Chapter 7: Execution

Chapter 7: Execution

A Chapter by Haimaii

Chapter 7: Execution

‘Dinner’ a man’s voice rumbles from behind the cell door.

The clattering of a clay plate announces the arrival of my final meal. Bread and water. I’d laugh if my throat weren’t so dry.

‘Could I have some more water, please?’ it hurts to talk with a dry throat.

The man grunts in displeasure, then walks away. He comes back with an entire bucket.

‘Here’ he says, as he empties the bucket of cold water over my head, ‘Is that enough?’.

‘It will suffice’ I say calmly, trying to hide my vulnerability.

The guard seems disappointed when he sees that I’m not impressed, and he wanders off again.

The jingling of keys is all I hear when the cell door flies open.

‘Get up’ the guard says, ‘It’s time’.

I reluctantly stand up, there’s no use fighting at this point. Other prisoners look up at me, knowing we’ll soon share the same fate. Some are old, some are young. Some did nothing wrong, some are murderers.

‘May god be with you’ one of them says.

I nod, then look forward again. The courtyard comes into view. Torches illuminate the gallows in the dark evening. There’s a crowd behind the gallows. Villagers who have come to watch me die. Some were friends, some I’ve never met before. The king is there too, surrounded by guards. Even in the dark, his smile is easily visible. I climb the stairs and gaze into the crowd once more. Elizabeth and Stan are nowhere to be found.

‘Shane Alvey!’ A man yells, ‘You have been found guilty for the crime of treason, murder, and theft. You shall now be hanged by the neck until dead. Let the execution commence!’.

A black bag is pulled over my head, then I feel the rough rope being tied around my neck.

There’s shouting, then screaming. Something bad seems to be happening. I hear swords being unsheathed and arrows flying. Somebody runs up the wooden stairs and stops next to me.

‘Elizabeth and the baby are safe’ he whispers, it’s Stan.

He pulls the bag from my head, then unties me. I remove the noose myself, then thank Stan. Stan nods, then runs off again. Now I see what all the fuss is about. The guards are fighting a werewolf, but not any werewolf. It stands on its hind legs, showing off the large scar on its chest. The beast looks at me, he still remembers me. He lunges at me, ignoring the spears and swords that are aimed at him. I pull a lever. The gallows’ trapdoor opens up and the beast falls through. It’s confused, but not for long. I run away towards the castle, locking the door behind me just in time. It scratches at the door, only stopping to end the life of some more guards. I continue walking through the corridor, searching for the king.

A small group of guards comes rushing past me. They don’t notice me, hiding in the dark corridor. I wait until they’ve passed me, then snap the neck of the guard in the back. The sound of their armour masks the noise of a murder. I drag his body away, then disguise myself as him. I calmly continue through the hallway, drawing little to no attention to myself. Another group comes running past, unaware of my disguise.

‘Where is the king?’ I ask them.

They stop, then their leader points to the end of the hallway, ‘Go there, then to the left, ask for directions when you’re there’.

‘You have my thanks’ I say, then run away.

I end up in his throne room. It’s a huge chamber filled with guards, heavily armoured guards. My simple plate armour stands out like a burning squirrel. I try to sneak away, but I’ve already been noticed.

‘You there’ someone says, ‘What are you doing in his majesty’s chambers?’.

I kneel before him, ‘Apologies, sire. I got lost’.

‘Don’t let it happen again’ he says, then returns to his post.

I go back into the hallways and continue exploring, I must find a way to assassinate the king. I soon end up in the kitchen. Cooks are busy preparing a feast for the king, like always. All kinds of silver cutlery litter the counters. I grab a few knives, they’re the closest thing I’ve got to a throwing knife.

‘Sir’ one of the cooks says to me, ‘I don’t mean to be rude, but what is a guard doing out here?’.

‘Just making the rounds’ I respond.

‘Guards normally don’t come here’.

‘There were some complications earlier, werewolf. I’m just here to check if everyone is alright’.

He looks at me suspiciously, then continues cooking.

© 2017 Haimaii

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Added on January 20, 2017
Last Updated on January 20, 2017




I write stories in English as a hobby. Although I'm not a native speaker, and grammar mistakes can be made, I enjoy writing and shall continue doing so. If you have any ideas or tips for me, please .. more..

The Start The Start

A Chapter by Haimaii