![]() Of Course, My LordA Story by Music's Color![]() Came to me in a dream that really doesn't go anything like this story, but I took its interesting characters and brought them to life.![]() “Go forth and show
this world who to fear.” Never had any other comment from her master sent such
a chill down her spine. It just seemed so evil, so demanding… So pure, in a sense she knew was twisted.
Yet in still rang true, compared to most things she had heard in her life; a
truth that she was willing to keep up, if only to please her master. She stood up from her kneeled position,
standing straight before the only human being she truly respected in this
world. With eyes of mismatched colors of amber and sky blue hauntingly staring
back at him, he had to keep himself from shuddering. He, the boldest, cruelest
being known to this country. That’s if, he would’ve been before he set loose
the girl standing before him. “Of course, my lord,” she spoke
eloquently, bowing from her waist, so that her red-tipped raven tresses flowed
gracefully across her shoulders. Though young, she had unnaturally long and
dark hair, as though it in itself had been magically changed. All the more to
add to her eerie appearance is it was. “I’ll return soon, my lord; await my
presence ‘til then,” she said as she stood back up to meet her eyes again with
him. He scoffed lightly as a smirk appeared on
his swarthy face. “I’ll readily await your return; your first works, sketches
of your career though they are, are sure to be the first masterpieces of many.”
A matching smirk spread across her own
normally delicate features. “Your expectations are generous, and will not be in
vain, my lord.” She turned away and slowly began to walk out of his dark
chamber, the clicking of her boots resounding in the dimly-lit yet gorgeous
marble and onyx structure. As she looked at the view of his domain, a small,
shady forest glade village filled with those who shared her own ashen heart - small a heart it actually was - unveiled. Before heading out, she merely stood
still, not looking back at her superior, only ambitiously staring at the sky
that rested over their kind’s domain. “I will
surpass you, my lord.” With the utterance of those words, their
echoes still repeating in the halls, she swooped out the chamber, not bothering
to take the lengthy staircase leading down the tall hill; she had always
preferred using her magic, the one thing that she had most of the others
didn’t. Landing quietly on the ground, she quickly chose three others to follow
her on her first journey - a riskily small number for a beginner - before they
all dashed into the foliage, the girl flying in front. No sooner had she left, the leader was at
the very spot she had last been, the marble still a tad warm where his most
progressive protégé had just stood. Again a dark chuckle rang through his
chamber. “Well, I look forward to that…Mihkail.” ~**~**~ Mihkail
Rigger’s cold, emotionless eyes stared on, taking in the sight of a small,
quiet village. Almost delicious, it was such a perfect catch, she believed.
Without really thinking, she flicked her right wrist in an array of motions,
silently speaking to her three comrades that they were to hide, also motioning
exactly who was supposed to be where. No sooner had she stopped her wrist she
heard retreating footsteps, leaving her alone to gaze again at her first, most
delicious prize. Smirking, Mikhail brought her fingers - her thumb and index finger curled into an ‘o’ - to her lips, and let out a low
whistle. Low but as loud as a dragon’s roar. She had to keep from giggling and
breaking the spell preparation as she saw the villagers begin to inquire and
panic, the lights of the houses soon turning on, one by one. A light was
beginning to form between her fingers. It only increased as she heightened the
pitch to that of a canary’s shriek, the light becoming a small orange orb of
flame. Slowly, slowly, it expanded, until a full
river of flame burst out from her mouth, the spell casted excellently. She
watched as she stretched it towards the village with her seemingly endless
breath, gazing giddily as the fiery tongues caught onto the roofs, the grass,
the wooden carts. Within no time at all, the quaint little town was set aflame. Leaping from her perch on the grassy hill,
she noticed that the others were just about to fall suite, but they remembered
that she had ordered them to stay put until her signal. After landing as
gracefully as usual in the inferno, she quickly covered herself behind an
untouched house, escaping the view of passing villagers ready to help those
injured and burned. Fluidly, she stepped out from her cover and rushed toward
the nearest house, kicking the door open. Within a minute she’d nabbed a
jewelry box, a sword sure to have been crafted with care, and an ornate vase
that she soon stuffed into her tiny waist-sack, as she had spelled it to be
bottomless. Her “shopping” spree was soon interrupted
when she heard a man entering. She whipped around, and upon seeing her
threatening presence, the man screamed in rage. He wasn’t trying towards her,
so she stood still, glaring at him eerily. Though initially frightened at the
intensity of her gaze, the man bellowed out, “Thieves! Bloody thieves’ve done
this to us!!” before he decided to finally lunge at her. As soon as he made the
foolish mistake, Mihkail quickly dodged his oncoming meaty fist before kicking
him square in the jaw, flipping forwards to successfully deliver a slash to his
stomach with her previously hidden dagger. Dashing towards him as he fell to
the ground, she bent down to meet his fearful, life-dulling eyes. “I’d watch what I say if I were you.” “Watch this…” he grunted as his energy
drained. “You’re a monster…a monster.” With a quick slash at his throat to end
his misery and a jerk of his large body, he stopped, and she coldly smirked
with only a small tug of sadness on her mouth’s corners. “Too bad you can’t
tell me something I don’t know, otherwise that line would’ve been perfect.” With that, she sped back into the village,
nabbing every trinket and killing every person she saw and them some, like a
shadow. Screams rang into her ears like a sweet, peaceful lullaby. This was her
heaven. This was what she’d dreamed of doing; a masterpiece, merely her first,
of blood and flames. But soon the lullaby died down as the people were either
to little in life or they’d escaped. The latter wasn’t likely. She’d made sure
of it. Soon Mihkail found herself being
surrounded by angered village-folk daring to have a piece of her. They didn’t
look like much, but the numbers were a tad overwhelming. She cursed herself for
having let this many slip away from her rampage. It seemed she would have to
use something she saved for rare occasions. “I wish I didn’t have to waste it
on these lowlifes,” she growled, before slowly closing her eyes. “Ninka’wa’rei,
ninka’wa’rei, shoi’naya senjo,” she spoke softly yet clearly, as a blue
ball of flames formed in her palms, elbows hunched behind her. The villagers
were perfect idiots and didn’t notice until she screamed as she released the
energy, unleashing a more powerful stream of flames on the town, creating a
fiery dance of ruby and sapphire. Silently, cautiously, she walked over,
knife hidden in her sleeve but ready. Hearing her supposedly-unheard footsteps,
his head whipped up, fear pricking the edges of his features. He looked about
twenty, give or take a few years, now that she had a good look at him. Fear was
replaced by raw anger, and he glared at her furiously. “Come to finish the
job?” he snarled. No answer. None until she was a mere foot
away from him and bending down to reach his eye level; in turn, he screamed
violently and lunched toward her, but she soon shot magic in the form of
electric-blue energy chains to his wrists. “No,” she finally said. “I’m giving
you a far worse punishment " to see us kill this village and be the only one to
tell the tale.” She took notice of his pain and lazily looked at his broken
arm. The young man braced himself as she outstretched her hand to his shoulder,
expecting to feel pain. Instead, he was greeted with a gentle
touch, and a slight icy, lax feeling in his shoulder. “And in return for this
fate I thrust upon you,” she whispered so that only he could hear, “Your pain
is gone.” When he looked at his shoulder, indeed, the crooked angle it had once
been in was no longer. “But your emotional pain will be ten times worse.” With
this, the almost kind expression on her face became one of cruel mockery. It
only angered the young man more. “You’re
a monster!” he screamed, “A monster!”
He meant to sound angry, though it was clear terror in his voice. “Look at
you " you move like a shadow, a shadowed heart…in the fluid blue of water…” his
eyes became clouded, as though he were recalling some foretelling of death. Damn.
This is just my luck; I get a rambling loon for the one to spread the word of
my art, she thought, rolling her eyes. It’s
just what I need. Really. “Aqua Shadow…” he stuttered.
“You’re…you’re the Aqua’s Shadow!!” She cocked her eyebrow, looking at him
dubiously. Without a second thought, she swung her arm and knocked him
unconscious, still casting a spell on him so that his body wouldn’t be damaged
until the flames burned out, which should be by the morning to come. “Have a
great awakening, little pawn,” she cooed sickeningly, before walking away
silently to rid the village of the rest of its treasures, both of wealth and
soul. Hours after she and her troupe had watched
the disgusting town burn to the ground, Mihkail walked silently ahead of the
three others, who were whispering amongst themselves. She bit back a smirk as
they began talking about how thoughtlessly cruel she’d been to the villagers.
She paid no mind to it; this was all to please her master, to please herself.
It was all she lived for now, really. She had nothing else in this world. She
enjoyed killing. So what better than to have nothing to do but kill for fun and
money? To her, it sounded like the perfect lifestyle. She had no regrets about the life she had
chosen to lead. ~**~**~ “How
do you like what I’ve brought you, my Lord?” Mihkail spoke as she and her
troupe entered the forest glade that their comrades were hidden in from the
rest of the world. The leader, Lord Moran Tyder, looked up from the fire he had
with the Court; the highest rank, “Kills,” that he entrusted everything to.
Soon, Mihkail thought, soon she’d be among them, right before she took the
b*****d’s hide away from the throne. She smirked as Moran grimaced. “I see
nothing, Rigger. I see s**t,” he spat. Her grin widened insanely, and she held
out the four bags, each looking as though nothing were in them. “Only for
convenience’s sake, my Lord, be assured.” With that said, she flipped the bags
over, treasure upon treasure, coin upon coin being spilt about the lush green
field, tainting its beauty with the blood money. Nearly eight yards "
twenty-four feet " was covered with the loot when the bags finally empty, one
bag " the one she particularly carried " lagging slightly to empty. The Kills Court were astounded, Moran
himself having to lift his chin from the ground with effort. “Do you grant me your reassurance, my
Lord?” Mihkail challenged smoothly. He rose to his feet, his six-foot-eight
dwarfing her five-foot-five, and walked up to her, stopping so only he looked
straight down and she looked straight up, both holding the other’s gaze evenly,
with equal power, demand, and ferocity. A smile of pride crept across his face.
“You have earned your rank, my dear Mihkail,” he held out the characteristic
purple cloak for their group, except it wasn’t the first rank’s cloak, which
had one gold stripe, white designs on the collar, tails, and straps between the
black buttons. It had three gold stripes. Blue designs and button-bands. Red
buttons. She’d become the third rank, a “Hit” on
her first mission. She looked up at Moran, letting her guard down for a brief
moment and silently asked him innocently if this was correct. He nodded and
smiled again, and in return she showed a very surprising gentle smile before
she put it on, earning the cheer of the entire camp, as they’d all come out to
see her return. Mihkail smirked, and suddenly flew up
above them all, shocking a few, even Moran. “Fellow Brethren of the Setsu’rah,”
her voice rang, instantly garnering their attention. “I request this as my
official acceptance in your ranks. A poor unfortunate called me the Aqua’s
Shadow in a moment of hysteria. I have thought about it, and I rather like the
ring in it. From this day onwards, Setsu’rah, I will now be addressed to as
Aqua Shadow!” There was a silence, but it only lasted a
few moments before uproar began. “Aqua Shadow! Aqua Shadow!” They continued on,
Mihkail lowering herself to be surrounded by her new supporters. Moran was smiling and quietly clapping,
when a Kill walked up to him. “The scouts have confirmed that no life is left
within the village. Your protégé has proven to be more formidable than we
thought, Moran.” His cold eyes looked at his subordinate,
and then he smirked. “Is she, now?” The love-hate relationship between him and
his favored student began to show as he glared coolly at Mihkail, who in return
felt his gaze and glanced at him lingeringly. “I look forward to the day I see
so myself…Aqua Shadow,” he mouthed. The new most formidable murderess in the
country mirrored his calculating, evil look, and mouthed back a message in
return. “Of course, my Lord.” © 2010 Music's ColorAuthor's Note
1 Review Added on December 26, 2009 Last Updated on January 29, 2010 Author![]() Music's ColorSan Diego, CAAboutBorn: San Diego, sweets. Age: You're funny, you know that? Height: Tall for a Mexican girl, I guess. Things I Am About: Writing (durhur), music, art, anime, reading, sweets, Disney movies...yeah. .. more..Writing