In God we trust

In God we trust

A Poem by Mr. Lopez

more of a blog then a poem


In God we trust


Man was not meant to be alone. When I say man, I mean humans. We were made from love and meant to love.  This love takes many forms. Compassion, Mercy, faith, grace. Not necessarily love in the conventional form. Candy and flowers are not love. Only tokens of. True love comes from the heart. True and unconditional love knows no boundaries. If you ask yourself if you understand the meaning of unconditional love, can you give a true definition of it? Unconditional love is what God has for his children and what he wants his children to have for each other. To not judge but allow each other to evolve as you will and as God intended you to. To show compassion and mercy toward each man, woman and child unconditionally is to do Gods work. The Bible says to speak kindly to others and use words that will build up and bring joy. To not argue and speak ill of one and other. Do I sound like a bible thumping tree hugging hippy? Well……I don’t care what I sound like as long as my  message for God is getting out there. Yeh.. Love! Some who claim to know God have yet to follow the teachings of the Bible and live their lives as if there is always time to repent.  Taking the gift of love for granted. And it is a gift. For those who are alone and searching the world for love .Know that you must put your faith in God. He will not let you walk alone in life. If you think that love is that fuzzy feeling you get in .your belly when that certain some one smiles at you. Well, that’s just the start. Real love comes from within our souls. In our minds and hearts. How we think of that curtain some one. How we lift them up and them you. Companionship is more then just having some one there to hang out with. It is having that special some one to share your heart and soul with. Your life with. The one who cares when you cannot find your smile that day. The one that will grow with you. The one that will be there for you when no one else will. Unconditionally. We are not perfect. Nor will we ever be. But he is! And in God I trust


© 2008 Mr. Lopez

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this is a great have to have faith in God for he is our father, he died for us to live, we all must forgive others to be forgiving, we must let God cover us in his blood and shine his light on us to show us the right path. he is the one that takes care of you when you cry out to him when you pray and those prayers are answered it might not happen right away but he will make sure we are taking care of really are good at writing about God and the again great write i will see more.......kootos

Posted 16 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


this is a great have to have faith in God for he is our father, he died for us to live, we all must forgive others to be forgiving, we must let God cover us in his blood and shine his light on us to show us the right path. he is the one that takes care of you when you cry out to him when you pray and those prayers are answered it might not happen right away but he will make sure we are taking care of really are good at writing about God and the again great write i will see more.......kootos

Posted 16 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Unconditional love, loving another with no hidden agenda, looking past the human flaws, no conditions. Never ceasing to love another even when that person changes or evolves. This love has nothing to do with the intensity of the love. It just means a commitment to love has been made. Unconditional love does not come in degrees. This piece is a true reflection into the heart of how we should love. I believe that a love that has conditions is fragile. You have a God given talent here.

Posted 16 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

"... If you think that love is that fuzzy feeling you get in .your belly when that curtain some one smiles at you. Well, that's just the start. Real love comes from within our souls." ... Yes, so true. Love, real love goes beyond being IN LOVE. xxx

Posted 16 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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3 Reviews
Added on March 22, 2008
Last Updated on May 30, 2008


Mr. Lopez
Mr. Lopez

Chandler, AZ

I was born in Texas October of 1966. Raised in California where i fell in love with music and art. I came from a large , poor family where the most valuable thing we ownwed was our love for each other.. more..

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