Anja (Two)

Anja (Two)

A Chapter by Tracey C.

Anja in Juvy



I lay on my uncomfortable bed in juvy, wondering again how the heck the drugs got into my bag. I thought for a few minutes about it, coming up with different scenarios, until I realized it didn't really matter, and I didn't really care.


I had been left alone in my room, instructed not to talk, and so I was alone there to stay with my stupid thoughts for only less than a hour until my roommate arrived. My roommate's name was Channe (pronounced like 'Shane'). She was probably the only person I have ever met to successfully pull off bright orange hair. It was cut really short, about only a centimeter long, and she looked a lot like you'd think juvy kids would.

She had had a bunch of piercings on her ears, but they made her take out all but one set of earrings. She got to keep her lip ring for some reason though.

Channe obviously thought highly of herself and gave off an "I don't care" attitude. The guards didn't like her much. We weren't allowed to talk to each other in our room that first day, and we still had to go to school, so our first chance to talk was at lunch the next day.

"So," I tried, "what's up?"

I still have no clue why I tried being friends with her. She was not my type. At all.

She just gave me a sarcastic 'really??' look and kept eating.

"We're roommates, we should probably get to know each other."


"So... What sort of music do you like?"

"Rap, metal, and other s*** like that. "

Typical, and totally expected answer that fit her appearance and attitude.

"Oh, and Bach, but don't tell anybody. I like Bach."

She gestured with the fork she was eating with, as if drawing a music note in the air.

"Okay." I said, I was a little surprised she had opened up to me a little like that... And I had not expecting that and was a little unsure what to say next.

"How 'bout you?" She asked.

"Pretty much anything, just not boring stuff."

"Mmhmm." Channe replied with her mouth full of food, obviously finding me boring. But then she suddenly glanced around quickly, and leaned toward me from her seat across the table.

"So what're you in for?" She asked, obviously more interested in what bad stuff I’d done then my taste in music.

We weren't supposed to talk about what we were in for, so I glanced around the room to make sure no adults overheard.

"Drugs n'stuff." I said blandly, unsure about telling the truth.

"Dude." She said sitting back with a grin on her face, "same here. You smoke pot too?"

"Uh, no."

She gave me a suspicious look before hurriedly going back to eating as she spied a guard coming our way.

"Having a nice lunch ladies?" He asked, quite plainly knowing what our topic of discussion had been.

"Wha'd'you want?" Came Channe's sassy response. He looked at her, obviously displeased.

"Watch your tone."

"You not like me?"

"I'm not fond of anybody here." He replied, giving Channe a death glare, and she returned an equivalent.

If looks could kill...

"Is it cuz I'm black?" She said, standing up with all sass turned up to the highest level, trying the guard's patience, and unmistakably challenging his authority. His glare intensified.

"Sit your a** back down." He commanded.

Channe raised an eyebrow tilted her head as if she'd snap back at him, but gave a sloppy mock salute and slumped back in her seat. When the guard turned away after a lecture on disrespect and the like, she flipped him off.

"Mother f*****. I do what I want." She muttered to herself. And I decided it best to not talk the rest of lunch. 

© 2013 Tracey C.

Compartment 114
Compartment 114
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Author's Note

Tracey C.
Written By: InsanityWriter

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Added on February 11, 2013
Last Updated on February 11, 2013


Tracey C.
Tracey C.


I love anything that is artistic. Imagination to me is something i have always adored; i believe people should let their imaginations loose. Most of society would probably agree, but then turn around .. more..
