And perfect timing Kelly, as the world outside turns into an ice skating rink and leaves us all wobbling, sliding and slipping along like Bambi on stilettos....
Which brings me to my next point.
I think I've been staring at my screen for too long, because I actually thought the picture that goes with the words was of a single large red stiletto, upside down. Do you see it? 😃
Posted 2 Months Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
2 Months Ago
Lol, you're right, it does!! That's some observation skills you have, my friend! Thanks, Lorry!
I really like this, you could be describing the world I see from my tiny deck. I too have been writing of winter, of birds. Also, that’s a great photo! Thanks Kelly. I have just discovered your writing and will definitely read more of your work.
Posted 1 Month Ago
1 Month Ago
Thank you, Michael. Me too, of you! I am deeply flattered by your candor.
A wonderful poem for nature dear Kelly. Here in Michigan. Cold and very quiet.
"and the moon,
the moon shall be our champion
a beacon of light that dances upon
the Delilah in my hair."
I need to dance by the sea and worship the stars. I did like the above lines. Thank you dear friend for sharing the amazing poetry.
Posted 2 Months Ago
2 Months Ago
Those lines you quoted are from my latest poem, of which you left me a lovely comment. I am flattere.. read moreThose lines you quoted are from my latest poem, of which you left me a lovely comment. I am flattered you enjoyed both! Thank you, John!
The piercing caws of blackbirds, that paints a vi I'd picture in anyone's eyes
Posted 2 Months Ago
2 Months Ago
I was able to get a video of them the other day, flying from trees to rooftops, their piercing caws .. read moreI was able to get a video of them the other day, flying from trees to rooftops, their piercing caws trumpeting their arrival. No wonder Poe wrote of them. Magnificent creatures they are!
Yes they are. I live on a farm in kansas, glacial hills, beautiful country, and 4-5 tomes since I'v.. read moreYes they are. I live on a farm in kansas, glacial hills, beautiful country, and 4-5 tomes since I've been here, large flixks of migrating? Black birds, a little smaller but amazing, decend on the corn fields after harvest. When disturbed they all move as one, in these waving , gyrating, swooping patterns. Amd they are everywhere. I haven't been quick enough with my camera to catch them.As I drive up the road but it's a sight to see you reminded me of it.Thank you
2 Months Ago
Sorry about all the typos., I have a "stupid phone"
2 Months Ago
Lol, I know, there are certain words they just won't allow us to use! Take care!
As we close another year, a new one begins. I love your ode to Mother Nature and the beauty winter can bring. (This is especially fitting for North Carolina because we finally received a bit of snow.)
Kelly, your words literally float off the page resembling fluffy white snowflakes falling from the sky. Just a beautiful write!
Posted 2 Months Ago
2 Months Ago
It fascinates me, the mere falling of those tiny flakes could result into such mass accumulations. A.. read moreIt fascinates me, the mere falling of those tiny flakes could result into such mass accumulations. And so silently, they fall. Thank you, Dara!
2 Months Ago
They are so pretty coming down. Luckily the snow usually just sticks around long enough to have fun .. read moreThey are so pretty coming down. Luckily the snow usually just sticks around long enough to have fun with. :-)
I think I read you live in San Diego... I didn't know it got that cold there, but it does not really matter, your description is a lovely piece of art. I can hear the crow echo in the thin, cold air. Some poems are like polished gems, pretty to look at, to hold and admire, then take them out again once in a while to reread them, and see it sparks the same internal juices as a kiss.
Posted 2 Months Ago
2 Months Ago
I was born and raised on the east coast, and some of my writing reflects that, especially the winter.. read moreI was born and raised on the east coast, and some of my writing reflects that, especially the winter season. I always go through my older stuff, just to feel what I felt in writing it. It's like visiting an old friend. The time and the momentum comes rushing back. Thanks, Vol!
2 Months Ago
Something happened when I wasn't looking... I got old and have way more memories of p.. read moreKelly,
Something happened when I wasn't looking... I got old and have way more memories of past lives I've lived this time around than I have left to make...As long as I am alive the things I did, the things that made me, live too.
i love those haunting long shadows of evening, the stoic trees so still and unfazed by the cold.
People seldom think about the birds in winter and where they are, but these two up in the naked branches make me think of Edgar Allan Poe ... ..
Posted 2 Months Ago
2 Months Ago
The crow and blackbird are truly the sentinels of nature. A little nod to Edgar Allan Poe seems so a.. read moreThe crow and blackbird are truly the sentinels of nature. A little nod to Edgar Allan Poe seems so appropriate. Thank you, Stella!
What a beautiful and evocative piece, Kelly! Your imagery captures the stark beauty of winter’s end so vividly. The crows and blackbirds, perched in stoic trees, feel like nature’s sentinels, their calls echoing the season’s soliloquy. Lovely work!
Posted 2 Months Ago
2 Months Ago
Thank you most kindly, Craig! Good to have your presence here!