i never had this growing up, and i'm so glad, but it still pains me to know things like this go on happening. while this isn't your best, it's almost a show stopper since it's such a close to home piece - you don't know whether to clap or to think twice about why your eyes are watery and why you've shifted your position so many times. good job, but i'm sorry you have that experience to draw on.
i never had this growing up, and i'm so glad, but it still pains me to know things like this go on happening. while this isn't your best, it's almost a show stopper since it's such a close to home piece - you don't know whether to clap or to think twice about why your eyes are watery and why you've shifted your position so many times. good job, but i'm sorry you have that experience to draw on.
Intensely emotional piece of writing. For sure this is a secret, one kept all too often. Thanks so much for sharing it with us as for many can probably relate to some degree or another. Good luck in the Tell Me a Secret contest. Brie
Father is mind and mother is heart. The combination works perfect n in balance. Children need both.. move from one to another. Seeking and drawing revitalizing selves.
Father too has heart, but his mind acts so stronger.. fail to express.
I could tell where thsi was going, mostly because of my background as a medic. This is very pointed, leaving just enough to the imagination to keep the reader interested.
I was able to connect with the writing, having gone through all of this. it was a well written piece from which one is able to gather true, raw emotion. it is things like this, the stuff I've been through, that fuel my writing, the anger the hate. it is my hopes that you have not gone through this, and if you have, know that you are not alone and there are people in the world that can help'
all the best
My name is Niki and I'm 25 years old.
I'm from a small town in northern California and I'm not really sure if writing is my thing but I've done a lot of writing in the past. I first posted on this s.. more..