMBER NOW!!” Alexa looked at Sal and said what is she talking about?” Sal half smiled and said “She knows who caused the crash.” Alexa turned to tulip and said “Are you sure?” Tulip nodded and said “It was Lee and Chloe!!” Alexa arched her eyebrow and said “Tulip what are you talking about?” Tulip tried to lean forward but, she couldn’t so Alexa leaned toward her and she whispered “I was driving and Sal and Lee got into this huge fight about something and then me and Cloe were arguing then all four of us started arguing and Cloe slammed my head on the steering wheel and Sal got punched in the face before I blacked out.” Alexa shook her head and said “No they couldn’t have!” Tulip nodded and said “They did I remember it all.” Alexa stood up and said “Ill be back in a few.” Tulip and Sal screamed “WAIT!” Alexa stopped as she was running out of the room. Tulip started to cry and Sal’s tears watered up. Sal swallow and said “Alexa we might not have much time..” “Oh Sal JUST TELL HER! I CANT TAKE THIS!!” tulip screamed. A tear ran down Sal’s cheek as he said “Alexa… I don’t know how to say this. But…were dying..” Alexa dropped to her knees, a tear running down her cheek and said “No, no, no, no ,no, no…” Sal was crying now, and Alexa could tell he was hurt, tired, and scared. Tulip sat there as Alexa got up from her knees furiously. She picked up a chair and threw it across the room screaming “NO, NO, NO, NO ,NO, NO, NO!!!!! THIS IS NOT HAPPENING!!!” Alexa was crying and screaming a weird language.

After she settled down she sat in the chair between Sal and Tulip, crying silently. Sal took hold of her hand and Alexa looked up. “I’m more scared than you are, Alexa, I mean hearing your going to die very soon is hard…very hard…” he leaned her hand up to his lips and kissed her hand and said “Adieu. I will remember you and watch over you always.” Alexa turned to tulip and she said “Alexa I live you and ill miss you forever same goes with me, I’ll watch over you and make sure nothing happens to you.” Alexa smiled weakly and said “Thanks guys you have been really good friends to me, really I love you guys so much!!” and Alexa broke into a fresh set of tears and hugged Sal and tulip. She sat there for an hour. Then Tulip and Sal… Died. Alexa wiped her tears away fully knowing what she would do next.. Ask why Lee killed her best friends. She walked to the receptionist desk and asked for Lee and Cloe’s room. She followed the nurse and walked into the room. Cloe and Lee were hooked up to every machine in the book. They looked horrible. The nurse told Alexa they would be out in two weeks according to their progress their making. Alexa crossed the room and took hold of Lees hand and squeezed it …VERY HARD. Lee cringed and said “ouch.” Alexa gritted her teeth and said “You and Cloe murdered two of my best friends why should I be merciful of you?!” Lee lowered his gaze and said “I didn’t know that it would kill them, I thought it would hurt them long enough to know that they don’t mess with me. “OR me.” Cloe piped up. Alexa struck a look at her and screamed “SHUT UP!” Cloe kept quiet fiddling with her hands. Alexa squeezed his hand again really hard and asked “Why’d you do it?” Lee winced and whispered “Not so hard that hurts..” Nikki rolled her teary eyes and said “Want me to tell you what HURT means?? I just watched two of my friends die and I couldn’t do anything about it!!” lots of tears streamed down Alexa’s teary eyes as lee said “Alexa its been a hard day for you, you need a friend and I’m here for you.” Alexa got up and screamed as she walked out the door “YOUR NO FRIEND OF MINE .”

When Alexa got home it was 10;00. she walked through the door slung off her shoes and barely ate dinner. When she was on her way upstairs Cat turned from the movie her, Erin, Lexis, and Bryan was watching an said “Alexa I’m---” But Alexa cut her off by saying “I DON’T want to talk about it!” she walked up stairs and was greeted by Georgia. She smiled and picked her up and sat on her bed. For a few minutes she talked to Georgia and petted her telling her what happened today. After that she got dressed in pajamas and fell asleep, dreaming that she was in the car when the accident happened and she saw Sal and tulips bright faces smiling at her in the hospital like nothing happened and that they were all right. Alexa winced in her sleep…


Chapter 12

Alexa awoke the next morning very tired. She took a shower and got dressed in pants and a light sweater. She got her keys and backpack and left without looking at her parents and talking to her brother and sister. She got into her car and drove to school. She was the second person in class. Jason was sitting in his regular seat behind Alexa. He looked up at her. His eyes were droopy and a little red. (Sal was his best friend couldn’t imagine how hard it had been) Alexa thought. Jason stood up walked over to her and hugged her. Alexa hugged him back a tear streaking down her cheek and she said “Tulip was my best friend..” Jason whispered back “Sal was my best friend.. Its going to be ok.. Alright?” Alexa nodded, sniffed and they sat down. Through out the day Jason and Alexa kept close they walked together ate lunch together and Alexa drove him home. They watched a few movies and Alexa went home. She ignored her favorite dinner, pizza, and went to bed.

About a week later Lee got out of the hospital and finally came to school. Alexa ignored him every time he looked at her or tried to talk to her. After lunch, Alexa went to her locker, after she slammed it shut she jumped back and lee grabbed her wrist. VERY TIGHTLY. Alexa winced painfully and lee grinned. “Finally I got your attention Alexa.. Why aren’t you talking to me?” Alexa looked away and he forced her face to look at him. He Gritted his teeth and said “It.. hurts…me.. don’t you know that??” He smiled crazily and squeezed her wrist tighter, turning her hand a dark red. Alexa tried to get away from him but his grip was too strong. “Your not going anywhere..” Alexa cried out softly from the agonizing pain. Lee’s smile got wider.

He pulled her outside into the parking lot and threw her into the backseat of his new car. SHLIIIPP! The locks disappeared into the car. Alexa looking for the lock frantically. It’s Gone!! Alexa thought quickly and tried to escape into the passengers seat but lee threw her back into it saying “Ah, ah, ah!! No going back now!!” lee shut the car door, whipped out a knife and held it to her bruised wrist, where he grabbed it earlier and slit a small cut over it. Blood oozed out and Alexa screamed in pain. “No one can hear you Alexa this car is sound proof!!! Lee laughed wildly. Alexa remembered her phone whipped it out and dialed hid number crossing her fingers “please tell me your still in lunch.. “Hello?” “JASON!!! HELP ME LEE IS TRYING TO KILL--” Lee grinned looked behind her and snatched the phone out of her hands, throwing it out of the window. Alexa kicked at the seats and screamed, until her voice for hoarse and she lost enough blood to get very weak. She slumped in a ball, blood still trickling down her wrist.

A while later, Alexa woke up in a dark place. She stood up but wobbled her legs moaning from pain that came from every part in her body. “Well hello, Alexa.” Alexa turned around and Lee was standing in a shaded corner grinning. He flicked a switch and the lights came on very brightly. Alexa winced and put her arm over her eyes to shield the brightness. Lee laughed, but it wasn’t a normal laugh. It was a maniac’s laugh. He stepped forward out of the shadowed area and the only thing Alexa’s eyes were glued on was the knife in his hand, and a gun connected to his belt. he smiled and said “Oh, I wont have to use that.. Unless you make me…” Alexa look horrified. Her eyes welled up and she said “Lee this isn’t you.. Why are you doing this to me?” Lee’s smile stretched over his entire face. “Because…. I….. loved….. You…” he stretched out the words in gritted teeth, very slow and scarily. Alexa crawled backwards looking for any signs of escape but there were nothing for reach or crawling toward. Then she realized she was in his.. cellar. Lee must have thrown me down the stairs.. Alexa thought wildly. She let out a small scream but lee said “Ah, Ah, Ah!! You don’t want me to use these now don’t you?” He halfway pulled out the gun and pointed the knife to her neck. Tears streamed down Alexa’s eyes as Lee moved the knife along her neck leaving a small cut. Lee bent down and licked the blood up, and tired to kiss Alexa, but she turned her head. Lee smiled and grabbed her chin and forced her to kiss him.. she refused and slapped him.. HARD. He raised his fist and the only thing alexa could remember was his fist coming straight to her face. When she awoke, she couldn’t stand, and when she tried to, she screamed, because of the pain. She crawled into a corner and wept silently, while Lee watched her menacingly from across the room.

Then.. They heard a huge thump and the cellar door came crashing in. from the looks of it, Alexa thought it was late… REALLY late. She thought by now her mom would have called the police. But it wasn’t the police the came running full speed down the stairs… it was Jason. Alexa screamed for him to watch out but it was too late. Lee was already behind him and had the gun to his head. “Ahhh, Jason I was wondering when you would come to rescue your little princess. Now! Get down on the floor with Alexa.” Jason looked tired and angry. Alexa crawled up toward him and mouthed listen to him. very pleadingly. Jason’s knees buckled and he fell to the ground, looking defeated. Lee grinned and said “It took forever for you to come down here, I had to have some fun with Alexa isn’t that right sweetie?” Jason turned to alexa, looking confused and Alexa turned away. “she wouldn’t shut up so I had to beat her senseless.” lee said. Jason fumed and said “IF YOU TOUCH HER ONE MORE TIME IM GOING TO BEAT YOU F*****G SENSELESS!” Lee pulled out his gun and cocked it to his head. Alex screamed and Lee turned the gun over to her and hit her with it leaving a mark. “Now, now, Alexa what did I tell you? I really don’t want to mess up your pretty face now do I?” Jason looked at Lee and said “You’ll pay…” then without even thinking Jason jumped up at Lee, and Lee pulled the trigger, a bullet landing what looks like in Jason’s chest. Jason crashed to the ground behind Lee and Alexa screamed loudly “NO!!!!” she scrambled over to Jason and threw herself onto him. Lee grinned and said “Now, I don’t need you blabbing to the police now, do I alexa?” Alexa crawled quickly backwards and Lee pointed the gun at her head, tears streaming down her face as she said “Lee I promise I wont say a thing!! I promise, I promise!!” she backed up as lee cocked the gun again aiming for her head.. Then Alexa saw a shadow burst from behind him and struggled fighting lee until the gun flew into the air and landing it Alexa’s lap. She picked it up quickly and aimed it at lees head. She could hear Jason screaming “ALEXA SHOOT HIM!! SHOOT HIM NOW!!!” alexa pulled the trigger and closed her eyes as the sight she saw. Lee’s body fell to the ground with a sickening thud!

Alexa opened her eyes and saw Jason crawling over to her bleeding from his shoulder. She threw the gun behind her and quickly crawled to his side aiding to his wound. Jason smiled and said “We’re a mess.” Alexa laughed sadly and said “Yeah..” Jason looked up at her squinting from the light and said “Alexa I’ve always wanted to tell you.. That I’ve loved you ever since the third grade..” Alexa’s eyes welled up with tears and said “This really isn’t the time to be telling me ..” Jason smiled weakly and said “I know.. I just wanted to tell you before it was too late..” Alexa brushed her hand lightly over his cheek and said “it’s never too late..” she bent down and kissed him slowly. He kissed back not resisting. After they pulled away, Jason smiled, and said “I love you so much.” Alexa smiled and said “I love you too.” she moved from under him and he asked “Can you walk?” Alexa nodded and her face twisted in pain as she stood up and helped him to his feet. He used her for support and tighter they made it next door to Alexa’s house. When they got into the yard there were police cars everywhere. Alexa limped to the steps and opened the door to be greeted by a huge overpowering hug that came from her mom and Erin “ALEXA!! Oh my god I was so worried about you!!!” she stood back and saw that Jason was shot and alexa was limping, and bleeding all over the place. She screamed and Erin ran for the phone to call and ambulance. After a few days Alexa and Jason were released from the hospital. Jason stayed a few days at Alexa’s.. and he spent a few nights in Alexa’s room.. ;) Later on they finished high school and before they moved off to Harvard, Jason proposed and Alexa happily said yes.. They now reside in the same dorm at Harvard university and lived together in Jason’s mansion. Erin and Cat were happy and Lexis and Bryan were in their first days of 9th grade… every one was happy for quite a long time.

It looks like smooth sailing from here on out…. Or is it?

© 2009 AG{ae-gshee-)

Author's Note

IGNORE GRAMMAR AGAIN!, comments rates and citisism is GREATLY appreciated!

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lol i actually read this whole story
but very nice i like

Posted 15 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on February 4, 2009



Clarksville, TN

Hey there, my name is Nicolette-Marie but, you may call me by my pen name, AG{ae-shgee-). :) I have been writing since I was about 7 years of age. I wrote a book at the age of 9, but it needs more wor.. more..

Cage Cage

A Poem by AG{ae-gshee-)