

A Chapter by Tracey C.

John describes his life leading up to his situation

            So yeah, my name is John Grovage; well Jonathan Grovage to be “exact”. My parents nailed that thought into my head for so long; so repetitive! “Your name isn’t John! We named you Jonathan, get it correct”. Really? I wouldn’t have known after the 100th time.


             Anyways, all my life I have been looked at by society as a “Misfit”. I never was a “Misfit” I just hung out with the wrong crowd I guess you can say. I knew that I wasn’t a Misfit and that I was a good kid, but the situation I landed in, didn’t do me any justice! Let me take you through part of my day; not all of it or you may get bored.


             It was a weekend and I was with my two friends (James & A.J). We were all just walking around, skateboarding and what not; normal days for us. There were the best places to skate in our town. We had our own skate park and many other places that had really good sets and rails. We skated those places until we couldn’t anymore.


             James was such an amazing skater! I was always surprised he wasn’t already pro, skating with the best of the best. He was sponsored by a few places, but that was about it. He totally could make it professionally and be on T.V; he is that good. He wasn’t really good at anything else other than Skating; then again, that’s all he cared about!

             A.J on the other hand, he was the “rebel” of our group.  He is that kid that your parents would warn you to not trust. You know! The kid that gets F’s on his report card because he sleeps in class and doesn’t give a flying f+ck! I have known A.J since the early days of our lives; 13 out of 17 years. We were always together, everywhere we went; but that never really changed.


             As I was saying, we were skating and what not. After we were done skating a few places we went to get some food from the local pizza store right near our current destination. We always go there because the food is cheap and we never really had much money.  The owner there knows us like the back of his hands. He loved us though, even though A.J was always making noises and being that offensive teenager that everybody despises; but what’s new?


             The food was really good, as always. After we were done eating we sat at the table for a good 45 minutes just talking. We talked about life and how we would all be something cool; and our parents wouldn’t be able to say much to us. That was really our basic conversations; none of us fit in with out families, which is why we all get along so well. James was supposed to take after his father’s business eventually; but he didn’t want to ever do that. A.J has always been the one to stray away from the “average” in his family; his mom and dad did NOT approve. As for myself, I am just a straight up Punk. I love listening to Rancid, and Against All Authority.


             After 45 minutes of sitting at the table, we all decided to part ways and head home; the one place we didn’t fit in. We always hated uttering the words “time to go home” because it was so boring there, ya know, for us at least.


             Once again, we were all walking home in different directions. I always loved going the way I did because It was such a scenic view, Sike! All I had to look at was a road that had some shops to the side of it. It was always so annoying, even while listening to music. There was just nothing really going on.

 So I thought!


             As I was making my way home I started hearing sirens. At first I thought it was a part of the song I was listening to because the band always used police sirens in songs. I didn’t decide to look back because I was convinced it was the music. The funny part of this is I was jamming out and “Air Guitaring” over this “siren”. That went on for about a block or so, until my music had ended and the siren was still going. That’s about the time I stopped dead in my tracks and saw 4 cop cars following me.


            I know what you are thinking! How did I not see the four police cars? It was because when I listen to music, I drown out everything around me; even at home. Anyways, as I turned around they had come to a complete stop; only to “bum-rush” me with guns and tazors. Seeing the guns and tazors had scared me to death. All of a sudden I heard that f*cking sentence!


“Put your hands over your head and do not move”

“You are under arrest for aggravated assault”


             My first reaction in my head was that I didn’t do anything wrong; unless walking home was a crime. Then the next thought was why my face was into the pavement. I didn’t even move and they decided to take me down. They were sneaky little guys too! Next thing I know I hear the other sentence I didn’t like; once again repeated by a different Police Officer.


“You are under arrest! Anything you say and do can be used against you in the court of law. You have the right to an attorney, and if you cannot afford one, you will have one appointed to you”

             Well thank you for you generosity kind Police Officer; at least you give me an attorney, how kind.  I couldn’t believe that I was going to be held in a holding cell until my court date. It was complete, you know, bull! I didn’t want to be in this position at all! But what could I do now? I was handcuffed in the back of a cop car, until we got to the station. Then I just had to wait ‘til my court date.

© 2013 Tracey C.

Author's Note

Tracey C.
Written By: Myself

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loved this chapter will there be more and is it fictional or you are actually jonathan just asking and welcome back.

Posted 10 Years Ago

Wow this is another great chapter, Thank you so much for sending it to me. Can't wait for more chaters to be posted i love your work it is just amazing.

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Tracey C.

11 Years Ago

Thank you very much! =) Happy you like it!
Another great chapter! Thank you for sending me a read request to take a look at your work, because I have enjoyed this story up to this point so far. Let me know when more is posted and I will certainly give it a read when I can!

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Tracey C.

11 Years Ago

Thank you! Your reviews are appreciated. You will be notified right before a chapter is posted; no d.. read more

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3 Reviews
Added on January 29, 2013
Last Updated on January 29, 2013


Tracey C.
Tracey C.


I love anything that is artistic. Imagination to me is something i have always adored; i believe people should let their imaginations loose. Most of society would probably agree, but then turn around .. more..
