I've burned my tomorrows, beyond thy passing days. Awakened to a new life, madness yet raves my brain.. Shuttering eyes remind me of a past I once knew, searching for a future of todays made up of you. Hearing the leaves of yesterday as whispers of the wind, perceived shadows reign upon thy chilling skin.
My past is full of so much things...most are painful. But today, I stare into the future, hoping it will be just as good as today. And alone in my own solitude, whenever I allow myself to think, I just remember...the past will always be there. It won't ever go away. I can relate to this poem. Good.
deep, soothening and unforgettable.....absolutely marvelous!!! pas vrai!!!
Posted 12 Years Ago
12 Years Ago
Glad to hear you liked it, and thank you for the kind words.
12 Years Ago
always welcome :)
Very deep writing how I adore it... you are such in an awareness lately...
This is amazing and dwells on it's own flow, just to be noticed.... wonderful piece.
- Elisa
Posted 12 Years Ago
12 Years Ago
Many thanks upon such kind words :)
12 Years Ago
You're very welcome :) I enjoyed it, so I came here to leave my words :)
Hmm... 19 years I've been alive, but only really lived these past few.. I'm a freshman at the University of Akron majoring in Environmental Science. I don't like to think about my past, so I strive to.. more..