This is a great moment of reflection. To me also an awakening of sorts. For me it is so easy to be stuck in "Don't look down" mode or "Don't you allow anything that interferes" and sure one must right? otherwise you'll struggle to get something done but the mistake is that beauty passes you by and why woudn't it feel sad as it looks back at you thinking and wondering have you missed me?
This is a great moment of reflection. To me also an awakening of sorts. For me it is so easy to be stuck in "Don't look down" mode or "Don't you allow anything that interferes" and sure one must right? otherwise you'll struggle to get something done but the mistake is that beauty passes you by and why woudn't it feel sad as it looks back at you thinking and wondering have you missed me?
If you are reading this you need to know you are beautiful! anyway stuff about me i guess :3
I am the vocalist/lyric writer for the band fallacy of faith(new band) and i write poetry etc mostly dark .. more..