Ones own consumption

Ones own consumption

A Story by Myranda Lowe

A little piece I created at a odd time in my life, just needed a reliefs and this piece brought it to me. More to add to this, but here is what I've achieved so far.





1. The feeling of being upset or annoyed, esp. because of inability to change or achieve something.

"I sometimes feel like screaming with frustration"


Exasperation, annoyance, anger, vexation, irritation

No piece of mind, no second thought, just a lingering agony that builds through brick walls, til it's swelled with frustration, determined to blow, but kept under by the solemn thought that would you care, would you even give a passing glance, a thought to me or to the feelings that may deceive me, would you pause from your “busy” schedule would you mind to ask if I'm okay.

No probably not, and with that the fuse is popped, but no explosion of furry is release, not even a noticeable spark is emitted . Just the slow crumbling of what once was, in time there won't be any lingering feeling, it will have all blown in to a street of ashes that lines the fiber of ones being, which in time will rebuild, but shall never be the same.

What once may have been peaceful and sunny, will begin to not trust and not care, the wall will be built again, this time with more power then ever, with only the toughest of men to tear them down.

Maybe then you'll see, maybe then you'll pause and look to see the destruction you've done, the souls you've ridden of good and left emptiness in it's place. Maybe then you'll shed a tear and think back to the times where all it took was a passing thought and a simple couple words and maybe things would be different, butt of now they aren't and that is some thing I'll learn to live with.

But then again maybe not.


© 2014 Myranda Lowe

Author's Note

Myranda Lowe
Sorry if it sounds kind of angry, to exaggerate the feeling made it not seem to bad after all.

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Hey ! Welcome to writerscafe :) You'll find plenty of peeps to help and criticize your work ! Unfortunately for you I am not one of them !

I'm glad writing things out and ''exageratting'' it has helped you to come to terms with, or mildly just dealing with it better. That is what writing is all about ! Please continue to write, it is a privilege to have the guts to let people judge and review your soul on paper ! Have a great day !

Posted 10 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Myranda Lowe

10 Years Ago

Though you didn't comment on my work I appreciate the feedback :) I'll definetely continue to post m.. read more


Hey ! Welcome to writerscafe :) You'll find plenty of peeps to help and criticize your work ! Unfortunately for you I am not one of them !

I'm glad writing things out and ''exageratting'' it has helped you to come to terms with, or mildly just dealing with it better. That is what writing is all about ! Please continue to write, it is a privilege to have the guts to let people judge and review your soul on paper ! Have a great day !

Posted 10 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Myranda Lowe

10 Years Ago

Though you didn't comment on my work I appreciate the feedback :) I'll definetely continue to post m.. read more

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1 Review
Added on April 4, 2014
Last Updated on April 4, 2014


Myranda Lowe
Myranda Lowe


I'm just looking for some opinions and some ides :) more..