Chapter 1: Great Grief

Chapter 1: Great Grief

A Chapter by Nick

Staying in bed for the last day of school was my intention, but of course nothing goes the way I want it to. Not to mention the mongrel Krystal has stick up her a*s that I need to fix. This might turn out to be an eventful day.



     My eyes felt heavy as I awoke in the morning for the last day of school. I cringed from the blinding light that showed through the crack of my black curtains. With no intention of waking up, I pulled the covers over my head and buried my face in the pillow. I groaned at the sound of a light knock on my bedroom door. The door creaked open and I could hear thumping on the hard wood floor starting at the door, continuing through the room, stopping in front of my window.
          “Why do you always go to bed so late? It just makes it that much more difficult for you to get up in the morning. Moreover, why do you have this room so dark? Let’s let in some light.” Elaine was sounding as cheerful as ever.
     Elaine is my aunt. She has been with me sense I can remember. I kind of look more like her then I do my own mother. Although, I’ve never got meet my mother, the pictures I have seen of her look nothing like me. My hair is naturally straight like my aunts, our eyes are green, we are around the same height and we are a bit of health freaks. The opening of the curtains always makes a screeching metal sound that forces me grind my teeth.
          “Because I like the dark…” I said with my voice muffled from underneath the covers.
     I stuck my arm out from the comfortable sheets of my bed and waved my hand. I had intending to close them back to the way they were with the force of my mind, but instead of them closing, the two-door window that had been covered by the curtains, flew wide open letting in the noises of the morning. Without even having to look, I could already picture the glitter of surprise in Elaine's eyes, as she assumed that I was going to go to school without a fight.
          “Now that’s the spirit!”
     I growled several swear words into my pillow.
     Beaming with attitude I said. “Now can you tell me why I have to go to school? I already did my finals.”
          “Because!” She spoke with excitement.
          “Because? Are you serious?”
          “Because every day is a new day and you should never take it for granted…..” Elaine’s attitude had changed as spoke, she then slowly began to trail off.
     I cocked my head in confusion. “… Elaine? Are you ok?”
          “Y-yes. Now get up and get dressed!”
          “No buts!”
     She pulled her straight silver hair behind one ear and began to chant. This is the way you can tell a witch is using his or her magic, by the way the energy around them vibrates and their pupils widen. The stronger the vibration and bigger the pupil, the stronger the spell will be. "Hear me good and hear me well! If you stay home, I will make it hell! So get ready it will not take long. You will be done before this next song. “
      My body felt relaxed and wobbly and made movements out of my control. My body abruptly pulled its self off the bed and stood up straight. Right then the radio alarm clock sitting on a small wooden table next to my bed turned on. Elaine quickly darted out the room.
          “Out of all the songs on the radio, it had to be this one?! Elaine!”
(Song lyrics)
Making my way down town, walking fast, faces pass and I’m home bound…
(Lyrics continue)
     My body made awkward movements in attempt to walk to my closet. My hands grabbed the wooden knobs and folded back the accordion-like doors, pulling the worst possible shirt out of my entire closet. A multi-color tie-dyed shirt that the hippies wore, given to me by my uncle for Imbolic. I’m positive it was his from around the 70’s because I can still feel some of his vibrations from when he was a teenager. I have never really worn the shirt before and for good reason. At least the spell had me put on my favorite faded blue jeans that were torn from the knees. But, then again now I really do look like a hippy.
(The song ends)
          “Finally! Ha your spell forgot the shoes!”
     I shouldn’t have opened my big mouth. The black Vans I pointed at began to vibrate as if angry and the flat part soared straight at me. Striking me on the side of my head. Putting on the shoes that had betrayed me was fun, until I looked at the time.
          “7:25 already, not good.”
     Ok I cannot be late today or they won’t accept me into class. Think Kegan Think! Walking outside of my room led me to the hallway. Looking left to right I searched for something that stereotypes all witches around the world, a broom. I would have driven but according to the drivers ED teacher I’m a danger to the road. To my right was the stairs, which led to the kitchen, down stairs bathroom, dining room and the television. In front of me was the upstairs bathroom. And to my left was my Aunts and Uncles Bedroom, the guest room and at the end of the hall was the storage closet. I ran to the storage closet. Gripped the cold metal of the doorknob and hoped that the broom was in their. Luckily, the old dusty broom was one of the first things to catch my attention. I tried to walk as quietly as possible down the stairs with the broom in hand, but I was still found out.
          “Kegan where are you going with that broom?” I didn’t notice that Elaine was in the kitchen sitting on a chair drinking a cup of coffee. It was as if she had been waiting for me.
          “Oh ha ha… ha ... Ha. I didn’t see you there. Umm I thought I would sweep the porch. It’s been windy lately and it’s probably kind of dusty… well anyway got to run!”
     Without any time to waist I sprinted out the door knowing Elaine would put one and two together, soon.
          “Wait Kegan… Oh never mind I’ll just tell him when he gets home.”
     I closed the door behind me and stood in the middle of the driveway.
          “Ok, Elaine can’t see, thank the Goddess for the weeping willow that stood in front of the kitchen window.”
      No one said that the witch riding the broom thing was false. It was against the rules. However, I only see it that way if I get caught. Besides, I have no other choice.
          “Ok, if I am going to ride this broom it’s going to be in style!”
     I laid the broom flat on the concrete, putting my right foot near the tip of the broom, and my other foot on the part of the bristles that had the tie, as if riding a surfboard.
          “Lift…” I spoke under my breath.
     The broom began to levitate. I almost lost my balance but I somehow kept atop of it. Sending a bit of my energy to my feet I was able keep very good leverage on the broom.
          “Go!” I said a little too excitedly.
     The broom darted forward, at what felt like 100 miles an hour, into the road and toward a huge brick wall. Never have I felt the pain of hard cold brick meet my face and nor did I ever want to. Pushing my foot that was near the straw down I was able to avert the direction of the broom upward just enough to barely miss the wall. Looking around I made sure that no one had seen me.
          “Oops I could have been seen.” I said worriedly. “I cannot be seen, I cannot be heard.” I recited repeatedly while enveloping myself with the ruin of Dagaz, the ruin for hiding.
     I continued with no time to spare thru the sidewalks that led directly to the school. However, my efforts were almost ruined by a crow that attacked me when I wasn’t even a block away. I guess my spell only cloaks me from humans and not animals. Shaking my fist as the bird flew away; I didn’t notice that there was a person in front of me. I guarded my face not knowing what to do. The man was tackled to the ground. Hearing him hit the ground was enough for me to make a face of disgust. I glanced back hoping he wasn’t hurt. The good thing is, is that I didn’t lose footing and I continued to my destination.
          “Yes! It's 7:28 I’m here with 2 minutes to spare. I am good!”
     I got off the broom and before anyone noticed, I transferred the ruin of Dagaz from me to the broom and chucked it in the bushes.
     As I walked thru the double-doors of the school I said hi to some of my friends and shared a few words. But, the conversation was cut short when I sensed someone coming but not just any someone. This someone was a werewolf. It was Krystal Taylor. One of very few here in Salem. There are a lot of creatures in this world who can mask what they really are, becoming unknown to normal humans. Like Krystal, she can mask the beast she really is, because at one time, even she was human. The reason I know this is because I’m not 100% normal myself. I am a human, just more in tune with nature. Plus it’s in my blood, for instance; when you inherit your dad’s nose or your mother’s eyes, I inherited my families’ magic. I could feel her, she was close. In addition, the emotion I could sense from her was anger. I looked to my left not expecting to see her right in front of me. Before I could react and move out of the way, she grabbed the side of my head and shoved it into a locker. My head hitting the hard steel of the locker made a loud banging noise. I quickly gained my composer and attempted to tell her off however, when I looked in the direction she walked in, she was gone. I ignored my friends, who at the time were hysterical about what just happened asking me if I was ok, and concentrated. I searched with my mind to see if she was still close enough to go after. But alas, she was already in English class. My concentration was broken by the sound of the first bell.
          “Yeah I’m ok, and I’ll talk to you guys later. Have to get to class. Bye!”
     I waved and noticed the faces of confusion they were giving me. I guess it was because I was shoved into a locker and gave no reaction. Oh well, no use crying over spilled milk for I remembered I have P.E. today. Since it was the last day, the boys and girls of the school who had it that period would play a game together. I could feel the devil horns sprouting from the sides of my head as I entered Spanish class and I schemed a plan to get her back. The good thing is, I already finished my Spanish exam. The class went somewhat slow. The teacher was trying his hardest to speak English, it was saddest thing i've ever seen. At least he tried. The sound of the bell broke me out of a daydream and I continued to my History class. A few feet away from the door and already I felt the anger radiating from the wolf. What the hell crawled up her…?
          “Good morning Kegan.” Spoke Mr. Hondel.
          “You’re on time, that doesn’t happen very often.”
          “Oh I know huh! It’s the last day of school, so I thought why not?”
     After speaking to the teacher, I glared at the mutt sitting at the back of the room. She tried to tell me something by mouthing it at me. But I simply ignored it and sat at my desk near the door. The teacher gave us a break and talked about the history of Salem. One of the very few things I knew about. The class zoomed on by and the bell to switch to our last class began. Finally, it was time.
     I sat up quickly from excitement and headed off to my next class. I could see the werewolf follow.
          “You look thirsty, you want a can of whoop a*s?!” I could hear her voice dripping with sarcasm.
          I smirked and said. “Prepare to get fixed, b***h!”
     I walked a little faster because I was getting anxiety. I could hear the mongrel laugh behind me.
          “We shall see who has the last laugh.”

© 2009 Nick

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Added on May 6, 2009
Last Updated on July 30, 2009



Tucson, AZ

I'm 18 years old and hoping that people like my writing. I haven't been writing for very long. Actualy my friend Felissa got me into it. Me and some friends have been writing a story together and I'm .. more..

Chapter 1: Nightmare Chapter 1: Nightmare

A Chapter by Nick