![]() EverA Poem by Kate Evans
You would have loved me once back then When supple symmetry had endless form Butterflies wincing in the syncopated light Drunk on moonshine like twisted kites Danced soft across these breaking rafters Taut words eked out from these tongues And the night was no longer than a stolen song The sun never rose with the lilies still white The caress of their silk on the dark lake still bright It was only a moment but it captured us there With wet grass on our naked feet, the warm dusk shadowing our jasmine scented hair The air hung so heavy with that cosy promise, like a blanket to ward off the coming cold I never thought we would ever shiver, ever be still, ever be old You would have told me not to be foolish, That glint in your eye brighter than any moon, Foxes arching their backs against the dawn, claws drawn to stop it coming too soon These little red riding hoods taunting the wolves The moths shedding dust from their starry cocoons Magic intangible but it shrouded us then, like gossamer sheaths from a spider web With dew droplets twinkling, enchanting us in I was never so whimsical as when, you told me no fairies played in the den And no wicked beast beset our door, no stars light-fandangoed and tangoed the floor No princes lay waiting in fat bellied frogs, and no mice tapdanced in tiny clogs I only knew you loved me more, for the things I couldn’t prove to you But still adored I know you don’t remember how, we plucked fresh fruit from a glossy bough Your shoulders dipping beneath my feet, like pixies clambering and stumbling to reach, The chrysalis dried and the dust that fell, was grey, just powder, no glitter now Like Hansel losing your way on the path, a witch’s apple that took your grasp And made the world look snow-storm broken, and left you with nothing but ribbons and tokens A butterfly that crawled inside your skull, its trapped wings beating like a syncopated flutter Tossing your memories till you faltered and stuttered You’re eking away from me, one petal at a time, drowning on a lake of fading time And whimsy now addled and rhyme, seeps away muddled and I no longer know The scent of jasmine from the stench of musk On the blanket I wrap you in, tangible wool, And you shiver so lost in this cold clammy dusk You would have loved me once back then If you could still see the fairy princess within, if you knew of the prince you were and when The glass slippers fitted my feet like a glove But only you could throw them off And chase me ragged round sea beaten rocks, across heather bound moors Like Peter Pan chasing the tenacious croc How I’d span the earth and sell the stars To fix you now my broken clock That twice a day is yet still right When the words tumble from your tongue, muttered and slight Of those moon-drenched lullabies in perfect nights And in those moments, my stolen songs I still see you, fox-quick, a darting kite Chasing my phosphorous butterfly across the lake Keeping our page in this fairytale, So I know that somewhere In these hollow dark rafters We lived forever, ever happily after © 2008 Kate Evans |
Added on March 12, 2008 |