I Am Man, I Am Woman

I Am Man, I Am Woman

A Story by Stephe R. Seede

It's Man V Woman... It's Woman V Man... It's the ultimate "Battle of the Sexes" through all of their positives and negatives, for better or worst.



The Way of Man and Woman

        Isn't it amazing the things us men can get away with that women can't, and the many things women can get away with that men can't, especially when it comes to the sympathy card (admit it ladies). Women outnumber us by roughly around 51% vs 49%, but at times it feels like there's two women to every single man, like there isn't enough of us to go around (hum, I was wondering why there's so why lesbian couples, lol). God, like he did everything else on Earth, designed male and female with certain basic functionalities. He definitely put us here to create (invent) and breed, just as mankind has been doing throughout it's existence. There are some things that man was specifically designed to do. There's some thing's woman was specifically designed to do. Despite this, we (men) were made to be the leader and provider, while the female was made to be the breeder and nuturer of her seeds, and the moral supporting backbone of the family as a whole, just as willing to do anything to protect her cubs as the father is. And in many cases the mother is there after the father abandons the litter, just like in the actual wild. I'll take off my hat and salute any woman for doing that. Brace yourselves ladies and gentlemen, for the rest of this piece isn't for the faint-of-heart or overly sensitive...


Men vs. Women

        The workforce as a whole is predominently ran and controlled by men, so we usually get the jobs, promotions, and raises, while the women (despite the surgence of the independent career woman that has emerged in the workforce starting in the mid 80's on) still have to work twice as hard to prove themselves, and it's even harder for minoritiy women. Women seem to advance more in office and retail/department store settings. There are also many female-founded, businesses that caters mostly to women (i.g,. employment agencies for misplaced career women). Woman also strive in the media as there are a number of strong, powerful, established, multi-talented superstar businesswomen of all nationalities in the music industry (Madonna; Beyonce'; Mariah Carey; Janet Jackson; Jessica Simpson; Celine Dion; and Jennifer Lopez), the newsmedia (Orpah Winfrey; Barbara Walters; Ellen Degeneres; Tyra Banks; Diane Sawyer; Wendy Williams; and Lisa Ling), politics (Hilary Clinton; Michelle Obama; Nancy Pelosi; Condoleeza Rice; and Sarah Palin, give or take), and even world leaders as Queen Elizabeth II and the late Margaret Thather are (or were) among the most powerful people in the world.

        We're physically stronger and are more designed for physical activities like sports (football; basketball; weight-lifting; wrestling; boxing; and hockey). There have been females organizations that tried to compete but with little fanfare as sports like hockey are too exterme. After years and years of stubborn determination, they've finally conquered the sport of football and founded the "Women's Independent Football League" in 2001. Women are in the wrestling, boxing and body building industry too, but are most prominent in tennis, sprinting, and basketball (give or take). Yoga is a very popular, modern-day excerise that plenty of today women seem to indulge in and it's an ever so popular topic on talk shows and among celebrities.

         A man can get away with playing the field as people takes notice to the player with admiration and envy. Everyone wants to be around him and be like him where a woman, (in most cases) would be looked upon as a s**t, because it's in our nature (and public perception) to be the sexual predators, and for the woman to be the novice. Though, I have noticed some Don Juanita's in my day who actual had game and weren't skanks. This can sometimes serve as a flaw when trying to stay monagomous in relationships, a union where 2/3's of the time the male party is the cheater. For some men being with multiple partners is just simply the character of who they are (not to excuse it, but it's another term for saying it's a physcological thing with some men).

        Not to brag, because it's rather annoying for both men and women, but men can get away with having bad hygeine and B.O. (bad odor) a lot longer than a woman can. Woman are known for being clean and carring tolietries along with her. A nasty, smelly woman is a definitr minus. (Another point for the well-kept women!)

        In the summertime, we can get away walking around outside shirtless, women can't. What if they could? Just imagine seeing Beyonce', Halle Berry, Janet Jackson, Megan Fox, Nicky Minaj, Scarlett Johannson, Jessica Alba, Meagan Good, Odette Yustman etc, on one of these tabloid celebrity news shows walking along a beach topless, sipping on a long island iced tea... I guess that probably would be unlady like, but it would be wild all the same... Wouldn't it?


Women vs. Men

        Women have the sympathy card working their favor much better than men do as society is quicker to cater a women in distress much faster than men for the simple reason that the perception of the man is that of independence and resourcefulness. People don't think of this when the time comes to make a decision between choosing to believe the man or woman's side of the story (to any random situation). We as a society are automatically programmed to be more linent to the female species and in a lot of cases, society would side with the woman over the man. Especially if's it's a pretty lady, or one with kids, and the right one'll have a man eating out the palm of her hands. Police and law enforcement takes men terrorizing women much more seriously than a psycho, fatal attraction female stalking and harassing a man. And society as a whole is much quicker to side with the woman than the men. Sometimes we as a society can start to expect too much from our men as woman usually use the sympathy card to their advance.

        People (especially men) are most quicker to resuce a down-and-out woman from the streets, or save her from being evicted far more quicker than they'll give a man $300 to get a room to keep a roof over his head. But what the woman may have to do in return to earn her keep... is another story. That's when "matter of survival" kicks in, and everyone's morals are different.

        Parents can get away with naming their little girls boy or boyish-sounding names and women can get away with self-given nicknames that they think sounds cool, like "Jo" instead of "Joanne", or "Jackie" instead of "Jaclyn". And if you hear the name before you see the person, you may just think it's a male. If you name your little boy a unisex name (Pat, Rudy, Ruby, Jackie, Marion, Stacey, Tracy, Ira, Ida, or Sidney), they just don't sound as masculine.

        In many cases, women usually get away with verbally expressing their fraustrations and talking bounds and bounds of sh** (especially if it's to a male figure), while with a man against another man, it would be more likely to escalate into a fight (unless the perpetrator was much bigger than the opposed, or the opposed was a yellow coward) for the simple fact that people, in general, are more self-guarded when a big, husky 6 "4' man with a deep voice responds to them, in lieu to a 5 "5', 115lb woman with a big mouth.

        And while women usually mature quicker than men, it's still a man's world as our gender has more inventors (Thomas Edison and Ben Franklin), more geniuses (Einstein) and overall, more leaders. So women aren't necessary always the smartest. But, women are usually more emotionally delicate than men and usually more rational, where us men are known to be stubborn and brutish to the point where we burn bridges. We have fragile egos too, and we'll lie to the very end to protect our delicate feelings. It's all about "Self Pride and Humiliation" folks, but that good woman and his momma (especially) will still be in his corner. This is one of the many reasons why children, especially little boys, are usually more fond of their mother than their father, and become ferociously overprotective of her as they get older. To most people, their mother is the most cherished woman in their lives.

        Women (in general) tend to share a certain mutual bond of closeness that looks and come off completely natural, as two straight men would look very suspect posing on a picture face-touching-face " alas, the Thelma & Loiuse movie poster" and smiling for the camera.

        Despite the LGBT community's movement coming a long way (especially in recent years), homosexuality among women is still far more socially and politically acceptable than homosexuality among men, as fantasies of being with two women and two women being together have become an ultimate modern-day taboo, while the historic image of the man is to be strong and independent, and to have his significant other (female) follow in behind and support him, not to follow in behind one another. There are plenty of lesbian couples with a guy in the middle somewhere (with the guy being one of the women's boyfriend). But the concept of homosexual men isn't looked upon as fantasiful upon mainstream society as with lesbian relationships as many of them tend to stay in the closet (I'm assuming that may be one of the many reasons).


The Final Analysis

        Through mankind's strengths and weaknesses, in all of it's many forms of relationships there's three factors: trust, support, and dedication. And when one is unknowledgable, the weaker link should be able to receive some type of support from their partner. The most emotional and personal relationship is the manogomistic relationship between two people (perferrably between a man and a woman) which can span from first date, to engagement, to marriage (a relationship that can last a lifetime if couple are true soulmates). Most women want an independent, strong, resourceful man in her life for long-term sexual, conversational companionship, and love and support. Most men want an intelligent, strong, supporting, spiritual, nuturing, and dedicated woman in his corner (in other words, both genders want and need a little TLC from each other). So with these highs and lows of both genders being fully acknowledged, without any bias, it's fair to say that behind every great man, there should be a strong woman at his side and he should do his all to provide for, love, take care of, and cherish that true woman he loves, second to his momma.


             Til' my next piece...

             DAYDREAM, BABY!

© 2016 Stephe R. Seede

Author's Note

Stephe R. Seede
Thanx 4 Reading!

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Added on April 2, 2016
Last Updated on April 3, 2016
Tags: Man, Woman, Gender, Homosexuality


Stephe R. Seede
Stephe R. Seede

chicago, IL

Stephe R. Seede is a writer and budding novelist who specializes in a wide range of topics in the fiction geners of: thrillers; mystery/suspense; dramas; comedies; urban; sci-fi; and action. When n.. more..
