Firestar Chapter 3 *Language warning!*

Firestar Chapter 3 *Language warning!*

A Story by MotleyMelly

Chapter 3 of Firestar!

The bubbles floated upwards, and the surface of the water grew closer... When it was broken, a moon shone above an opening in the trees. Ramiro could breathe under the water, and the night air refreshed his senses... Diving back under, he witnessed a beautiful world, twirling through some tall, underwater grass before, "Hey! Wake up!" His eyes snapped open, two officers standing above his cot with cuffs ready.   He wasn't happy to be back here. He'd come to prefer the peaceful dream world.
He'd gone from being free to being an animal again.  Instructed to stand, he did so without argument, and the cuffs were put on his wrists and ankles. He'd been being temporarily held, but now was the court date. A little ray of hope was shining on him, and he'd look a bit brighter today. One of the officers had noticed this, and raised a brow, "You seem rather confident." he'd say to the young man.  Officer Samson was one who felt the way quite a few did- that there was no way Ramiro could have done it.  But he was merely a guard, and not really anyone in power. 
Ramiro hadn't spoken a word since he'd been put in the squad car, unless he was required to do so. He'd give a weak, tired smile, "I know I'll be okay." he finally spoke, Samson smiled up at him, as Ramiro towered, "I was at the show... Off duty, of course. I really do hope to see you play again." They entered a courtroom, where Ramiro's eyes met with Tia's. Tia was there. So were Vincent, Micku, and the Starstreamers... And even, his very concerned looking mother and father...  All of them. They were there. It was like finally things were looking up! True, this was scary, but Ramiro knew he had support. As he was pushed into a chair, he looked up at the judge. Here came a long day....
"Court is now in session." Was soon enough heard, the judge, an old man with a stern face looked down at Ramiro from his seat, introduced the case, and announced , "The defendant is charged with the murder of Jack and Alondra Martinez, of the state of Oregon." The judge would stop and look to both tables as if waiting for one of the lawyers to speak. Ramiro's lawyer, a middle-aged woman spoke first, after swearing to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, "Your Honor. According to record, Mr. Alvarez was seen, at the time of the murder, playing onstage in Washington. There's no way he could have been in Washington and Oregon at the same time. " There was some protest from the accusing side, and the other lawyer stood up.
"The evidence found by county police proves otherwise. Every bit of evidence, which consisted of hair, a fingernail, the prints left on the bodies, and on the weapon... It all matched him. DNA, everything. You can't possibly tell me that with all that DNA, it could be someone else. It just doesn't work that way." The man on the accusing side said. Ramiro's mother looked like she was going to say something, but just couldn't... She couldn't believe either of her sons would do this... She didn't want to accuse Domingo, but she knew for a fact that Ramiro was the sweet one... The judge looked between the two, then looked to Ramiro, "Mr. Alvarez." Ramiro looked up as he was addressed and asked to answer. "Where were you on Tuesday night, at eight fourty five PM? And what is it you were doing?"
Ramiro, who nobody that knew him knew as a liar, spoke, "Your honor, I was out for some fresh air before I would have to play music. Maybe for ten minutes? I walked around a bit outside, doing some stretches and came back in straight after to tune my bass."  The opposing lawyer spoke, "During that time, the murder happened. Who's to say you weren't doing that if you were alone?"  Ramiro seemed a bit hurt by this, and his lawyer spoke, "Well, for one, he was in the next state over, as he was seen playing a show... One can't get from the middle of Oregon to the middle of Washington in ten minutes." It seemed like a smartass remark, but it held weight as the other lawyer silenced for a moment, before bringing up again that all the DNA was there.
Mickunae, while he listened to the arguing, bit his lip... He was trying so hard not to interrupt with his knowledge of court and law.  He had to remember,that here, he was only a kid. Not a prince, learning to be a king one day. He didn't have his power that he would at home.  He was growling a bit... Vincent gently squeezed his icy hand, his own getting frosted over a bit. But he tried not to show his discomfort at the fae's wintry magic subtly crawling on his skin. 
The jury would be excused to discuss this case after some more arguing by lawyers and testaments from both sides... As the men and women piled into the jury room, many looked exhausted before the discussions even began. "Where to begin...?" The foreman asked, shaking his head.  "I don't know... Maybe with the fact that some couple was killed??" a woman snipped as she sat down. "Yes, but, as his own lawyer stated... The boy wasn't even in the same state. And to be honest, the way he looks, I wouldn't doubt he plays music." An older man stated. Another woman spoke, "I know someone who went to the show, honestly. " This woman was quite young... "She phoned me about how much it rocked." The first woman strictly snipped, "This isn't about how 'cool the show was.' It's about a man who killed a couple."
The younger woman looked a bit discomforted now. The foreman spoke up, "Ladies... Okay, let's set what we know in front of us." Another man moved forward, with a notepad. He was writing this out, "Alright. So, Mr. Alvarez claims he was in Washington, and several claim he was indeed. The murder happened when he was out for a walk, but the murder happened in Oregon. " The young woman spoke again, "But how could all his DNA be in Oregon while his body was in Washington?" 
The jury room went quiet, and the older woman stated, "The evidence is blatantly there. Everything matches up to him. It's pretty hard to deny a fingerprint, hair, and nail. " There were murmurs of that being true, but many in the jury were confused. another man spoke up, and earned glares when he stated, "Does he have any criminal background? I know these beaners like to join gangs and cause trouble. It's just their culture!"  The older woman, who'd seemed completely against Ramiro rolled her eyes, "You should be ashamed, bringing race into this..." The man shrugged, unaffected. "I'm only saying- The couple DID have a background. Maybe they didn't pull their end of some deal. Maybe the boy is secretly part of a gang."
Most of the jurors ignored him, one or two shrugging. A younger man spoke, though he'd been a bit shy about it. "I know it's not..... Per se.... NORMAL to bring this up....?" One could tell this was his first time doing this... "But I looked at the... er... audience?I-In the courtroom.... I saw the Starstreamer Stars... We all know how famous they are... I could barely get through the crowd outside... " The others were listening. "What about it?" the foreman asked, and the young man gathered his confidence, "Here they are in the public eye... I saw one of them glare at the accusing lawyer a few times and another shake his head at him... And nod when the defendant spoke. I doubt they'd defend a murderer, with their being celebrities and all... People are gonna hear about it. I mean, look how hard it was to GET to court, with how many people were here, just because they were here."
a few brows raised... That was true... As small and irrelevant as it seemed... "You have an observant eye, young man." the eldest juror said, looking as the one with the notepad wrote that on the side.  But as many arguments and statements were made FOR Ramiro, with what was known about him, there was no getting past the evidence...  The jury was in for hours... They had nothing more to discuss. And as much as it made sense to say he was innocent, the evidence left only one choice. Nobody really agreed on it, or felt good about it, but they had to cast their vote...
"Guilty." The judge said, after a long trial, many protests and murmurs being heard throughout. Ramiro looked like he'd just shattered inside. "The defendant is to be sentenced  to life in prison. With no bail." Ramiro was too stunned to have a reaction. It was like Tia's cries of objection were just... underwater or something.  It wasn't until the Judge banged his hammer, "MISS!" The old man's heart was not without sympathy, as he looked into the young woman's eyes. 
True, his job was to stay neutral on everything. Kind of ironic, as he was called 'Judge', but he didn't really get to judge anything. He did not like giving the sentence, and though he kept his judge-face on, inside, he wanted to defend the boy. This case didn't make even a bit of sense.... He saw the parents of the boy in their sad confusion as they were escorted, in an emotional mess, out of the room. Just this giantess of a woman stood before him while the room emptied, fearlessly.
"All the evidence matches up, the jury has decided. I'm afraid it's the only thing I can do." The judge spoke, calmly. Tia looked around the room, then to the jury, "You... You're all monsters! How could he have--?" She was interrupted when she saw Ramiro was already being removed from the room. As she and the boys tried to run to him, they were stopped at the front of the seats. And that was seemingly that for Ramiro. Not even a chance to say goodbye. Not to mention, the members of the jury certainly felt like monsters...
The judge spoke to Tia, "Ma'am, I'll see to it that the case is looked into more." He looked to the deputy that had been in the room the whole case and hadn't left yet.  Tia could somewhat see the human side, here. "However,until that time, the evidence has proven him guilty." He hated to see that look in the woman's eyes. It wrenched his gut. But he also couldn't let what the jury thought was a murderer loose, unpunished. 
It was like Ramiro had gone numb, completely and totally. He wasn't sure if it was out of shock, sadness, fear of what was to come, or all of these things.  He was allowed to keep his hair long, as long as he had it in a ponytail, and he cooperated with the officers, but... As he walked the prison's halls, being escorted to his cell, it was like things were becoming a blur again. He saw a lot of tough, scary men... Real criminals... But he didn't seem to react to their scowls and mocking.  He was placed in his new cell, not even a window, just a dim lightbulb to provide light enough to see his cellmate's scary, rough face. 
When the officer left, the other man stood up, "I heard what YOU did, shrimp. Ohohooo, we're gonna have LOTS of fun with ya, pretty-boy!" When Ramiro didn't react, the brute grabbed him by the collar of his shirt, getting a shocked yelp, "You hear me, boy!? You deaf!? The name's Sledgehammer. Or, that's what they call me. Wanna find out why?" Without even waiting on an answer, Sledgehammer threw a huge right fist right into Ramiro's sternum, knocking the air out of him, and laughing, when the much skinnier male fell to the floor, coughing. 
The investigators did indeed begin researching deeper into Ramiro's case, seeing the massive ammounts of protest from so many people. The hair, nail, everything was reviewed... It was still the same as Ramiro's... Though, a few weeks later, one investigating the hair spoke up to his superior. "Sir, I have something on this clump of hair..."  The top investigator looked up from his desk where he had a few cases spread out, "Hm?"  The first to speak said again, "For the Alvarez case?? I'd like you to come see, and let me know if you think differently, but the hair... It's not like it was shedded. "
"David, what do you mean?" the man asked, standing from his desk. Finally some ground on this?? "Well, you see, Matt... " David would begin, "From looking at it under the microscope, one can clearly see the ends of the hairs. but you can also see, by looking at the top of it, compared to a shedded hair, it's as if this hair was cut. On purpose. Also, the dye looks as if it was done shortly before cutting. " Matt was interested as he listened to David, and when David finished, Matt spoke up, "Though the nail looked as if it were caught on something and ripped?" David nodded, and Matt held up a finger, running to the nearest phone.... "Hey, hey, Kimmy! Hey, you got enough time to pause practice and talk to me?"
David was now confused, "Who...?" Matt covered the speaker as the woman's voice came over the phone, as did a few loud noises. "My friend Kimmy plays the guitar. I think I remember her saying something about fingernails.... Also..." He raised his brows a few times. David rolled his eyes. As resourceful as that was.... He didn't need to know Matt had a crush on this loud person on the phone. It was a bit funny, though. "Kim-kim!" Matt greeted enthusiastically on the lab's phone, earning stares from others... Normally the boss was a bit more... professional...? "Say, I have a question for you, dear... How do you usually keep your nails, since you play a guitar?"
"I know, girly. I guess I'll admit to asking for a case. Short?? Ah, so it does't brush other strings, got it... Say, does your bassist do the same?? She does? Alright, thank you.... Tonight? How about tomorrow night? I have a lot of new work to do tonight...  Hehe, sure thing. Alright, see you then!" He'd end the call, and swiftly turn to David, trying to recover from that bit of unprofessionalism. "See if you can't figure out the length of the nail that came from! I'm going to look into Mr. Alvarez's records..." David nodded and headed to investigate the nail.  within a short amount of time, another person entered and spoke to Matt. A woman in a lab coat, "Matt? The nail for the Alvarez case was actually from a longer nail. " 
Matt looked up, "Sandi, good timing, too. Turns out, our boy, here, has a twin brother. Identical twins, from their birth record. You know what that would lead up to? " he asked, and the woman listed off, "The same DNA, fingerprint, and... Well, everything. Like a clone. " Matt would nod, "Get this- his brother lives in Oregon and has a criminal background.  How did we not find this before?... I'll get this... Domingo guy interrogated."
Domingo seemed a bit surprised to have the police at his door, and even more surprised to find himself being interrogated. The interrogator asked, "Mr. Alvarez, where were you on the fifteenth of February, at eight fourty five PM?"  Without missing a beat, Domingo confidently said, "Camping. I know, camping? In February? Ask anyone I know, I'll go camping for Christmas." The interrogator wrote this down and nodded, "I see. And would you mind telling me where you camped?"  Domingo already had that ready, answering with a forest that was legal to camp in, but he'd not seen even a ranger out there before. 
"And what was your camp like?" he was asked, to which he'd answer, "Well, it was in kind of a hidden grove, I had a green tent, and a hot fire going... It was nice. Quiet." This seemed to be enough for the interrogator, as he called in another officer, and handed the officer the paper, with instructions, "I want you to call the ranger for that area, and tell him to find the campsite." Domingo looked confused, "But I'm not there anymore?" 
The interrogator dealt a good blow when he said "But you went camping in a rather quiet season, Mr. Alvarez. The ranger will be able to tell if a campfire was had, since the place has been empty... It's not open yet, so you would likely be the only one out there." Domingo held back his nervousness, "Not open? It closes?" he asked, legitimately.  The interrogator nodded, "You should have seen a sign. The fact that you ignored it is pretty much trespassing."
Domingo became oddly quiet... Especially as the officer came back and stood behind Domingo, after whispering in the interrogator's ear. The interrogator also stood. "If you have anything to say, now's a good time." Domingo quickly stood and didn't say anything. In fact, he, as if instinctually, tried to escape the room, pushing one officer over like nothing. And when he attempted to do so to the other, the interrogator leapt over the table and jumped on his back, quickly pulling out his tazer, and hitting the young man hard enough with it to momentarily stop him. Though the strength of the young man was remarkable as he withstanded the tazer and stood like nothing, his eyes going black again as a grin came over him.
Backup was called, and it took several police officers, all astounded by the power of this young man, how he didn't even seem to struggle until several tazers and officers were on him.  He was later strapped down in order to be looked at... There was certainly a strand of shorter hair, still... With some blue messily left in it....! He was caught!
The phone rang in Carlita Alvarez's living room. The aging woman picked it up and gave a soft, "Hello...?"   Her husband, Miguel came in just in time to hear her cry, as if in joy, "Ahh!!! My little Ramiro!! But wait.... " She got a devastated look in her eyes again, but it was also now filled with anger. "Domingo!!??... Y-Yes, I understand, just... I knew Ramiro would never, but... Domingo... I still just can't believe... I thought I raised them both right, not just one..." She held back her tears as Miguel listened, "When...? Tomorrow? We'll be there, oh, heavens, I want nothing more than to hold my baby tight!!!..." Her face looked worried, now, "He... Is...? We'll keep that in mind... Who knows what kind of turmoil this whole thing has Ramiro in... Yes, thank you, we will... Byebye...!" 
Miguel gave his wife a questioning look, as he was tackled in a hug, that had a mix of all kinds of emotions, but he was lost, "Carlita???"  Carlita went off in Spanish, "It's Ramiro, darling, he didn't kill anyone. Just like we knew! It was.... Was... Domingo...  I- I don't know, I'm sad, angry, and elated all at once... Poor Ramiro, all this time, he's been being treated as a criminal...!" Miguel winced, "Ramiro has no chance in prison... He's a pretty-boy. And he doesn't belong there.  When are they letting him out?"
Carlita answered, "Tomorrow.  But... We have to be careful... He's... Not said to be in good health..." Miguel was disheartened. True, Ramiro wasn't his favorite of the two boys when they were growing up... He always seemed more fragile and sweet than his brother. Anymore, he felt bad. And a bit angry at himself for raising a killer, then blaming the innocent one. "He's probably spiralled just out of depression... But his mama and papa will both work to make it better." Miguel softly reassured Carlita, holding her tight. In his mind, he was already seeing it. But being a father, Miguel went off into his thoughts. He could just already visualize, bringing his boy home, making sure he got into better health, and actually bringing him back to the happy kid he was.
He could still remember when the boys both opened their eyes at the same time. Domingo had dark eyes, but Ramiro's were a shade of blue that was unmistakable until he was older and they turned brown. The girls often would pull the babies' eyes open to tell them apart. When their brother, Carlos, came over, he could just tell because Domingo was bigger. Until they were toddlers, it could be impossible to tell at times. Miguel also remembered accidentally hurting Ramiro, on a swing. That's what made him treat this son different.  He'd been pushing both little ones on one swing, gently of course. When Domingo decided that was enough, and little as he was, pushed himself and his brother off the swing. Ramiro got his first broken arm, as Domingo, having landed similarly, laughed. They were only three, but Miguel remembered since then... He shook the thought.

"You just need to be careful." The doctor said after the x-ray, little Ramiro moving around his bright blue cast. He didn't like having the bone set. But his cries were quieted by the sucker he now had in his mouth. Miguel and Carlita both got a smile, though Domingo kept trying to get on the table, for who knows what reason. "... Miro! Geddown!" the toddler snipped, getting a stern look from his father. The doctor spoke to the parents, "Ramiro seems to have a minor bone development trouble. It shouldn't effect him too much, but if you look at the x-ray, his bones are just a bit thinner than normal. This makes them a bit easier to break, but not so much he can't play. " The doctor smiled and explained further, but that was all Miguel needed to hear. From then on, he almost feared hurting his son. 
True, later he'd meet Ramiro's guitarist, who had a full version of the bone problem.  but as a protective father, he still just... Distanced himself. Now would be his chance to make it right. "What're we waiting on... Get Carlos and the girls... We've got to get to Oregon... That's where they've got him, right?" Miguel asked Carlita, who nodded and started dialing her son and two daughters...
The only peace Ramiro ever got was when he was locked in the cell with 'Sledgehammer' and the brute was asleep. Be it beatings, beratings, or being violated in ways unfit to mention, the bassist seemed to remain silent throughout. Being bullied for being a pretty-boy, and tormented by other prisoners for the murder sucked. As soon as it was told whom he supposedly killed, brutes that knew the couple were all over him. None quite as scary as Sledgehammer, though... As weeks passed, some prisoners had remarked on how he looked. Food would just sit in front of him, untouched. He looked unkempt and sick. Bruised and broken. His normally brown skin was so light, one would think he was a white man.  Sledgehammer had even somewhat stopped his bullying, with the little bit of heart he had left.  He'd move over and sit on the bench next to his cellmate.
"... 'Ey. Shrimp. Eat." he'd command, poking the young man's arm. He was trying to care while keeping his tough outside.  When Ramiro didn't budge, he huffed, yanking his hair a bit to pull his head up. He was... honestly horrified when he saw the sickly look on the youth's face. Really he had a son of his own, who would be about Ramiro's age by now. This is what got his soft-spot.  Though he knew if he showed it, his fellow inmates may remove him from the top of the 'food chain', as they called it. Other inmates laughed as the disgusted "Sledgehammer" pushed Ramiro's face into his plate. "You look like s**t. Yeachh.."
He pretended to laugh as carelessly as the others, but the former gangster felt a bit of remorse in his own laughter.  Ramiro wouldn't do much, but he would weakly bring himself to sitting back up, and getting up from the table, requesting permission from an officer to head to the yard for some fresh air.  The officer agreed, and another came to escort him. Sledgehammer watched and narrowed his eyes, tempted to go out himself, but... To move down in the food chain was dangerous if you wanted to live around here.... It needed some strategizing.
He'd finish off his plate, and, being hungry, finish his 'Shrimp's' plate, moving over to where a few other inmates were watching television. Freetime was something he always used to relax...  As he moved his way in, some of the inmates got scared and scattered to do something else. The local news was on... and his eyes became dinner plates.  He'd immedeately, though appearing to keep his calm, go request to go out to the yard himself.
Meanwhile, Tia screeched, almost at a pitch Vincent couldn't reach. Grams dashed into the room with a frying pan in one hand, a rifle in the other, "What is it!!? Are ya 'kay!?"  Tia didn't know wether she should be excited or angry as she shouted, "We knew it, we knew it!!!! He's innocent!!! He was framed!!!"  Tia screamed. This brought Nash and Vincent downstairs, "What, now??" Nash asked, listening to the news. Tia shushed them, "They're talking about it again!!"
"... County police say, this was an intellegent framing case if they'd ever seen one." A female on screen reported, and the same officer that had taken Ramiro was onscreen, "It's somewhat difficut to decipher a case where there's an identical twin involved. Their DNA, fingerprint, everything's the same.  From the day I arrested Mr. Alvarez, I felt like something was off. The entire force wishes to apologize, and that'll certainly be done." The female reporter was back, "Thank you, officer Micheals. I'm sure it'll be welcome news for the young victim. In further news-" She was cut off by an excited squeal from Tia, who quickly lifted Vincent like nothing and twirled him all about, "He's safe, he's finally safe!!"  A few weeks  had felt like years!!!
Grams would excitedly clap her hands, "Oh, how wonderful!!! Someone should call his family! Or- or- ask him to be transported here! Aw, the poor thing must be so ready for a home-cooked meal! " As Grams continued to jump in her hoo-rah, Tia looked up, past the A-Frame roof, into the sky, really... "Thank you..." She'd whisper. 
Sledgehammer would make his way outside, and corner his young cellmate, looking down upon him. No officer would step in unless there was violence. He stood there, appearing as if he were bearing down on the poor boy again, but he whispered, "Shrimp. Shrimp, hey, they found your damn brother. You've been innocent this whole time...? Dude... I can't even begin to say I'm sorry... Were you really a killer, I wouldn't be. " Ramiro finally looked up at the big brute on his own, though fear showed in his otherwise dead eyes.  "They..... Did...?" Ramiro would weakly ask before his eyes rolled into the back of his head and he fell forward. Officers were running to come help, but Sledgehammer caught the boy. He'd hand him off to the officers, as Ramiro began to stir himself awake again.
Another, higher ranking officer was being led by two guards to the area, and Sledgehammer stepped back, cooperating, though he could fight against these officers easily. "Mr. Alvarez." The higher ranking officer addressed, "You're to get a bit of rest. Tomorrow, you'll be released, a free man. "  Sledgehammer smirked, envying the kid... He still didn't get out for six more months. Though his own sentence was coming to a close, it felt so far. Though... If he'd only known...   If. Only. He'd. Known. Maybe that's why he always felt guilty bullying the kid.  After Ramiro was escorted to their cell, Sledgehammer waited until he was gone before going to the edge of the yard to run some laps. He needed time to think. 
The same dream hit Ramiro as he took a much needed rest, after a shower alone. The water... He looked around and his hair floated about. he looked down, and saw a fish's tail, but his hands and upper body were his own. This was the first time he'd seen his body in the dream... But he'd quickly make a dash for the top and swiftly backflip into the air, gasping in amazement as he saw the forested area around him, and fell back into the water. He saw his mother ans father, both standing on the dock, and he swam over, to his mother's soft, dry hands, hearing her soft chuckle, "Mi dulce bebe..." He'd then hear a splash, as one of his sisters, out of the blue, faceplanted into the water. 
It was so pleasant until it was over. And it was over suddenly as a big hand was on his shoulder. "Shrimp." Ramiro would croak what would normally be a panicked cry. But Sledgehammer was sitting on the edge of his own cot. "My real name. It's Tim Knightley." Sledgehammer, or, Tim, would state. He'd offer his hand, ".... Don't you dare tell anyone, but... I'm sorry. Okay, I guess a few years ago, it'd have been funny to me, to hurt someone who was innocent..." Ramiro blinked... Was.... This brute playing some nasty joke? He didn't trust his cellmate. But he gave the brute his hand anyway. Surprisingly, his hand was in a gentle grip.
"I can't do much more than apologize until I get out.... See, I want to work for the law. Maybe be a private eye, or a detective... I want to stop s**t like this from happening... I've seen it plenty of times. Got to where I hate it."  He'd smile to Ramiro, genuinely. "So I guess you get out tomorrow. Want me to deal with that scumbag brother of yours?" Tim would wait for an answer, and Ramiro delivered. The most he'd been known to talk since he got in, "Yes, but.... Do it rightfully. Not... like a..." he'd begin coughing, but Tim would finish for him, ".... Criminal." He'd help his cellmate up, when Ramiro began to move, "What're you doing?" he'd ask. 
"... I... need to eat..." Ramiro would whisper, his sickly form barely holding itself up. He barely realized how he'd shrunk. He would wait for an officer to come by, before requesting to come out. The officer obliged, as the block was on it's last free period of the day. He'd go to get his tray, and Tim would stay back, needing some sleep, and more time to reflect. He was satisfied with what he'd done. He'd apologized, and was going to make it right. 
Feeling a bit better, Ramiro quietly got his plate of food, but was surrounded by other inmates as soon as he sat down. Clearly they'd not heard the news, as they dragged him into kind of a hidden spot, yelling at him for killing one of their... family members? When an officer tried to stop them, he was pummeled by the group, who proceeded at the bassist with their fists. The pain was back, and Ramiro was left too weak to cry out. Several bones would twist, pull and crack as the group barraged him with their attacks, both physical and verbal, then he felt a sharp pain in his lower rib, which then extended into his lung. A butter knife was lodged in his lower chest and he began to choke up blood, but at this point, could only try to fight back. 
Another pain, and laughter from one of the men, who had a few butter knives in his hand, and he had the others hold the young man down while he proceeded to stab a knife in, between each rib, "This... Is for my sister! This one... For my brother in law! This one, for their unborn-" ZZZAP!  A female officer stood with a tazer in each hand, and Ramiro dropped, blacking out as she barked orders. It was pure pain, and blood filling up his airways, until he slipped into that dream again....

© 2017 MotleyMelly

Author's Note

I do not have Microsoft word, due to a problem I am currently fixing. This may cause issues with punctuation, indentation, or, leave some misspellings un-caught. Also note, this is a very rough, first-edition draft. It will probably be re-done at a later time.

Also, I'm struggling to think of a title. I'll consider any suggestions!

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Added on November 7, 2017
Last Updated on November 7, 2017
Tags: friends, family, glam, 80's, fantasy, rock, metal, hairband, band, Vincent, Tia, Mickunae, Nash, Ramiro, Kiyoshi, TangMi, Mikio, Milo, bass, guitar, drums, singer, rockstar, fairy, angel, mer



Casper, WY

I'm no professional,however, I always have new ideas brewing! My fiction universes are huge, with many characters, and my mind never stops coming up with new ideas for them! I was born in the 90's,.. more..
