Chapter 3, part 3

Chapter 3, part 3

A Chapter by "...N8..."

Chapter 3

            “What do you mean the soul orb has been passed on!?”

            “I mean, he has given up his immortality and power to another.”

            “What in the blazes caused him to do that? He knows he can withstand the punishments of being up after hours. What scared him into dieing?”

            “Commander, I looked into the reason for his midnight research not long ago. He was carrying this book when he died.”

            The book was old and banded with ancient black leather. This was a book of prophecy. This book held only one prophecy, it was that important. This prophecy was one of three doomsday prophecies.

            “What was he doing with a doomsday prophecy?”

            “He left us a message inside, commander, he knows we have it.”

            “Dear Commander, I have something to say: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Ok, seriously now, by the time you get this message, I will already have been dead. With that thought in mind, I’d like you to know that I know how this prophecy is solved. I will not tell you, but I will warn you that to end the world, you have but to kill the one in this prophecy. You already hunt him.”

            “Commander, what’s wrong?”

            “The prophecy, get somebody to read me this damn prophecy!”

            “Yes sir.”


            Dusk was slowly creeping up on us as we sat in the hollow. I had just finished my account of the events so far.

            “Ok, I guess a portal would explain that. We should start heading to the Village. If what you say is true, you couldn’t go back even if you wanted to, and I don’t think you would be able to survive out in the wilderness on your own.”

            “Fine, it’s a deal then” she had a very reasonable way of reasoning with things.


            “Why are we stopping? I thought we had to be at the Village by nightfall?”

            “I lied. I said we had to get somewhere safe before nightfall, not specifically the Village.”

            “Then, where are we?”

            “The Three Pillars, birthplace of the fairies, magic, and many more things. To fully bond with my fairy, I must sleep in the center of the pillars.”

            “So when those fairies were offering you gifts, they were telling you what would happen after you sleep?”


            “The Three Pillars are a protected place; nothing can enter without an angel’s blessing. The angels only give the blessing to those of good intent, such as those in the Village. We only seek to bond with the fairies, nothing more. To enter, you will have to choose a fairy.”

            “What would happen if I wasn’t protected by the pillars this night?”

            “You mean if you didn’t choose a fairy, the pillars aren’t just protected by angels. This is the birthplace of power, and with it strength, life, and death. The red pillar protects itself with physical embodiments of these things if you get to close.”

            “So now I must choose a fairy as well. Why didn’t you tell me this before?”

            “To see if you were really an angel. An angel wouldn’t need a fairy.”

            My suspicions were right, she doesn’t trust me. I turned and saw the fairies doing their midair dance again. They were excited for me this time. As before, they lined up starting with little red Ares.

            “I offer my speed, but to you I grant the ability to see in the dark.”

            “I’m sorry, I can’t accept that offer.”

            The process lasted only until the fifth or so fairy. The guy- or girl, I can’t tell -had blue skin and wings, but it glowed green. His or her name was Athea. It has the ability to shield me from most magic, and it offered me the ability to resist. I don’t understand how the resistance works, but it appealed to something deep within me.


            “Commander, the rune-reader you requested is here.”

            “Then bring him in. What are you waiting for?”

            “Commander, you summoned me?” the commander didn’t acknowledge the bow and middle finger touching this man’s lips. These he was accustomed to, only people of high authority got a middle finger to the lips. All the others lower than him got a thumb or first finger.

            The commander adjusted the metal bands around each of his wrists. The three curved blades on both of them had served him well in battle, now they just made his arm sweat.

            “Here is the book you are to read, start reading.”

            “Um, Commander, these aren’t runes.”

            He was on the page where the professor had written.

            “Next page, I know well how to read what that says.”

            “Yes commander. Commander, may I grab a reference book from my office. These runes are especially ancient and difficult to decipher.”

            The Commander’s calm face showed nothing of the rage just below the surface, “Fine, you will be escorted to your office.”


            The cold stone he slept on was stained red with blood. Most of it was fresh. Most of it was his. Ezuil couldn’t help but wonder how long he would last. The one room cut him off from humanity with the use of silver bars. The guards had done their part well, Ezuil congratulated them silently. There were a few guards Ezuil had wrapped around his thumb, the result of years in the palace.

            Ezuil had grieved at the loss of his wings, but Mithin needed them and the soul orb, the blue orb of balance, he had passed on. Ezuil knew that with his immortality gone, he would only live for a few weeks at most. He knew that he had played his part in the prophecy; his life was the only one of few to be forfeited compared to millions if he had failed.

            There was only one way for Mithin to not complete the prophecy. The event was unlikely, possible, but highly unlikely.

© 2009 "...N8..."

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Added on September 8, 2009



La Push, WA

Favorite quotes- "I'm here becaus Dumbledor asked me to, end of story, good bye... any questions?" - Mad-Eye Moody, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire "The past is history, the future a mystery, .. more..

Chapter #1 Chapter #1

A Chapter by "...N8..."