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The Awakening

The Awakening

A Poem by Nate

One night while I was sleeping,
I dreamed that I was dead,
and as I stood before the Throne of God,
this is what He said,


'Precious, precious child of mine,
your journey is not ending,
you're merely at the start of another chapter,
where death... is the beginning.


Now looking through my Book of Life,
where your life's deeds are penned,
my heart is saddened by what I see,
for countless are your sins.


And the thing that makes all matters worse
is the deceptions and lies don't end
and the fact that when you do wrong and you know the truth,
it magnifies those sins.'


'I see that as a child you suffered much,
and one would think that you'd have known
that the lessons you've learned and the pains you endured
were to help you when you were grown.


But for all your supposed intelligence,
and all you acquired down there on earth,
your riches, your loves, your supposed friends,
but where it matters, you gained little worth.


The thing you fail to realize
is what you have are the gifts I give,
for where would you be and what would you have,
if I didn't give you a life to live?


My very own son, I gave for you,
His life, He lovingly came to give,
to pour out His Blood atoning for Adam's sins,
so mankind might yet live.'


'Remember that homeless man,
standing cold in the snow?
All he wanted was food, a coin or a drink,
anything you could spare.
But you sat there in your warm car with your hot food and your drink
and all you gave him was an angry glare.
You sped off leaving him standing there, cold and hungry,
and you didn't even care!


So why should I share my Heavens with you,
when my Commandments you didn't obey,
and now you stand before me with your heart heavy with guilt,
on your behalf having nothing to say.

Better would it be for you,
if you had not been born,
then you wouldn't be here having wasted your life
and from this book, My Book of Life, your page, would not be torn.'


Now don't think I do not care for you,
for those God love's He disciplines,
that's why I must erase you from this Book of Life,
as the reward for your habitual sins.'


'If only once you would have come to me,
and humbly prayed and been repentant,
for your numerous transgressions I'd have forgiven you,
and included you in King David's Covenant.


The problem with you mortal men,
is you only put faith in what you can see,
and because of it your suffering is increased ten fold,
because you don't, put faith, in ME! !


For I am the Alpha and the Omega,
the Beginning and the End,
Protector of the Faithful and the Giver of Life,
and only I can forgive your sins.


So it is with much regret my son,
that I must deny you this crown,
but you have only yourself to blame,
for the reasons I now cast you Down.'


And as I spiraled downward,
all I could think of was what God said,
'I am the Giver of Life, Forgiver of Sins, '
Now too late, I'm wishing I'd thought ahead.


And just before I reached the fires of Hell,
I awoke in a sweat from my dream,
for God had just spoken, I'm weeping, I'm choking,
my soul He'd just redeemed.


I flew from my bed and fell to my knees
and begged God for His listening ears,
I prayed for forgiveness and my soul I gave,
I've been serving Him faithfully a couple of years.




One night while I was sleeping,
I dreamed that I was dead,
and as I stood before the Throne of God,
this is what He said:


'Precious child of mine,
I'm overjoyed at how you've heard
the message I sent you in the form of a dream,
and you've finally obeyed every word.


It doesn't matter how long it took you,
but only that you arrived before it was too late
for so many will miss out on this Everlasting Prize,
because very soon I'm closing Heavens Gates.


The problem with men down there on earth,
is that they believe that alone their walking
when what they fail to realize is when their conscience speaks,
it's the method in which I'm talking.


So the task that I'm now giving you
is to share the lesson you've learned,
and just like the rain, your task you'll complete,
then like the rain, to the Heavens you'll return.


Now if the road gets too rough my son,
or your load feels like it's too much to bear,
I promise to lighten your load and refresh you anew,
with daily prayer I'll always be there.



One night while you are sleeping,
in your dreams God will speak to you,
He'll direct your feet and give you tasks to complete,
the question is... what will you do?


By: Nathaniel A. Booker, Sr.
'Genius under Construction'

© Nathaniel Booker

© 2009 Nate

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Added on August 18, 2009



Dundalk, MD

I have been writing since I was about 10. I began writing to express the agony inside of me as I was a victim of child abuse and neglect. No one seemed to truly understand why I was the way I was an.. more..

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