This is beautiful, Kelly, questions that I have often thought of myself. All of my poems are handwritten in leather books, signed, dated, and timed. I have no children and no family to bequeath them to. I imagine after I'm gone, they will be tossed into a trash bin somewhere, never read and never known. My only way to let them breathe is in the here and now, here in this forum, shared with the ether.
Posted 1 Year Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
1 Year Ago
I feel for your situation, Linda. Having no family to bequeath your extraordinary work to. It is o.. read moreI feel for your situation, Linda. Having no family to bequeath your extraordinary work to. It is only the here and now that we worry of things like this. After we pass, there will be no earthly chores to ponder...we will be free of such trivial things. I'm beginning to think it may all be left to a dear friend of mine. Time will tell, I suppose. Thank you so much for this lovely review!
1 Year Ago
Like the sand mandalas of the Tibetan monks, or the sand drawing of the Dine ( Navajo) so many incre.. read moreLike the sand mandalas of the Tibetan monks, or the sand drawing of the Dine ( Navajo) so many incredible works are here for a time and then gone with no trace, except the memory of those who were blessed to experience them in their appointed time.
Such a beautiful and thought provoking poem....I feel your words have already been immortalized by that part of the Universe that takes cognizance of beautiful poetry and imprints them forever in its golden realms. There they shall stay, giving seasons their hues and sunrise and sunsets their glow. Inspiring future, yet unborn poets unbeknownst, till eternity, in a myriad different ways. Because I have faith that nothing beautiful in spirit and art ever fades.
Posted 1 Year Ago
1 Year Ago
",,,and there they shall stay, giving seasons their hues and sunrise and sunsets their glow." I coul.. read more",,,and there they shall stay, giving seasons their hues and sunrise and sunsets their glow." I could wrap myself up in your words and be perfectly content, forever. A thousand thank you's shall never be enough.
1 Year Ago
Just knowing you're happy and joyful is enough reward. You're most welcome, dear friend and beautif.. read moreJust knowing you're happy and joyful is enough reward. You're most welcome, dear friend and beautiful posters, Kelly. ❤⚘
A thought that is important for all poets and writers who think of what's to become of their precious books of poetry when they pass on....hopefully it will pass to one's children or to a dear friend....we just hope that it doesn't lay foul and that no one will read it or keep it for memories. I like the repetition, it makes the poem strong and viable.
Best, B
I loved the poetry dear Kelly.
"after all that i am
returns to dust,
lamenting in the benediction
of a prayer."
I liked the above lines and I believe. If we read the ancient writers. We bring them back to life again. Thank you for sharing the amazing poetry.
Posted 1 Year Ago
1 Year Ago
I love your take on this, John. So true! Thank you!
Hellos, Dear, Kelly Scheppers,
It is mere dishearten, by the edge of your pen,
truth is a pen might run out of ink,
but not the writ, not the mind, not the soul,
Posted 1 Year Ago
1 Year Ago
A most profound thought you leave me with. Thank you!
Fabulous Work Kelly, so soulful and thoughtful, excellent. You need to publish a Book Kelly definitely - then it will all be kept for posterity ✨️✨️✨️✨️✨️
I understand this feeling. As for myself, eh, I'll be beyond caring. I imagine my oeuvre will be scraps in a garbage heap when I am dirt in the earth. I'm okay with that. Nothing lasts forever except love. So I just try to share as much of that as I can while I'm here. I have grandchildren I've never met. But we can't have everything in life no matter how much it means to us.
Posted 1 Year Ago
1 Year Ago
A life lived. Proof we were here. It's all we can hope for. Thank you, Fabian!
1 Year Ago
I doubt anyone will care after long. Look at all the untended graves in the cemetery. Or maybe someo.. read moreI doubt anyone will care after long. Look at all the untended graves in the cemetery. Or maybe someone will champion our writing like T.S. Eliot did for John Donne and bring our memory a longer recognition.
Kelly, your poem is right up there with the classics (ie: Emily Dickinson, Keats etc) I see your poems as part of your legacy. Having published them here they are forever floating in cyberspace to be read and shared by all who visit. Maybe you should consider putting them into book form, if you haven’t already done so. I would gladly buy one!
Posted 1 Year Ago
1 Year Ago
My poetry is like a child to me, so the thought of leaving them behind gives me cause to reflect. I.. read moreMy poetry is like a child to me, so the thought of leaving them behind gives me cause to reflect. I've quite enjoyed reading everyone's perspective. Thank you, Dara!
I think this is personal to each person Kelly, with hopefully your thoughts on the subject being taken into account.
Should they become you after you are gone, spoken of in the same way as if you were in the room, or perhaps bequeathed to someone who you knew got them, and got you.
I think a lot of writers would consider being locked away in a dusty loft, their own version of purgatory, so it may be worth the bit of peace of mind it would bring you to discuss it while you are still here.
I think I'll leave instructions with a lawyer to turn it all into confetti, where each word can blow back from where it came and be rediscovered anew. 😊
Posted 1 Year Ago
1 Year Ago
Having it all turned into confetti. Now, there's an idea! Thank you, Lorry!
Beautiful thoughts and eloquently penned Kelly. Your poetry, leather bound and so precious to you. All the hours, all the emotion put into the composition. And when you are gone? What a question to ask yourself. I think we all do as writers. Mine, I will be satisfied to pass on to my grandchildren and hope they will pass down the family line for years. That would really please me. My poetry reflects so much about me and your poems are you. Now you have to answer the question.
Posted 1 Year Ago
1 Year Ago
I wanted to present this as an opportunity for my friends here to offer their perspective, believing.. read moreI wanted to present this as an opportunity for my friends here to offer their perspective, believing I would gain a little insight in the process. Thank you most kindly, Chris!