I Simply Adore You

I Simply Adore You

A Poem by Serendipity

Much more simpler feeling


How silly two words

Two very different words

Yet in the end

Almost the same significance


The same meaning yet

Hearing them feels different

One seems much more

Passionate than the other


And what are these

Two words you ask

That have caused confusion

Simple … adore and love


Let me analyze them

So it is easier

To understand the confusion

The despair they cause


Love it is the

Utmost feeling we can

Have for the one

We cherish so deeply


Adore it doesn’t sound

As strong or deep

It appears like a

Much more simpler feeling


Now let me define

These two simple words

The dictionary does not

Agree with my interpretation


Love, the dictionary says

A profoundly tender, passionate

Affection for another person

Its deep, tender, ineffable


Wow, I wonder how

Adore can even compare

I mean love seems

To be the ultimate


Adore, the dictionary says

To regard with the

Utmost esteem, love, respect

Love intensely, rapturous love


I am totally speechless

I really don’t know

What to say to

Justify these two meanings


Simply put I’m wrong

Somehow defined it seems

Adore is more intense

Than love could be


After all of this

I have decided that

I don’t love you

I simply adore you


May 15, 2008


© 2008 Serendipity

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Awwwww, how beautiful! I love the way you put this. What a slam on the dictionary and trying to box in something like love. Beautifully done Serendipity. :)

Posted 16 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

How wonderfully put! How very eloquently written! And, oh how very true! This is a wonderful piece you have written here and I simply must put it in my Favorites! Thank you for sharing this with the world!

Posted 16 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Awww, this is wonderful and I have to say after it that I agree, "adore" is a stronger word. Amazing how well you pulled that together!

I enjoyed ...

Posted 16 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Love every touch with your "hand written" note, the magnificent color (of the font and your tone), the depth of passion in your words... Simply beautiful in every way!!!

Posted 16 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.

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4 Reviews
Added on May 15, 2008



Sunny, CA

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