The Beginning

The Beginning

A Chapter by Tracey C.

Describes the two characters experiences with court and sojourn to Juvy

         I had to go to court, and after they decided I was guilty, I was sent to juvy. It actually wasn't such a bad thing... It was better then home. Anywhere was better then home pretty much. I got food and a place to sleep. All that was missing was freedoms, wandering wherever I wanted, but then again, maybe that was a good thing... And it was better then the fighting and the yelling and the bruises and the blood.
I wouldn't say I was a bad kid, but I wouldn't venture so far as to say I was misunderstood... Well, maybe a little, but it didn't really matter. I had just stopped caring about so many things at that point.
        Yup. I was Juvy. And as I waited, I had two choices: stare at blank and boring walls, or walls jam-packed with anti-drugs, anti-violence, and pretty much anti-EVERYTHING posters upon its surface. I skimmed some of the walled reading material before getting bored. I looked at the clock, which read 5:59. I hadn't been there that long, but still.
I was shown around. I was told the mission statement and the rules. I swear, they were drilled into my head so well that when I'm old with Alzheimer's I'll be able to recite them in my sleep.
         I looked at one of the guards who sneered at my. I narrowed my eyes, he was looking down on me. He didn't know me though. He didn't know I shouldn't legally be there. He didn't know why I was there anyway. He didn't know who should've been there in my place. Then again, I didn't either. But something about the way he looked at me made something in my heart fester.
         I glared at him. I concentrated and my head felt pressured from all sides. I channeled it to that man. I felt like my face was reddening, and just as I felt sure his head was going to explode and the pressure was to release in satisfaction, he sneezed.
Yet again.
         Yeah. I have been endowed with the power to, with great concentration and psychological exertion, make people sneeze by the sheer, for lack of a better word, power of my will.
I had a useless, dare I call it, "superpower."
Just lovely.
I never thought it would come in handy.
Who would?
It was stupid. Can everybody agree on that?
Stupid stupid. I had a "superpower" and it was insignificant. I couldn't blow up brains, or control minds, I could make people sneeze.
        So I was there, even though I had reason to not be. But I didn't care. I didn't care I didn't care! My stupid life was worse, and I wanted an escape. An escape that couldn't hurt me. My decision was spur-of-the-moment. Totally unplanned. It was a decision that could ruin my life in the long run. Something to check untruthfully on my record. But you know what? To hell with it. I didn't care.


Here I am, sitting in this lovely place they call court.

Ha, that’s a joke!

       Being monitored by 4 police officers is just icing on the cake; seeing how I am there for something I didn’t even do. The fact that there was 4 police officers staring at me as if they were hawks and I was a mouse, bothered me beyond belief. It made me so uncomfortable to the point I felt a chill go up my spine.  Seems as if everybody there had some type of rash or something, because they were itching themselves one at a time. But anyways, time passes by and the jury comes to a conclusion, guilty.

That horrid word!

How was I guilty?

        I knew what really happened, but they were all under a different impression. That impression has jeopardized not only my life but also every single detail about it. What will everybody think of me now? I am already “shunned” by society and don’t fit in with my family.

Oh well, not much I can really do now, since I am headed to Juvenile Hall
Yes, Juvy!
The second most terrifying word I have ever heard.

        As we arrive to this Juvenile Hall I cringed. I cringed at the fact that I would be locked inside that terrible place; of which I would be treated like cattle. A police officer had opened my door, but I couldn’t get out on my own (seeing how I was handcuffed), like I am some fugitive
Yeah, that’s exactly what I am. A fugitive.

Anyways, we walked into this lovely building and all I thought was rainbows and sunshine.
Okay, maybe not..

All I really thought was how it was unfair that I was here. Most people in my situation would probably just wait it out.

Not me though!

       As I was checked and read all the rules and everything I sort of drowned them all out. I didn’t want to listen to somebody who never wanted to listen to me

Ya know?

       After they were done doing the mandatory stuff, they took me to my room. My room was so bland and just un-interesting. The walls were bare and sort of worn and the floors were carpeted.

       The officer who had brought me to my room was such a little, lets say, JERK! He would occasionally tug on my handcuffs and bark orders like
“Stand straight”
“Walk in a straight line”
“You hard of hearing?”

       He eventually got to me, and I just couldn’t bare it anymore. I started to shake a lot and it was uncontrollable. My mind just went on a huge rampage, I couldn’t think for myself. Right as I started to calm down I felt a tingling sensation in my body and the officer started to itch. I am not talking about a little itch; it was like he had some major ants in his pants.

       I didn’t think anything of it, until I started having random chills and he kept itching himself. I then realized that I have a “power” to make people itch.

I mean, I guess that useful!


I don’t know!
All I know is that there isn’t much I can do here and that’s that.

© 2013 Tracey C.

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Cool concept! The ability to make someone sneeze is hilarious. I actually think the ability to make someone itch could be a very cruel way to torture someone. Having an itch you can't scratch is a fate worse than death :P Really like this so far.. very funny :)

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Tracey C.

11 Years Ago

very happy you like this :) It means a lot.


You sent me a read request for your second chapter, so I went back to the beginning so I knew how the story started. I like it so far and I think you are doing an excellent job!

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Tracey C.

11 Years Ago

Thanks a lot! =)
funny hahahha

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Tracey C.

11 Years Ago

Glad you liked it!
Cool concept! The ability to make someone sneeze is hilarious. I actually think the ability to make someone itch could be a very cruel way to torture someone. Having an itch you can't scratch is a fate worse than death :P Really like this so far.. very funny :)

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Tracey C.

11 Years Ago

very happy you like this :) It means a lot.
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This sounds like an interesting story so far. I cant wait to read more about her super powers.

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Tracey C.

11 Years Ago

It will be! check out the writer "InsanityWriter" her work Is amazing. we will both be working on th.. read more

11 Years Ago

I deff will be sure to look! :)
nice continue this

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Tracey C.

11 Years Ago

thank you! the two characters are different yet similar.
Wow this is really great I love this. Thank you so much for sending it to me. Cant wait to read more of it... Very well writen. The characters are great as well. That superpower is useful. I love superpower stories.

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Tracey C.

11 Years Ago

Get ready for more chapters! I am writing with "InsanityWriter" check out her personal work also. we.. read more

11 Years Ago

cool this is very very good news!! I love her work as well. Now I am very excited.

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6 Reviews
Shelved in 2 Libraries
Added on January 22, 2013
Last Updated on January 22, 2013


Tracey C.
Tracey C.


I love anything that is artistic. Imagination to me is something i have always adored; i believe people should let their imaginations loose. Most of society would probably agree, but then turn around .. more..


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