

A Chapter by Tracey C.

Anja Describes her life leading up to her situation.


My name is Anja Rune. I liked my name, but not my life.

My parents didn't get along, and my "best friend" ditched me for the populars. She was the only one I had had, and she left for selfish, stupid reasons. I wanted to smack her the day she left me, but I didn't. I went home and cried.

It was all rolling downhill until I was framed and put in juvy.

It was another day. Another day I was wishing I wasn't living. Another stupid stupid day. They had been fighting again that night. Fighting was all they did then, and I had had nowhere to run to that time. No one to tell about what I was feeling. No one to pretend to listen.

I had just lied there.

I had just lied there, listening to their screaming.

I just lied there and cried.

I wanted to kick them and scream back. I wanted to silence them so I could sleep. So I did so, in my head. I said everything I wanted, everything bottled up within me.

I called them everything they were.

I screamed all the words to describe them.

But then my imagination ran dry, and I broke down again into tears.

I wanted to sleep to temporarily forget about everything, even though I knew I'd wake up. I wanted to close my eyes and let the world slip by like my falling tears. But the world didn't like that. The world didn't care. No one did.

So I only had a few hours of sleep. Functioning on that I woke up again at six to face another day I didn't want to.

I got dressed and clean. I didn't eat breakfast. I left and went to the bus.

I had thought about skipping... But I didn't, and in all honesty? I have no clue why.

I got to school from my lonely seat in the jam-packed bus and went to class. It wasn't better. At all.

She was there.

She was there, and the look she gave me when she saw me renewed my urge to slap her. She was there and I wanted to run away and cry.

I couldn't get used to it.

She looked at me and then looked away. I felt like nothing then.


I simply went through the motions that day. Everything was an unfocused blur.

I sat in Chemistry, second from the front row, and almost the closest to the door. The boys behind me were talking about crystal meth, and the girls were being catty. I made the teacher sneeze once before putting my head down in boredom. I wanted to sleep, but the teacher droned on and on, and her voice disallowed sleeping. I looked up and stared at the back of the girl in front of me's head.

I sighed and glanced over to my right.

Stupid. I thought to myself as I looked away. Stupid, stupid. He’d never be interested in you.


My thoughts had turned to Neil Cotnoir. I admit that I did have a bit of a crush on him, but unlike other girls, I wouldn’t say that my feelings were “love.” I truly did admire him though, he was polite, hard working, smart, decent looking, and really nice. Plus, he wasn’t super popular and full of himself. Sometimes he’d talk to me, and when he did that, I always felt so special. But then I’d remember that he treated a lot of other people that way and that I wasn’t particularly special. But in those brief moments, I was always so happy on the inside.

He didn’t talk to me at all that day.

The teacher droned on until the bell rang, and then yelled at us before assigning that night’s homework and then dismissing us. With that ordeal over, I trudged miserably to my next class, English, where I, once again, had no friends. Then again though, I had had no friends then anyway. I had become the “loner” I had dreaded becoming.

I was in English class when it happened.

My school was full of idiots.

One of them was caught smoking marijuana in the guys’ locker room, and thus the police were called.

News spread across the school like a raging blaze. It wasn’t going to be such a huge deal, but the idiot told the police he’d gotten it off some other idiot in the school. They decided to do a school-wide search.

They checked through lockers and then backpacks in each classroom. Our English teacher felt it his duty to give us the whole “you shouldn’t do drugs and why” speech as the officer went through our bags.

As he approached my bag and opened it, my heart fluttered. I knew I hadn’t done it, and that there should not have been any drugs of any kind in my backpack, but it fluttered all the same along with the butterflies in my chest.

“Well, well, well.””

The officer held up one plastic baggie, and kept pulling them out. One by one until there were five right on my desk. Guess what was in them? Yeah. I don’t even have to tell you.

The officer gave me a very stern look and I stared at the little pile on my desk.

I was shocked.

I was terrified.

I was relieved.

Relieved?? Something inside me just then pulled a ‘Honey Badger.’ There were drugs on my desk and I didn’t care. I didn’t give a s**t.

No one had expected it, myself included. I would never have dreamed that I’d have about one hundred and fifty three dollars worth of, well, any sort of drug in my backpack.

Summed up: I was arrested.

My parents were... Very... Displeased. But only in that moment. They went back home and, as I was to find out, pretty much forgot about me.

© 2013 Tracey C.

Author's Note

Tracey C.
Chapter Written By: InsanityWriter

My Review

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I think it's neat that two of you have combined to write a story. It makes a stage for some very creative work, which is what you have here with this story. Well done so far my friends. I am enjoying it!

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Tracey C.

11 Years Ago

Thank you so much! Much Appreciated. Happy you like it.
Wow this is an intersting chapter. It was well written. Thank you for sending it to me. Well done come up the good work. I think you will make a great team. Keep up th good work, can't wait for more.

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


11 Years Ago

Thanks a bunch! ^_^
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11 Years Ago

Thats ok
This was an interesting chapter. I wasnt expecting that at all. Nice Job! :)

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


11 Years Ago

cant wait. :) and its an interesting book so far.
Tracey C.

11 Years Ago


11 Years Ago

Thank you. :)

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3 Reviews
Added on January 26, 2013
Last Updated on January 26, 2013


Tracey C.
Tracey C.


I love anything that is artistic. Imagination to me is something i have always adored; i believe people should let their imaginations loose. Most of society would probably agree, but then turn around .. more..


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