On Death's Door
A Book by Cassiopia Summers
How could this happen? How can I see you? How can you speak with me? It must have happened during the accident... 
© 2011 Cassiopia Summers
Author's Note
Thanks for reading, and I'm glad you're interested enough to check it out. I hope to stay commited to this project, but lets face it, I'm human, sometimes there are other important matters. I already have 15 chapters semi-planned, which will help alot. And depending on ya'lls interst in the story, will determine how far I continue this book. :)
Thanks again for checking it out, and if you have any suggestions, please review the chapter or send me a message, I sure would appreciate it. :) Thanks ya'll!
Added on June 23, 2011
Last Updated on June 23, 2011
Cassiopia SummersTucson, AZ
Lets get to know each other. :) To start, I think music reveals to us the person within, so here are some of my favorite songs because of their lyrics.
Sixx A.M. - Skin
Paramore - The Only Ex.. more..