Chapter Sixteen

Chapter Sixteen

A Chapter by Jonny B. Mitchell

Enoch’s Gauntlets

      School was back in session by the beginning of the week before Election Day, so Kenny got up early, exercised in the backyard with his brother before the sun peered over the hills. He took his time showering afterwards with the bathroom radio blaring about the historic election and what it means for America’s future. Once hungry struck him in the shower, he soon made a small breakfast of waffles, cheesy scrambled eggs and turkey bacon and only washed it down with a mug of water at the dining table. He shuffled through mail as he swallowed small pieces, coming across a day old newspaper about the elections and military action combating the terrorist attacks on San Francisco. In a quick huff, he slammed the paper down and grabbed his forehead, the fork clinking around on the plate.

      As he was seeing images of the attack flash before his eyes, he didn’t notice someone sitting across the table from him. Shawn wore a deep purple silk rob and pushed all the mail on the floor as he sat down with a bowl of cereal and a cup of coffee. There sat a heavy silence between them until Kenny snapped back to reality from seeing those repeating images.

      “You know Percy makes a concoction that can cure your headaches you’re having. Hell, he has one for skin lesions, hair death, nail fungus…”

      “A cure for HIV?”

      “Uh, I didn’t ask.” Shawn swallowed a spoonful of cereal as a shocked look was plastered on his face. Kenny shook his head with a light scoff and lifted up the newspaper.

      “Anyways, they’re calling the events that happened on Halloween a terrorist attack. Know anything about it?”

      “Even if I did, I couldn’t tell you.” Shawn rolled his eyes, “But yes, I do know and I really am trying to steer the big heads attention from Al Qaeda to a local terrorist but I’m just an ant in a big city.”

      Kenny sighed.

      “No one should have to suffer for something some superhuman b***h did!”

      “Ha! Superhuman b***h, I love it.”

      “I’m serious, Shawn.”

      “So am I, Kenny.”

      They both took another bite of their breakfast while Shawn snatched the paper from his friend and started skimming it himself. Kenny had started to reach over to reclaim his paper when Shawn, nonchalantly smacked his hand, then tossed a small white diary from his robe pocket toward him.

      “Here, read that.” He remarked, not looking up from the paper. Kenny sat in awe as he stared at the writings on the diary that faded from his full name to a small static symbol of Metatron’s Cube. It felt burnt and leathery in his hands but looked very shiny and new to his sight with deep curvy crevasses around the middle and backside. When it had repeated the switch of names for the third time, Kenny gulped another bite of food and asked,

      “Where did you get this from? I hope you didn’t steal anything from Percy’s home. We barely know the guy, for christsake!”

      Shawn was flipping through the sports section and still not looking up when he answered.

      “I didn’t steal anything,” He took a sip of coffee and flipped the page, “All I did was borrow a few books for our stay there and a few of those healing balms. Oh, and a couple of some unlimited hair dye goop.”

      “Shawn! Wha- why would you do that?!”

      Now he peered up baffled from over his newspaper.

      “Why wouldn’t you?”

      “It’s stealing!”

      “Oh, this from the guy who takes those little soaps and towels at every hotel you stay at? We were on vacation this time just like all those other times.”

      “That…that’s different.”

      “Right.” Shawn went back to his reading and eating while Kenny just turned his attention to the small book that was in his hand, blinking in static on and off. He took a deep breath and opened to the very first page while simultaneously being startled by Shawn giving a bloodcurdling shriek, who immediately burst out in a fit of laughter. Kenny just ignored his friend and noticed all the pages had a manuscript he had never seen before, his gut feeling was that it wasn’t even from this planet.

      But that notion made him have fits of laughter in his head thinking aliens wouldn’t really waste their time on humans who hate even their own selves not to mention each other. The writings brightened from what seemed like the ink itself and a pulling feeling for Kenny to touch them was overpowering. As soon as he touched the glowing letters, the tiny rays from the brightness suddenly dimmed out and the words translated into his head when his eyes passed over them. It was almost like an audio book in his head with his own voice.

      ‘The Appointment of Hanokh’s Spirit:

      Once the destruction of the Six Divine States of Heavens was battled and stalled, the spirit of the Host of Athena emitted the power of the life essence to encompass the traveling Soul Seeds of the Gods and guide the soul of power and destruction toward peace.’

      Kenny flipped over a few pages to one with etches of tiny drawings and touched the glowing cursive looking writing after drinking a gulp of water.

      ‘Hanokh’s Spirit Armor was wore during the battle on Gen and guided the protection and strength needed to overcome the enemy. It was buried in the minds of the earth at the birth of the Protection of the Hosts for the Spirit to resurrect in the time of the Ending War. Five pieces of blessed armor serves as a piece of divine power and spiritual warfare once given to its selected soldier from only Hanokh’s hands;

      The Winged Helm: the golden two winged helm instills the ability of immortality and masters the magic of levitation and healing. Hanokh gave the blessing of the Helm once it was fashioned by the Demigod Aries before the time of battle.

      The Binding Gauntlets: these white brass gauntlets empowers and embodies the incredible energy and strength of the Spirit directly. Once strapped on, invisibility to one’s foes is enacted with a shield of reflection conjured on command by the gods of Zebul.

      The Righteous Breastplate: ensnared with the command of angelic dexterity and braided with the golden flame of protection. The Blue Fire Topaz of Genesis allows for the ability of extraordinary senses and vitality.

       Energy Crusted Greaves: quick evasion from the enemy’s attack and the speed of light are sealed within the pair. A stroke of Luck was added by the Spirits of the Sphere to aid in the soldier’s conquest to victory.

      The Metatron Sword: a crimson bladed double edge sword made from the fiery beryl rivers of Zebul combining the power of mind, body and soul. A shadow of the Time-Space Continuum veins through the handle giving a small access into Aion and cists to house the Five Soul Seeds of Order. There is a warning that one must heed: this incredible and immense powerful weapon will eradicate any dark foe once the Sacrifice of Power is ratified exterminating the enactor in the interim.’

      Kenny slammed the book shut as the front door opened and Malcolm came jogging to the head of the table, leaning on the head chair. He tried to hid the diary under a few straggling pieces of mail as Shawn was looking at his brother with disgust from the sweaty attire.

      “I freaking love this weather here, man!” Malcolm exclaimed, “Too bad my leave is up soon because I would definitely check out the Southern California girls in Los Angeles!”

      “You couldn’t take a shower before coming in here talking?”

      “What do you have here?” Malcolm reached over and swiped the poorly hidden white book from under his brother. Kenny shrugged at Shawn who was glaring at him now.

      “Are you learning some foreign language or something?” He was holding the book by its cover flap vertically, with a confused look across his face.

      “Seriously, a shower?”

      “Fine! I thought you guys like the smell of a man.” Malcolm joked before tossing the book back and jogging out of sight, chuckling at the groans he left behind. Shawn still looked at Kenny with distain.

      “Oh, get over yourself,” Kenny replied, finishing his breakfast.

      “He smells like a diseased fish.”


      Shawn folded the paper so only the crossword puzzle was visible and grabbed a random pencil off the floor.

      “Did you understand any of that jibberish in the book?”

      “Actually,” Kenny grabbed the diary and examined the outside again, “I did.”

      Shawn nodded automatically and scribbled something on the paper before looking up in question, apparently waiting for Kenny to continue.

      “I only read about the armor some spirit used in the battle that destroyed those heavens. It said something about the armor being here in something called the ‘minds of the earth’ and get this, the sword I grabbed that night and saw in my dream was the same sword in this book.” Kenny flipped to the pages and recited the sentence out loud, “‘A crimson bladed double edge sword…’ That’s exactly what it was!”

      “And this means what to you?”

      The question never penetrated his mind and he sat there in deep thought, staring in a daze at the cold scraps of food left on his plate.

      “That this is all real. I think after school I may head over to Percy’s safe house and return this borrowed book. Plus I have a few questions.”

      “Goodie. I’ll make sure order a hooker while you’re gone.”

      Kenny cut his eyes at his friend as he stood and took his dishes into the kitchen. The diary had more reading he was interested in and decided that it would be safe to read in public since his own brother thought it was a foreign language. But just as the thought crossed his mind, a steady knock snapped his attention down the hallway as Shawn shuffled grumpily to open the door.

      It was Christian’s towering body standing with a small gift box and smile at Shawn, dressed in a casual blue collared button up, loose skinny black tie and stone washed black jeans. Kenny noticed that he fixed his UPenn flag ball cap as Shawn spun around in his direction.

      “Your new man is here!”

      The sentence made both of them blush as he shuffled back into the dining room, closing the French doors behind him. Kenny cautiously approached his Protector, who was gently closing the front door. They stood for a moment in silence before Shawn’s voice was heard yelling at them to start talking instead of standing around like losers. Christian snickered and looked at the box in his hand.

      “I, uh, wanted to give you this.” He handed to Kenny in more haste than he intended but Kenny just looked down at the canary yellow wrapped box.

      “What is it?”

      “Why don’t you take it and open it to answer your question.”

      Without thinking, he took the box and after ripping off the wrapper and opening the ring box, he saw it was a coiled white gold necklace with a matching pendant of the Earth. A small milky gem was planted on the location of California and it sparkled off the reflection of the sun. Kenny smiled and looked the necklace all over after removing it from the box.   

      “So, what do you think?” Christian asked anxiously.

      “I really think it’s beautiful. Thank you.”

      “Here.” Christian reached over, gently took the necklace and positioned himself behind Kenny to clasp it on. When it was secured, Kenny looked in the nearest mirror and admired the piece of jewelry around his neck.

      “Thanks again but why are you giving this to me?”

      “Oh, I don’t know, maybe because I made it especially for you. It will created a secure barrier around you from your foes that attacked you and it gives you a direct access to me.” Christian pulled out his hummingbird necklace and Kenny saw a similar small gem was placed in the eye area. He blushed deeply and scoffed a little, looking down at his feet.

      “About what Shawn said about you being my new man, I’m sorry for that.”

      Christian snickered again and lifted his head to face him.

      “If I could make it happen, I would’ve done it already.”

      There was another period of soft silence that sat between the two as the soft patter of Malcolm’s feet were heard overhead and nine small chimes in the background.

      “I have to get off to class.” Kenny slowly muttered, as Christian stroked the side of his face with a finger.

      “If you ever need me, all you have to do is just grab the pendant and I’ll be right at your side.” His voice was low and seducing.

      And with that, he turned to leave, disappearing a flash of fiery electricity. The rush of wind took Kenny’s breath away leaving him in a scoff and wide smile. It had been a long while since he felt himself falling in love but he knew that this case would be a delicate one that he wasn’t going to hurry. There was a curse on him that he needed to break first and that moment the thought struck him to free Christian, he felt another sense of purpose in his life.


      Kenny was glad that even after being attacked and stowed away at a safe house he was still able to keep up with his assignments for class, especially his writing one. He enjoyed daydreaming about his teacher and working with his classmates, Leon, Ivan and Rebecca, who were very helpful and supportive of each other’s craft. But it seemed that today in both classes, all anyone could focus on was who did the attacks on San Francisco rather than the election. Ivan was in a deep conversation with Leon about Al Qaeda being behind the attacks but Leon rebutted because of the craters formed from under the city that the attacks had to be from someone at Muni, Bart or Caltrans. Rebecca thought both ideas were stupid and remarked that the attacks came from God above and that the end of the world was near.

      No one commented to her but Leon went on to say that with the collapse of the 280 double decker freeway that killed thousands, a bomb had to have been planted somewhere near the explosions in the Portola neighborhood. Kenny just focused intently down at his notebook but couldn’t get any writing down since his ears refused to shut off and his mind was swimming with the manic conversation his classmates were having. Rebecca began quoting bible scriptures about falling skies before Ivan cut over her and asked Kenny what he thought.

      “I didn’t really see anything,” he answered quickly, “My friends and I went to a house party in Vallejo.”

      “How does that keep you from having an opinion?” Leon curtly remarked.

      “Well, if it’s that important than I say that I think we need to know more first before jumping to conclusions about who did it and why. Let’s just be glad that the blue wave extinguished the fires.”

      Everyone looked at him with surprise and fear.

      “What do you mean…blue wave?” Ivan blinked intently, along with the other two.

      “You guys…didn’t see anything…blue…wash over the city?” Kenny saw with each word they got more and more confused, “I guess I was too high and was watching a movie and got the two confused.”

      The group laughed and resumed finding the blame in something more physical and not made up according to Leon. Rebecca finally pointed out that there was an insanely large amount of money that was anonymously donated to the city of San Francisco and the city of Oakland the day after. No one thought the city hall building being destroyed from the inside or the bird sanctuary catching on fire were tied to the attacks on the City. As class came to an end, the teacher requested that everyone do an essay on the recent terrorist attacks and what it means to the American people. Kenny was glad to be finished and as he walked around on campus, he reached up and lightly grabbed his pendant.

      Immediately there was a warm rush of air from behind him and Christian rushing toward him. Kenny frantically looked around but saw no one noticed a man appear out of thin air or the fireball of electricity he emitted when doing so.

      “Are you okay?”

      “Yeah, yeah I’m fine.” Kenny shifted his books he was carrying to his other arm, “I wanted to ask you if you could take me to the Percy’s house. I really don’t know how to get there since we all teleported out.”

      “Okay,” Christian stood close to him, causing another frantic look around.

      “Right here? In the middle of campus?”

      “The moment you grabbed your pendant it created a dome making you invisible to everyone around you until I deem it necessarily safe by pressing my pendant.” Christian calmly explained, doodling circles on his palm.

      “What are you actually doing?”

      “Entering our coordinates. It’s a Protector program so I know the codes for what to put in.” His palm flashed a pixelated blue light and they teleported onto the plush green estate.

      “And just so you know,” Christian went on, crossing through the palm trees and over the hills with Kenny at his heel, “The estate sits between the Rodeo Lagoon and Muir Beach. It’s shielded from outside access or forces so all they see are acres of dry hills up Mount Tamalpais. So if you ever need to get here and I am not around, go through one of those places.”

      “Why wouldn’t you be around?”

      “I like to vacation too, you know.”

      “I thought being a Protector was like being a doctor or police detective, always on-call.”

      Christian sneered and shook his head.

      “Those people also have other people who work for them so they get a day off. You don’t think other people will step in to substitute for me while I’m away?”

      “That’s not what you said the first time.” Kenny had a sly smirk when Christian looked back to protest but broke out in a smile himself instead, “You know everyone is calling the attacks on San Francisco a terrorist attack but no one cares about Oakland. Except for one anonymous donator. Know anyone with an insane amount of money to give two fairly large cities?”

      “You’re kidding right?”

      They entered the villa through the back entrance which was foreign to Kenny. He stayed around the guest’s wing or outside the entire time he was here so seeing the kitchen in the mansion was something else. It was a huge room with a wood paneled ceiling and everything made of glossed white cedar; the countless counters, the multi shelved cabinets some with glass doors others without and the door frames. A deep brown marble floor led them around the island with metal stools and three mega double ovens with a seven eye stove. The stainless steel was free of tarnish and seemed to sparkling in the sunlight.

      When they wrapped around a small hall with a eight marble sinks with platinum faucets and windows, it opened up to an enormous kitchen with three similar islands, two stand along stoves each with six eyes and a griddle in the middle, a brick built barbeque pit in the middle of the room and five refrigerators lining against the backside of the room next to an open archway leading into the rest of the house. Chandeliers of different forms were strung together by strings of light on the vaulted ceilings.

      Christian turned and stopped suddenly at the third fridge in the center, making Kenny collide into him. He entered buttons Kenny couldn’t see on the handle of the icebox as it suddenly chimed sweetly and the doors slide open sideways into the others next to it. There was room inside for a dozen people to sit around on the plush white seating. Once the doors closed, the walls became moving pictures of random aerial views of landmarks. Right now they were viewing a rain storm over Machu Picchu as the elevator slid gently up one floor.

      When it opened, they walked into a laboratory of a dozen winged flasks aimlessly flapping around the room full of pink or blue liquid with Percy frantically scooping each into his arms with another three. They had fluttered into a few of his Science awards on the wall causing them to shatter on the floor. Christian rushed over and helped him get control of all fifteen flapping flasks, placing them in a caged box. Percy’s hair was all disheveled and the desk he was standing behind had beakers and test tubes knocked over or shattered on the floor next to a cracked overturned crate.

      “What were you trying to do?”

      “I actually was trying to create a concoction that eradicates Ebola but accidently slipped and dropped the Hydro-Nitrogen into the crate of Xenon flasks and poof! Instant winged bottles of sin! Now it will take another thirty days for the damned flasks to mature again! Oh, hello Kenny.”

      Kenny was still stuck at the flying glass with wings before he came to his senses and greeted Percy back. Christian was crossing the room to retrieve the broom from behind a floor length shelves of test tube racks while Percy stepped over the shattered glass and approached him.

      “What brings you to this side of the Bay so soon?”

      “I was wondering if you were still willing to teach and train me for combat. I found this diary at home and for some reason I was able to read it.” Kenny pulled the white leathery diary out his backpack and held it to Percy’s face.

      “Oh, Enoch’s Journal. And you said you were able to understand it? Amazing.” His voice had trained off as he was still examining the book’s legitimacy, “It seems to be a book from my library as well but nevertheless, it is yours now.”

      He handed it back to him and picked up the crate from the floor while Christian swept up the debris of glass.


      “I couldn’t for the bloody hell of me figure out how to translate the words in that book. It seemed to be filled with angelic writing and that language, kind sir, is not known to man. And the only ones who can read a Divine Journal it seems are the one whom the journal was written by and the one who was meant to read it. The fact that you got possession of this and could understand it tells me that this book was meant to be read by you, Kenny.”

      “Well, I do know that the sword it talks about in this book is. It’s the sword I grabbed when that witch attacked me and my friends.”

      “I never did ask you how you came about your powers. What did this sword look like?”

      “Big, double bladed, made with some type of red ruby in the bladed and a bandaged handle.”

      Kenny noticed there was no movement from either one of the men but both just stared intently in wonder, hanging to his last words of the sword.

      “The crimson bladed…?” Christian muttered.

      “It seems to be.”

      “What seems to be?”

      “What did this journal say about the sword you grabbed?” Percy was leaning against the long iron table with Christian at his side leaning on the broom handle.

      “It calls it,” Kenny flipped opened a few pages, “The Metatron Sword. What is that and who is Ha-nok-kah?”

      Percy asked him to spell it and pronounced it correctly for him after hearing it. He looked to Christian who was still equally amazed as he was.

      “We found a piece to get to Jack.” He turned and smiled brightly toward Kenny, “You see, Jack, my partner for over two decades and the Host of the Darkness seed, was overpowered by Valencia who had just sold her soul to Dark-El for power. When she absorbed his power into the Dark-El it shattered them into what I thought was an eternal sleep but somehow, she was able to get her minion to wake her. Anyways, the only way to start even to remotely finding Jack is the Metatron Sword which, besides being able to protect you and all you love, it can also cut rips between dimensions.”

      “And she only wants me to wake this Dark-El.”

      “Bingo.” Christian winked. Percy took Kenny by his shoulders and the three of them traveled another floor up in the same elevator. On the cozy ride up Kenny questioned Percy’s profession and Christian laughed as he stared at schools of fish swimming around them.

      “I have many degrees and titles,” Percy humbled answered, “Let’s see, a masters in biology and sociology, a doctorate in medicine and phycology, and a PHD in science.”

      The doors opened gently into the library when candles flickered on automatically as they stepped onto the floor. Kenny was excited to see the robotic birds that looked very real carrying items to and from random places in the library, mostly putting books back in the right place. He saw the countless degrees around the fireplace that were in Percy’s name; two from the University of Pennsylvania, a few from London School of Economics, John Hopkins University and University of Oxford along with the University of Tokyo and Imperial College London PHDs. Christian lightly nudged him forward when he stopped in the middle of the room looking above him.

      Percy led them over to a stone statue of Athena and pressed against her outstretched finger as they watched the wall behind it open and a life size metal cylinder shaped simulator beeped softly.

      “So I was thinking of trying some training tests on your ability to summon your power,” Percy started as he knocked on the front of the simulator and it pressured released the door, “It’s essential that you be able to control your emotions and discipline the third eye in your mind. Human nature automatically makes us second guess our decisions when our soul has guided us to the right answer the first time.”

      “Go always go with my gut instinct.” Kenny repeated as Christian lifted the door from the bottom, “How long will this take?”

      Percy shrugged and looked at his watch from under his turtle necked sleeve.

      “For some it took hours of training while others caught on with extraordinary speed. By the history of your soul seed, the power shouldn’t take long to summon.”

      He guided Kenny inside the simulator and the two started to strap him in around his ankles and wrists with snap connectors coming from random spots on the inside wall. Christian placed a connector on both temples as Percy continued talking, pressing buttons on a levitating keyboard that rose from the floor under him.

      “Always remember to believe in yourself and your gifts. That’s the key in successfully summoning your powers because without it, your self-doubt will kill you.”

      “You mean, in life right?”

      “Life and in here,” Percy’s voice became very serious, “This simulator is specially programmed to train a Protector or allow a Host to brush up on some old skills. For you, this will be like a crash course. From this point forward there will be no hand holding, no catering to your cries and no redo’s since Valencia will use every opening she gets to kill you onsite. Feel the energy in your stomach build while you’re in training mode and allow that to guide you to your goal. Good luck and I have every confidence that you will do exceedingly well.”

      Percy turned and exited the simulator while Christian smiled down at him.

      “I will be right outside this door so don’t worry about it too much. He says these things to scare us but just breathe and let it flow naturally.”

      Kenny nodded his head and inhaled deeply as his Protector latched the door shut, plummeting him into the dark. But when a quick jolt of electricity flashed across his sight, everything around him became an open swamp forest with him standing in shallow water without any straps. Hammocks covered the swamp floor all around him as liverworts took to the trees and logs.

      He could smell the swamp water and feel the humidity on his skin and neither were pleasing to him. Cursing and confused he spun around him, looking for clues to move on before he got attacked by an alligator. But no sooner had he started looking around when the ground under his feet began to suck him in.

      “Believe in myself. Believe in myself.”

      The brackish water started to simmer as Kenny kept repeating the words and sinking faster when with a flutter of his heart, a rope of vine sprung from the trees into his grip and pulled him onto the damp land. A nervous laugh escaped him as he feared things getting worse. He desperately tried to feel energy in his stomach but nothing came to him.

      Then, as he kept trying to stir up the emotion inside him (even trying to stretch out his arms and yelled Kamehameha to no avail), a sound like thousands of birds taking flight at once caused a sudden fear to pierce his heart. He remembered the same sound of the winged creatures when they burst out the ground and to his horror, he saw thousands upon thousands swarming in the orange colored sky.

      “F**k. It isn’t real. Just breathe, Kenny. Just breathe. Summon the stupid power.” He groaned in frustration as the swarm became thicker, cutting the light off from the sun. A few violently swooped down and knocked him into a thick tree and Kenny felt the pain seared through his spine. Others became collecting on the swamp floor and started to surround him in ambush formation.

      A small trail of blood dripped down the side of his face from the cut of the creatures nails. They shrieked in victory as they inched closer in hunger and the swarming ones causing the most noise. With every step their skinless and unsightly feet took, more fear gathered in his stomach. He remembered to control his emotion and began to close his eyes repeating to himself to believe.

      The energy started to boil over in his stomach as the army of winged creatures jetted toward him abruptly but Kenny had let out a deafening scream opening his eyes and felt the ground under his bottom shake and the air around him break into a cool mist. A large burst of white light emitted from the aura around his body and the Metatron Sword levitated in dancing energy.

      As the burst of light eradicated the creatures it also pulled Kenny’s arms toward the sword but instead of grabbing it, a deep sounding gong was heard and the sword began to outline itself in blinding light. While the energy danced, it snaked around his fingers, wrists and forearms taking the formation of the sword and melding it into gauntlets on his arms. They were shining bright and glistened in a white pearl color.

      An amazing surge of energy spiked through his body, past his spirit form and straight into the pit of his stomach where his soul seed erupted into a ripple of dusty rings of light particles. After the third ripple, Kenny passed out but immediately heard his name being called from distance.

      Soft and gentle.

      Until he woke up in a gasp and found himself on the floor of the simulator, with Percy dabbing his head with a cool compress on his right and Christian smiling on his left. When he looked down at his arms, he saw a faint red burn mark where the gauntlets appeared.

      “Did…did I succeed?” He tiredly asked both of them.

      “Of course you did.” Christian brushed his head.

      “Very quickly I might add but I did notice one major flaw.”

      Kenny and Christian both stared at Percy for an answer.

      “The sword you summoned wasn’t the true Metatron Sword since it became the gauntlets instead. You were rewarded with the ability to control your power first and our mission of finding Jack may have to take a backseat for now.”

      There was a slight hint of disappointment in his voice but it didn’t last long before he beamed with joy again, praising Kenny for his ability to summon the power of the Chaos Seed. Now the next test was controlling this immeasurable power but Percy assured it could wait till another day as the three of them left the library for Christian to take him home. Kenny felt different now and with his power coming around and people around to help, he felt almost ready to take on William and his witch friend, Valencia.

      Almost ready.

© 2015 Jonny B. Mitchell

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Added on July 31, 2015
Last Updated on July 31, 2015


Jonny B. Mitchell
Jonny B. Mitchell

Los Angeles, CA

Born in Virginia but moved to California in 2004. Enjoys reading book version of movies. Loves motion seating in the theater. Camping, fishing and baseball top the list of most enjoyable acti.. more..
