![]() Chapter FourteenA Chapter by Jonny B. Mitchell![]() Percy shows Kenny the meaning of why his powers were sealed.![]() Galaxy of Collection When the
elevator fell close to the dark ground, antigravity lights ignited on the floor
and it hoovered slowly to the dark ground. The walls again shifted and opened
up to an immeasurable miles of open sky with innumerable clouds slowly floating
around in a starry night. Percy stepped out and walked over the clouds as if
there was a glass floor separating his feet from the clouds. Shooting stars
flickered above Kenny’s head as he stepped out thunderstruck and in awe. Jupiter
and Saturn orbited close to them, taking up most of the horizon to the west. A
few dozen galaxies sparkled far in the universe that was sprinkled with nebulas
and stars. The further
they walked from the elevator, the more the clouds swirled playfully in their
steps. Percy looked back and would smile at Kenny’s enthusiastic wonder. “I see why you
come here to release energy.” “All it does is
creates a new nebula in the sky but as awesome as this all is, it’s just a
highly advanced program I coded and empowered to materialize anything I put
into the code. I chose the universe as the ultimate mascot for unlimited
abilities.” Kenny nodded
and tried to touch a shooting star that shot by him. It seemed that they were
walking for miles but the divine atmosphere around them kept the attention of
the youngest. There was a slight breeze as Percy came to a halt in the middle
of a very bright sundog. “So this is all
under your house?” “Yes, in a
manner of speaking.” Within a pink cloud a small compartment opened by Percy’s
feet and a thick shard with plasma filaments extending outwards electrified the
cubby it was in, “I built my lab in the middle of the earth’s mantle and it
keeps the whole estate running with the thermonuclear energy it creates. The
protection barrier is also impenetrable with the addition of my electric
power.” “You did all
this?” “Yes, Kenny,
and with the right training and education you can create just as much if not
more!” Kenny then had
a sudden frown and looked away from the rays of lights. Percy made a snap and a
cloud whirled into a fluffy chair under Kenny and turned it to face him. “I can hear
your thoughts in this area and don’t let it bother you too much. Now that you
can see me, you have no reason to fear those villains again.” “Who are these
villains? They brainwashed William!” “She used to be
one of us but sold her soul for power.” A grim tone uttered from Percy, “It’s a
shame because she used to be so beautiful. Valencia, the Holder of the Love
Seed, now lusts for only power and you are the ultimate power to her. She would
do anything, including seducing your old ex, to get to you.” Kenny sighed
and rested his chin on his fist while Percy had conjured a translucent keyboard
from the cottony clouds. He clicked a few glowing keys and a low pitch hum
revved up causing five petal shaped stone hinges to enclose around them like a
flower in reverse blossom. When it locked shut high above them like a humongous
vase, the night light shining in, monitors of different sized staticed around
them ending at a huge stone symbol of a laurel wreath. “As a reward
for bringing education to the world, the Gods instilled me with a fragment of
the Cauldron of Words that recorded every event in the life on the Divine
planet. But here, it can bring up any memory that is imprinted on your brain. I call it The Collection of Thoughts. I
believe you had a question about how your power got bound. Shall we take a
look?” Kenny nodded
his head but was staring up at the screens now showing every natural disaster
in recorded history. He was eyeing a volcano erupting when Percy pressed a few
keys and the screens went black. “Then let’s go
to the day of your birth in Nineteen Seventy Eight, Kenny, and it will explain
everything, I hope.” “So we’re just
going to watch it on the multiscreen?” Percy scoffed and
whisked the keyboard away in a dusty trail of clouds. “Even better.
We are going to live it in God-view with the ability to see everything from
above.” Kenny just
shrugged and sighed. “Why not.” And without any
more conversation, Percy clapped his hands and the same purple electric filaments
reached out from the screens and touched each of them individually. As soon as
it did, their bodies faded to a bright light and was sucked into the filaments
as everything around Kenny’s face felt like it was being pushed into his skull
and the pressure started to twist his body like a pretzel. Nausea was the only
feeling he could feel before there seemed to be a pop and every pressure and
negative feeling he had was released into oblivion. He was looking
down onto the white sand isles of the Bermuda Islands and on the very southern
edge stood two men, one a younger Percy in a three piece suit and the other was
a debonair and suave gentlemen in a black leather jacket and torn jeans. His
hair was short, black and combed back while a small black gemmed ring hung
around his neck. The sky was clear and the sun was beaming down on the clear
blue waters. Young Percy
looked over at the gentlemen and gave a sweet smile that matched the twinkle in
his eyes. “Jack, we are
going to be late for Maude’s important meeting-” “So important
that she couldn’t even tell us what it is?” “She has her
reasons.” “And she is
using my old tower as a rondevu point?” “Jack, what do
you need it for anyways now that you’re living with me?” The gentlemen
got quiet and smacked his lips softly. “Only for you
will I let this go.” Percy smiled,
brushed his longer hair back and whistled into the ocean. The waves gently
receded and from the pearly sands of the ocean rose an alligator pulled boat.
Jack lifted Percy over the side and levitated in himself. “Show off.” Jack smirked as
the boat became a huge air bubble with seats and the alligator pulled them
under the sea and coasted in the blue waters. They enjoyed the schools of
rainbow fish they passed through and a great white that passed beneath.
Suddenly the boat resurfaced in the middle of the open ocean as the alligator
detached and swam away, leaving them stranded with no sight of land anywhere. Thunder clapped
around the lone boat and a large dark funnel cloud swarmed above them, tossing the
seas back and forth. Percy clutched the side of his seat as Jack held on to
him, screaming for joy at the turbulent ride. Lightning crashed down in the
dozens from the depths of the sky and opened the waters up under them. As the
funnel cloud touched the joining water, and lightning crashed down again,
everything abruptly feel silent and still. They were floating in shallow sunny water
toward a gigantic over water trench and an electric triangle between it,
welcoming them into the triangular strait that ended on a rocky bank. The bubble
popped and Jack screamed for more as he helped a frantic Percy to his feet. He
laughed at the sudden annoyed reaction Percy was throwing out but they were
quickly met by a tall dark skinned woman, dressed in a white lace gown with a
diamond pendant on her breast, and black hair to the ground. A lock of her hair
was pink while it flowed in the breeze. “Valencia, I
see you made it.” Percy bowed and kissed the back of her hand, “I always hate
the Bermuda Entrance. It makes me want to puke.” Valencia chuckled
and pulled him into a hug. But Jack just brushed right past the two and up the
rocky coast. “What’s wrong
with him?” “I still have
yet to figure that out. Ever since the mention of the Chaos Host coming to
life, he’s been a little off.” “Interesting…” The two walked
up the same trail Jack stormed down and came to a cylinder of blue and green
light that overlooked the electric triangle. It had black iron walls and white
smoke emitted from the top. Jack was the first to enter and was greeted by a
warm motherly voice. “You look very
healthy, John Deerfield, but I fear something troubles you.” Jack noticed
Percy and Valencia enter and carelessly waved the woman off. “Don’t worry
too much about it, Maude, nothing I can’t handle.” Maude was a
short woman with flowing silver hair and a dress made from twigs and vines.
Doves flew in and out of her mangled hair while butterflies landed on her
headband of flowers. She sat on a hallow log with an oak cane that housed a
green gem as the handle. She gave Jack a funny look and shrugged it off. “Percival, I am
glad you could come.” “Of course,” He
kissed her cheek, “Where Jack goes, I go.” “How lovely,”
Valencia beamed but Jack mimicked throwing up. Maude struck her cane down twice
and an emerald fire erupted from the floor. “Straight to
business I see.” Jack remarked sarcastically. “Funny,” Maude
facetiously replied, “But with the Chaos Seed Holder close to being birth into
the world, we have to come to an agreement that nothing like the fate of the
Heavens will meet our world.” Valencia was
the only one to agree. “You guys can’t
be serious at not agreeing with what Maude is saying! This power could destroy
us all! But maybe some of us rather be selfish.” “Don’t preach
to me, Valencia.” Jack barked, “I can make my own decisions and I have no idea
why this power is seen as such a threat. It hasn’t even been born yet to defend
itself.” “Jack’s right,”
Percy added, “Why not give the Host a chance to see what it can actually do
with its gift. Correct me if I’m wrong but doesn’t the foretelling of the birth
of the Chaos Seed say that this ongoing spiritual battle will finally end?” “Exactly why we
CAN’T allow that power to reach that moment!” Maude stood and paced around the
fire, “The curse of Chaos is a double edged sword, don’t you see? If you use
any type of Chaos’s power, the Host’s life will end and so will everything
else.” Silence fell
over the cavernous room and a couple of sighs were the only thing heard over
the crackles of the fire. But before anyone could say anything, a dove fluttered
into the room, injured and weak. It fell right into Maude’s hands as it chirped
away while she fished out a sharp pin from her hair and stuck a pink flower for
its nectar. Once the dove finished chirping, she placed the sparkling nectar on
its beak and wounds making them heal instantly. Valencia was shrugging toward
the guys. “I’m afraid I don’t
speak bird.” Jack said, stoically, to which Valencia smacked her lips. “The Great
Demons have arrived!” Maude interjected, “In the valleys of the Himalayas. I
was afraid this might happen. Damn.” “Alright! A
fight! Whoohoo!” Jack screamed as he vanished in a bold of black energy. Percy
shook his head in disbelief as he waved to the women. “She you on the
battle front!” And he disappeared in a pixelated flash of blue energy and
reappeared beside Jack, who was staring off hungrily into the dark mountainous
horizon where an indistinctive rumble was heard. A pink heart shaped cloud evaporated
away to form Valencia while a twist of roots and wood broke off and materialized
into Maude, with her cane at her side. Jack reached
inside his leather jacket and pulled out a small oval box that ejected rapidly
into the black bladed blue crystallized staff. Percy had two sets of silver
guns in each hand that he pulled out from behind him under his vest. A puff of
white cloud formed a golden brass scepter with many jewels and gems around the heart
shaped topper. The reverberations
became deeper and a glow of fire could be seen against the mountainside. “So I can seal
them with one clear shot but I would need everyone’s power to help keep them
sealed.” Percy informed to the group, eyeing the barrel of his guns. “Wait. No
fighting then?” Jack pouted. “Well, if it
really means that much to you than go ahead and stall them until I get the
tracker beam going.” Jack cheered
and shot violently into a bolt of black energy. Percy grunted and placed on a
red single framed visor around his ear. He saw his partner fighting with great
skill against seven differently and perfectly skilled demons, dodging each of
their slashes and retaliating with tricks of his own. Percy slammed the two
guns together and watched it robotically form into a huge barrel cannon with
switches and buttons galore that revved a purple glow. “He gets too
much enjoyment out of this if you ask me,” Maude protested, “I will join my
powers from the other side of the ridges in order to keep any of them from
escaping into the caves.” In a burst of
light she became a flock of doves that trailed over to the spot she said she
would be. Percy and Valencia stood, watching Jack taunt and mock the demons
around him. “Valencia, make
sure these hell bound demons can’t see what’s about to hit them. I mean, it’s
seven of them right? So let’s make this count on the first go.” Percy looked
into the target scope to map each demons position. He cranked up the energy by
flipping a few red switches and typing on the screen beside the barrel while
Valencia walked to the edge of the mountains and circled her scepter over her
head. It gave off a wave of pure white fog as the purple beam gathered greater
strength. “C’mon, Jack,
move it.” Percy muttered as he watched his partner attack two demons at once
and block three others with a black shockwave. A few multi-headed demons tried
to climb up the side of the mountains but a sudden river of lava held them
back. That’s when Percy saw Jack look back, as if he knew he was watching, and
gave a quick thumbs up. A button was pushed, the gigantic purple beam blasted
into the air with a white funnel cloud snaked around it and as it came crashing
down in seven separate rays, green leaves orbited along with the funnel and met
with a crack of black shockwaves. Three in total. When the attack
was complete, they all met Jack in the valley and saw each demon encased in a
plasma-stoned coffin. Maude slammed her cane down once and the earth opened up
and swallowed the coffins before closing up again. They appeared together back
at the triangular meeting point, huddled around the emerald fire again. This
time, a faint scream of a woman in labor emitted from the flames. “Okay, so we
are all on one accord to seal the Host’s power?” Maude extended her cane into
the flame as Valencia followed suit with her scepter. “Now that that is over!” Jack reluctantly added
his staff and he motioned for Percy to do the same. With a huff, he added the
barrel of the gun to the tip of the flame that immediately began dancing in extraordinary
energy and light before melding together into a thin bronze disc. Maude went to
grab the disc but Percy swiped it first. “Allow me to
instill the newborn with its new curse.” “Percy!” Maude
and Valencia exclaimed but Percy had already vanished from their sights. And
when he appeared in the hospital room that Kenny was being born in, he had
removed his pocket watch, twisted the side and waited as time around him slowed
to a complete halt. The only sound was a laughing baby in the distance. He spotted baby
Kenny in a room full of doctors with two men waiting outside the room. As he
approached the baby and looked him in his eyes, another laugh floated through
Percy’s ears. “You are such a
happy baby boy.” He muttered, picking Kenny up from his mother’s arms and
placing the disc in the air, “Oh, hell, you know what?” Percy broke the
disc in half with his index finger and thumb and in the dusty fragments of it
he blew a red cloudy gas. The reddish bronze fragments landed around the baby
in a sandy barrier. “You deserve a
chance to show yourself and what you’re made of. Don’t worry, you have two
guardian angels until that time comes.” And with a
gentle place back into his mother’s arms, baby Kenny sneezed and time resumed
back to normal, with Percy vanished from sight. But before anything else
transpired, a snap was felt and it ejected Percy and Kenny back into reality as
the walls opened up like a flower blossoming. The latter vomited and was handed
a wet wipe by the former but noticed the vomit being swallowed up in a cloud. “Everything was…planned?” “I’m afraid so.”
Percy helped Kenny to his feet, “Let’s head back up top where I’m sure you
would like to converse with your loved ones and get something on your stomach.
Never let them go, Kenny. Your loved ones. They are the foundation of all your
gifts.” They walked
back through the fields of bright clouds toward the elevator that Kenny could
make out with strain. “Why did you
choose Christian for my guardian?” The random
question took Percy aback and he scoffed at his stumble. “Are you not satisfied
with his work as your protector? You are free to release him from his duties
if-” “It’s not that
but…” Kenny’s voice trailed off. “Then I would
let things be for now. I don’t think you would like all the truths at once. At
least not when it comes to your Protector.” “So how am I to
feel safe if you guys are keeping things from me?” “Because your reasoning
is only emotional and, indeed, if there was anything that would warrant your wellbeing
in jeopardy than you would be the first to know about these things. But
Christian is nothing more than a hard working loyal agent to have working for
you rather than against.” Kenny sighed. “And this
Valencia chick? How’d she turn black?” They had arrived
at the entrance to the elevator and were entering when Percy replied that the
subject would be another matter they would shelve till another day. Kenny
shrugged and reluctantly agreed as the walls shifted and closed in around them
while hoovering a few feet above the ground until shooting up into the
darkness. © 2015 Jonny B. Mitchell |
Added on July 8, 2015 Last Updated on July 8, 2015 Tags: death, time, angels, gifts, war, gods, powers, deities, heavens, the collection, soul seeds, HIV, LGBT, SUPERNATURAL Author![]() Jonny B. MitchellLos Angeles, CAAboutBorn in Virginia but moved to California in 2004. Enjoys reading book version of movies. Loves motion seating in the theater. Camping, fishing and baseball top the list of most enjoyable acti.. more..Writing