Aww, such a poignant and strangely sad revelation of love. The kind that you dwell on on those quiet nights alone looking out at the world..with someone special in mind. Simple and to the point of your deep feelings of the heart and how they make you think. It should mean something special to the loved one. Take care.
Beautiful, bittersweet ode to a lost love. Again, your images are flawless, and there is deep joy and sadness in this piece. The whole thing flows perfectly and eloquently. Great write! :D
oh that was so sweet i liked the emphasis again and again ,at all times no matter what ,or how i feel,i will always say i think of you,you just blurred my vision i see you in everything ,this is so filled of love i just love those feelings ,this is so romantic and lovely,wonderful writing
Aww, such a poignant and strangely sad revelation of love. The kind that you dwell on on those quiet nights alone looking out at the world..with someone special in mind. Simple and to the point of your deep feelings of the heart and how they make you think. It should mean something special to the loved one. Take care.
The simple memories always remain when love fades away... it is amazing how simple little things can take us back to the place and time... the poem was simple like those memories but heartfelt like the loss is... very nicely done again.