![]() EleanorA Chapter by Alex![]() Back to present time, its almost been a months since Eleanor last saw Michael. Eleanor has to face her mother, and face the facts. How will Trevor react? Will he know? Will she tell Michael?![]() “I know what he did, Mom,” I stood at the window looking at the yard, it was empty. “I don't know what you're talking about dear,” Mother smiled and took my empty coffee cup to the kitchen. “Don't deny it,” I hissed and didn't take my eyes off of the yard, I didn't need to look at her; I knew she knows. “Honey, I don't know what your talking about. Maybe you need to go lay down,” Mother brushed it off, “maybe its from all this heat earlier.” “Stop denying that you knew what Trevor was doing to the father of my unborn child!” I screamed and turned to look at her, I needed her to see the emotion on my face. Mother dropped the coffee cup in her hand, it shattered on the floor. I had her cornered now, and I had her exactly the way I wanted her. Mother was always one step ahead of me, not this time. I was. “Yeah, I bet you feel awful now,” I barked, “because you know what? I sure do, because when Trevor finds out that I'm not carrying his child. Oh he is going to just freak right out. What's he going to do? Who's he going to blame? Or was that he plan all along?” I wanted her to feel horrible just the way I did when I found out about the baby. “What?” Mother shock her head trying to deny it, “you're lying! I don't believe you!” Mother stood their looking at me, “You told me that Michael and you weren't planning on having a baby. I thought you two were using protection,” Mother slowly started to pick up the broken coffee cup. “Guest what Mom! We were planning on getting married and starting a family,” I lied through my teeth, we were going to, just not anytime soon. I could feel the tears streaming down my face, “guess what f*****g not going to happen now?” “I didn't know, I am so sorry,” Mother cried. “I am so sorry! I didn't know!” “I don't care, you sold me out! And I won't ever forgive you!” I screamed. We both stood there listening to Trevor's truck pull in the driveway. I heard the truck door slam, my heart pounded. What was I going to say? I had to calm down. I quickly dried my cheeks. I heard his work boots on the steps, I shout my mother a quick look. She nodded and crossed her heart. The door opened. Trevor stood their for a moment with the door wide open and waited for me to come to the door. “Its good to see you,” I said smiling, “how was your day?” “It was pretty good my beauty!” Trevor laughed and gave me some freshly picked flowers. “Oh! Trevor! They are so lovely! Thank you so much!” I smiled and kissed his rough cheek. “I saw them and thought of how beautiful you are,” Trevor rubbed the back of his neck. “Well, they are beautiful, thank you!” I smiled and went into the kitchen folding the flowers. I looked at my mother still picking up the coffee cup, Trevor was right behind me. Mother just quickly glanced over at me. I got the vase from off the top of the refrigerator. “Aren't my flowers lovely, Mother?” I smiled putting water in the vase then gently placing all the flowers in the vase and putting it on the dinner table. “Yes, they should brighten up the dinner table now! That was so sweet of Trevor,” Mother smiled and put the broken coffee cup pieces in the trashcan. “What happened in here?” Trevor asked as he sat down at the bar waiting for me to get him his usual. “Oh! I just accidental knocked it over when I got some good news! I guess I got too carried away!” I smiled blushing and getting a glass and a plate for the shelf. “What news?” Trevor asked. “I would like to keep it a surprise until dinner when we can also share it with my father, if you don't mind,” I paused and got out the bread and chicken, “but I know how you waiting on knowing surprises!” “Its alright, I guess I can wait,” Trevor was in a really good mood. “Well, good because I think you are going to love it!” I smiled and handed Trevor his usual sandwich and lemonade. “I hope so!” Trevor smiled and kissed my forehead. “I'm going to go lay down, if you don't mind,” I said. “Not feeling too well?” Trevor asked, “I will be up to comfort you in a few minutes.” “Thanks, Trevor,” I smiled and headed up the stairs. I didn't know how he was going to react to this, I hoped he would be okay with it and accept it. I opened our bedroom door and lay down on our big bed. I lay their gazing out the huge window, it was a beautiful farmhouse. It had a beautiful white picket fence, a newly red painted barn, a lot of trees, and a perfect view of the sunset and on the other side sunrise. I closed my eyes. And my mind flashed back to a few months ago. We sat their laughing on my floor, throwing noodles at each other. Michael. He was such a handsome country boy. His brown hair and his smooth face. He looked really good in a country hat. His eyes sparkled blue in the sun, his smile lights up the whole room. He had such a nice body too. His voice had a sexy country accent too. “You know, we are going to have to pick all of this up eventually,” Michael laughed. “I want you to promise me that you won't ever leave me!” I hugged his neck. I shot open my eyes and sat straight up in my bed. I felt suddenly really nauseous, I ran to our master bathroom. Trevor knocked on the bathroom door. Everything I had eaten recently, came back up. I couldn't take it. I started crying. “Honey, are you okay?” Trevor asked concerned. I felt another jolt. I hated being sick. I couldn't answer him. I heard the door open I lay their on the bathroom floor, staring at the ceiling. I felt awful. “Whats wrong?” Trevor asked kneeling beside me. “I hate being pregnant,” I whispered. “What?” Trevor smiled. I said it too loud. I wish he didn't hear me. “We are having a baby?” Trevor smiled and lay down beside me taking me in his arms. “You're okay with this?” I smiled. "I know that you're going to go through hell, but yes because it will all be worth it," Trevor paused, "because its Michael's baby." Trevor mumbled. “I am going to the doctors soon,” I smiled trying to ignore what he just said. “I am going to the doctors with you, no if's, and's, or but's!” Trevor laughed and held me tight. "I hope its a boy," I smiled picturing it in my head. "I hope its a girl," Trevor added smiling too. “I hope you're wrong, girls are brats,” I laughed and sat up. “I hope you're wrong, guys are a******s,” Trevor chuckled sitting up, “look at me, I turned out awful!” “You are not that bad!” I giggled and got up and went to the bed. “Good, maybe if it is a boy. He won't be so bad either,” Trevor sat on the bed beside me and put his hand on my belly. We sat in silence for so long. I wonder how he knew that it was Micheal's baby. Did Micheal know? “Hey, Eleanor,” Trevor had to break the silence. “Hey, Trevor,” I said. “What if its twins?” Trevor caught me off guard. “What?” I just about fainted. When it was dinner time, I told my father and he was the most happiest man alive. I stood their in the door way of the kitchen for a moment watching my mother and father dance around the kitchen together. My mind flashed back to when it was me and Michael. “Michael, I don't know what's wrong!” I screamed from the bathroom, “it hurts!” “Whats wrong?” Michael ran to my side. It hit us both what was happening. I cried sitting there in the bathroom. I came too it, my parents were looking over at me. “Whats wrong?” I looked behind me and I didn't see anyone. “Nothing,” Mother smiled and kissed my father on the cheek. I saw Trevor come up behind me. I smiled a little. We all stood their in silence taking this all in, I don't think their was a person here that knew who's it actually was; expect for me and Mother. I was okay with that. That was the way I wanted to keep things, because soon things were going to get out of hand again. I could feel it in my gut. “What are you thinking about my dear?” Trevor asked hugging me gently. “Oh, nothing!” I said smiling going over to the window. © 2014 Alex |
Added on January 20, 2014 Last Updated on January 20, 2014 Author![]() AlexMEAboutI have always loved writing, it helps me get my emotions out. I am a very creative person, so writing and photography go hand in hand with me. more..Writing