I Once Was A Hero

I Once Was A Hero

A Story by Mr.Six

Read it :D

Thick darkness filled the night like a flood of black fog. Heavy rain pelted the shadowy cloaks of a dozen men and their unruly steeds. Despite the loud clatter of the horses’ gallop, the bandits were silent under the grace of the nights shower. The twelve men met behind the temple of worship at an hour past midnight. A trade caravan had departed from the Far East several weeks prior and was shortly due. The merchant was rumoured to be carrying precious stones and metals, the surplus of recent tomb raids. The thieves planned to rob the merchant of his possessions, just as he had stolen from the pharaohs of Egypt’s past. Of the dozen, six men were mercenaries, hired to deal with the merchant’s guard. The leader of the raid reared his horse, taking a commanding presence. Only his eyes were visible from beneath his dark hood.
            “Men, the hour is upon us,” the leader said as if he was a noble knight, “the caravan shall soon arrive and we must take our positions. Mercenaries, you will be the first to strike! If you perish in battle your share will go to the others.”
            The sinister presence of the dark, shady, man struck fear into the young mercenaries. The youngest of the hired arms became nervous. He gulped as if he was trying to swallow his anxiety. His palms became sweaty as he gripped his reins tightly. His horse grew uneasy and he failed to take control.
            “Whoa boy.” Another mercenary commanded as he grasped its reins firmly, calming the horse.
            “Thank you Sixx.” The anxious young man said gratefully.
            Sixx nodded and patted the unstable one's shoulder.
            “You will not die tonight friend.”

© 2011 Mr.Six

Author's Note

I wrote this for a creative writing class, my teacher enjoyed it, but thats his job i guess :P

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Not bad, very descriptive and gives the reader a visual.

Posted 13 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on May 9, 2011
Last Updated on May 9, 2011




I'm an 18 year old guy who lives in Canada :D more..
