Chapter 2 - Ivanis

Chapter 2 - Ivanis

A Chapter by Muse182

Ivanis scanned the club scene, his pulse steady and his mind calm. Walls of bodies crowded every inch of the floor, men and women dancing heatedly to the beat. Short and tight fitting dresses, high heals, and wife beaters set the trend in the overcrowded bar, skin the new style of the decade. It used to be so different years ago, recalling the days when one button out of place was a disgrace. Yet now, it seemed the world had gone on and changed, becoming more violent, more lustful, and ever more risqué in honing their desires. The aroma of potent perspiration mixed with the stench of alcohol hit his nostrils as he strode closer, his hand grasping the icy glass of rum in his grip. His six foot 4” frame stood taller then the people around him at the bar, his presence not easily left unnoticed. Curiosity lit up his features as he watched the crowd. People from every corner of the floor were in motion, dancing wildly like animals in heat. Coaxing fingers roamed across exposed skin, hips grinding to the beat. He watched as their greedy mouths drained countless drinks dry. Struck with fascination, he never found such sights tedious. It always interested him how people changed throughout time, their desires no longer hid or understated, but now readily displayed. Sex, drugs, and alcohol were what played upon these young influential minds, and it was a story easily told. Pleasure was the theme of this new era, and it seemed people were consumed by it. Not that he was complaining, he could use a little mind numbing distraction right now, and he was never one to discourage his own selfish desires. He had never been one to restrain himself from taking what he wanted, and this time would be no different. It wouldn’t be hard to comb through this mindless throng, and he knew with wicked delight that one of them tonight would effortlessly wonder into his grasp.

He displayed a masking calm, his body language relaxed, poised, while his mind roamed. He naturally wore a brooding sort of confidence, an easily honed skill for someone like him. It wasn’t arrogance, it was just plain factual. Humans found him irresistible, and even now as he descended further into the abyss of gyrating bodies, he could feel their gaze on him. Devouring eyes pondered over him full of lustful intent; if he were to give them any ounce of encouragement he could have any of them rolling around in his bed within the hour. His carnal maleness encased with an inhuman grace was something rarely seen by mortal eyes, and it left them unable to resist.

He came to his usual table across the floor, and took his seat where he allowed himself a taste of the dark murky liquid that stirred in the bottom of his glass. He let the ice touch his tongue, its coolness welcome due to the heat radiating from the dance floor. As his eyes flitted across each dimly lit face, he sharpened his senses to seek out his prey. He was sure one of these hopeless mortals would be able to distract him from other distasteful thoughts. Such thoughts he had been putting off for far too long, and now he was finding himself desperate to elude them. Yes, someone here tonight would serve to be his distraction; he had only to pick one. His eyes flashed with sudden hunger when his eyes caught sight of her, just across the bar. Long blonde hair cascaded in soft curls down her back and her mini dress that accentuated every one of her lush curves left little to the imagination. Her make-up may have been a bit heavy for his taste, but he was finding that was the norm when one wondered into the club scene.

She had noticed him too of course, and she wasted no time as she confidently made her way towards him, hips swaying sensuously. Her large brown eyes examined him with approval as she flashed a hint of a smile, one eyebrow arched in invitation. Yes, she was beautiful, he thought, maybe even more then beautiful due to the many men whom genuinely appreciated the view, their eyes taking advantage even now while she spoke to him.

“I’m Casey.”

“Ivan.” He stated his voice deep and inviting.

“Mind if I join you for a drink?”

He motioned his hand gracefully toward the empty chair beside him, his green eyes assessing her. Her short dress hiked even further up her thigh now, the fabric just managing to cover her most intimate areas that surely would be on display if not for her silk white panties that she managed to flash while crossing her legs purposefully. Large golden brown ovals stared at him with a mischievous gleam partnered with longing; something he had seen in many others before her. She swirled the straw around her glass teasingly, and allowed her gaze to linger, telling him all he needed to know without a word. Yes, she may just be the distraction he needed, he thought to himself pleased.

Her lips pursed suggestively before taking another sip of her dirty martini while her pupils dilated with wanton desire. He could sense the sexual heat rolling off her in waves, each movement she made was like an electric shock. It was glaringly apparent each time a woman looked at him, like he was a giant piece of meat ready to be devoured. Mouth watering and tantalizing to the senses, they all craved his intensity, knowing almost immediately from first glance their strong and undeniable draw to him. It was natural, and he had grown quiet used to the ruckus he created, never mind the sexual tension. Women gravitated to him like bees to honey. That’s the way it was. That’s the way it had always been since his re-birth. It had been one of the only perks this new version of himself had given him, not that it mattered much now. Over all the years that had gone and past with the twists of time, people in general had seemed to become more of a nuisance rather then enjoyment. On the rare occasion that one did capture his interest, it was only temporary. He could never get attached, he could never allow such bonds to form, and thus, this was the way it had to be.

It had become boring. He found himself no longer even slightly amused by the idea of extensive company.

Humans had become predictable, and he could easily see that the future held only more of the same. There would only be more violence, more sex, and more destruction. It didn’t take a genius to figure that one out. It’s what they did; case closed.

The crook of her finger got his attention as she leaned in towards him. Her eyes were glassy with desire and strong swirling alcohol.

“So are you going to take me home or what?” Her sexy tone would have any man jumping up from there seat in an instant, yet Ivan didn’t stir.

“Straight to the chase, I see.” He chuckled. “Sexy.”

“So I’ve been told.” Her brown eyes glanced up at him deviously through her long lashes.

“Call me old fashioned, but I like to buy a lady a drink first.” He winked.

Her eyes narrowed.

A crook of a smile played on the corner of his mouth in amusement.

“Making me wait?” She questioned her eyes full of curiosity.

“Just a little.” He grinned. “I’ll make it worth your while.”

With the crook of his finger he motioned the waitress towards them, casually ordering another round.

“Keep the change,” he told the pink haired girl, her black rimmed eyes sparkling in delight. He moved the dirty martini in Casey’s direction.

“Your favourite.”

She smiled. “How do you know?”

“I just do.”

“Enlighten me.” She demanded.

His eyes sparkled as he rose from his chair extending his hand toward her. His fingers touched her shoulder, ever so slowly trailing further along the slope of her neck and up to her ear. He felt her shiver beneath him. He brought his lips to her ear, his finger tracing circles along her skin softly but playfully.

“You like to play games. You’re daring, and not afraid of a challenge.”

His fingers traced her neck.

“You also play dirty.”

His finger lingered over the swell of her breasts.

“Very dirty.”

She bit her lip.

Her eyes met his and she moved to seal the distance between them, her pouty lips inching ever closer to his, yearning in her eyes.

He moved back.

“And you’re used to getting what you want…when you want it.”

She frowned in distaste.

He chuckled. “Thus, a dirty martini is the only logical choice for a woman like you.”

“You intrigue me.” She stated, her eyes still drinking him in wantonly. “If I’m such an easy woman to read, tell me what I’m thinking right now.”

He arched an eyebrow. This woman certainly was forward, and he was sure the only thing on her mind was the same thing on repeat in his. It was then that it became obvious she was just the distraction he needed tonight. He leaned in, his lips at her throat, feeling her skin inflame at his touch. He pressed a delicate kiss upon her milky skin, lingering in the aroma of her flowery perfume.

“Why don’t you show me.”


© 2015 Muse182

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Added on September 26, 2015
Last Updated on September 26, 2015




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