I caught a
Cast by a boy
Wearing a school uniform
Licking an ice-cream
Without a cone
Erected on a wooden stick
Dipped in a chocolate sleeve
Cracking underneath
The strength of his front teeth
As I was squatting on
A stone threshold
Like a squirrel on a branch
Nibbling on a nut
Like a duck except
Wearing baggy blue scrubs
Matching an advertising sign
Of a practice behind
A dental hole
Where I buried a year of toil
As he was shuffling
His feet
Not caring a bit
After being let loose
By his teachers from school
To make the most
Of the afternoon
To build a lego wisdom port
A torture for a teenage sort
A play for a five year old
A pleasure if
It ceases to be a duty enforced
Hunching my shoulders
As if in protection
Against soldiers
I strayed my eyes on
A plane gliding over
A dazzling sky
Perforating clouds
With its sharp bow
Like a shark
Worming its way through
Remnants of boats
Whirling water with flippers
Without toes
Like birds' beaks
Pecking air breeze
Tipping their wings
Mastering avoidance of
Bullets of turbulence
Fired by hunters
Terrorists and slaughters
Without a sense of reverence
I was swamped
With a minute-off thought
Wandering like a slave
In my brain
Without a chain
Like an electric impulse
Keeping us alive
About passengers'
Trotting from terminal stations
Into different directions
Into stuck-in-a-rut railways
Braiding lines into
Intricate screenplays
Into charades played by characters
Without rehearsals
Making me realise
How pathetic people are
How mundane
Life can be
Like a city veiled
Under a grey shade of routine
Blotted with smudges
Eventful and extraordinary