I always say that there’s power in the things that people are too scared to say.
I’m physically disabled and people have those conversations in hushed tones as well. And I will never understand that. It just is. Might as well talk about these difficult subjects.
This was so tenderly written. I love observational poems such as this that tell the story of a moment.
I lost my dad to lung cancer when I was 23. He was 59 and I was the youngest of eight siblings. This is a fabulous write; reminds me of that line from She Talks to Angels, "She never mentions the word addiction in certain company" I think cancer is a little like that too. It's an invasive thief that steals life and leaves behind a legacy of heartbreak. It's so heart wrenching that it's difficult to even talk about. Just two years ago I lost my sister to colon cancer. She really had a rough go of it. Evil, and I firmly believe that cancer is an evil, knows no boundaries or barriers but only the grave makes everyone equal. We are all going to die. Maybe the living might try to live better for those they have lost in honor of their memory? It's hard to find meaning when even our words are not enough.
Posted 1 Month Ago
1 Month Ago
Let us pray for the day to dawn, when there will be a cure for this disease. I am so sorry to learn .. read moreLet us pray for the day to dawn, when there will be a cure for this disease. I am so sorry to learn it has taken two members of your family, Fabian. That alone takes an endurance of strength to persevere. Thank you for a most moving review. Bless you!
1 Month Ago
I liked the play on words, Tropic and Topic, too, a subtle reference to the Henry Miller novel, perh.. read moreI liked the play on words, Tropic and Topic, too, a subtle reference to the Henry Miller novel, perhaps. You're such a brilliant poet. Your works are always a pleasure to read. F.
Cancer!! what an ugly sounding word with an even uglier meaning for those who have it and for those around them. But Kelly, you not only make this a "topic" of conversation,, you do this in such a way that allows the reader feel the loss. Your poem is a "brave write", and a topic very much needed.
As I read I was reminded of the book/movie "The Fault In Our Stars" by John Green. And I am reminded of how their "OKAY" became the acceptance while fighting it, meaning of the story. "I have cancer, but I will continue to LIVE!!" I loved this book/movie, and I love your poem Kelly, 'OKAY".
Posted 1 Month Ago
1 Month Ago
How the struggles of our lives effect those we love. It becomes their struggle too, doesn't it? Th.. read moreHow the struggles of our lives effect those we love. It becomes their struggle too, doesn't it? Thank you, Curt!
This poem is both powerful and brutal. I lost almost my entire family to cancer and even the title was a huge reason for my heart to break, but the poem felt even more brutal. It is so powerfully written and touching. I can say that both the subject and the way your poem is written are universal at some point... on favs
Posted 1 Month Ago
1 Month Ago
Thank you, Beren. I wanted to give it a pulse for those who read it.
A very moving piece of art you've gifted us, Kelly. It's unfortunate that most people, regrettably, can relate.
This following stanza is heartbreaking and the last 2 lines especially are especially beautiful.
" tethered by the ghost of you." Incredible line!
"The scent of a pipe tobacco lingers
in halls of framed photographs,
in novels on bedside tables.
And i grieve in this gulf of silence
tethered by the ghost of you."
Posted 1 Month Ago
1 Month Ago
Thank you for the pleasure to know you! Your kindness is most appreciated.
You have written beautifully about a really ugly subject. Your attention to details: the furnace, the scent of tobacco, your beautiful string of words wrapped around the willow, all these details had me feeling a grief that permeated the house, the day. It brought up memories of my own as well.
Posted 1 Month Ago
1 Month Ago
My favorite detail here, the furnace, was actually taken from when I had a basement apartment at my .. read moreMy favorite detail here, the furnace, was actually taken from when I had a basement apartment at my sister's house. That's where the furnace was, and I became cognizant of it clicking on and off. A memory that stuck with me and served me well, I would say. Thank you, Michael!
its a beast isn't it Kelly and one I know only too well .. but then, doesn't almost everyone .. here, you have more than adequately and sensitively touched on a subject that many avoid .. and filled that space with a deep and true sense of loss .. a magnificent mourning song my friend .. no bull .. Neville
Posted 1 Month Ago
1 Month Ago
You always make such a difference in my day. Thank you, Nev!