![]() Chapter NineA Chapter by Jonny B. Mitchell![]() After finally reaching the summit, there seems to be one set back.![]() Tower of Knowledge and Heartbreak For hours,
after Kenny traveled past San Francisco by train and over the foggy Golden Gate
Bridge by bus, he sat on the edge of a cliff, towering over the night time
ocean. He just listened to the sound of the waves crashing below as his mind,
for the first time, was blank. No thoughts ran through his mind, no worries
ached his heart except for one time: William. The end of
their relationship was officially final and nothing he could feel made him care
anything more than the emptiness he felt on the lining of this stomach. He had
cried for hours, watching the glow of the sun die behind the clouds and
drowning in the chilly night air. His tear ducts were dry and the cold air kept
him from crying further. The jacket he loved so much didn’t do much to keep him
warm, but at that moment, nothing could bother him. A gentle ocean
breeze gusted softly past him while he buried his face in his legs and wrapped
ahold of them like they were about to float away. He shook his head in
disappointment and confusion and wondered loudly why he let himself fall again
for someone that had so many red flags at the beginning. But he soon answered
himself with one word. Love. It had made him
do the stupidest things for the craziest reasons for the person who didn’t care
as much as he did. Kenny felt like this was a repeating thing between him and
other men and figured the problem was himself. Maybe William was right in
blaming the deterioration of their relationship on him. If he would’ve cleaned
a little more, or smiled a little more, or did sexual favors more then maybe he
wouldn’t have left. Kenny didn’t
understand why other gay men wanted to be married when this was all he
encountered, liars and cheaters. Even though he knew love knew no gender or
sexual orientation, he couldn’t help asking the problematic question; why does
it seem like same sex relationships fail so easily? Especially in the black gay
community. He knew what he
liked and was attracted to but it seemed to always end in some type of failure.
Today was no exception but at least Kenny was able to get the words from
William this time but that was a faint glint in a cavernous void. Memories of
when they had their first date in the Mission District at a restaurant called
Bagdad’s Café and how happy they looked together, smiling into each other.
William had just started working at a local gym but was heading back east soon
to start his own gym back home in Fort Lauderdale. Kenny was smitten with this
man from the moment he laid eyes on him and was game for anything his lover
pitched to him. The moment William suggested Kenny coming with, although
apprehensive at first, he jumped at the idea to be with his man. Kenny
remembered their place in the Wilton Manors neighborhood was very small and
cramped for two people, but they somehow made it work. They spent a lot at Ikea and Anna’s Linens to decorate
but even though the place looked like a vision out of a magazine, William
forbade Kenny from having his high school friends and even family from
visiting. It wasn’t until after long, Kenny felt trapped but also that this was
as good as he was going to get from a man. William paid
most of the bills, helped with rent since Kenny was working at the mall, and
helped keep them both in shape. Their fights were few but the amount of days
they spent in silence outnumbered many of the days of the year. At least it
felt like that to Kenny. Why would he cry over missing that? Why would anyone
care to spend a partnership in silence? And then it hit
him why; he fell in love with William and it didn’t hurt the sex was amazing,
even though he could count on one hand how many times they had sex a year. As
Kenny was reminiscing over his failed relationship, he felt little water
droplets hit his exposed neck. Then soon, it began to drizzle but even the rain
didn’t budge Kenny to move. He was stuck in agony from beating himself up and
couldn’t care less if he got sick from the cold wet drizzle. “Maybe this
would be how the HIV takes me,” he sighed out loud dejectedly, “From a stupid
a*s cold.” He was
immobilized and phased out from the hurt that he didn’t even notice the drizzle
stopping suddenly. It wasn’t until he felt someone sit right up on his left
side, shoulder to shoulder, holding a multicolored umbrella large enough for
two, that Kenny broke his daydream and looked over. His breath
caught the sweet aroma of lilac and his nose was comforted by the tender scent
of lavender. Without words, Kenny looked at Christian, unsure but a sense of
salvation in his eyes, and tears came uncontrollably. Christian, hummingbird
necklace around his neck dressed in khakis and a white t-shirt, pulled his
glasses on the top of his head, wrapped Kenny by his waist and let him lay his
head on his strong shoulder. They both just looked onto the night horizon in
silence, now starting to clear up and the stars beginning to break out. The drizzle had
let up but the two still sat, as Kenny lifted up his head and wiped his eyes. “I’m glad
you’re okay.” He sniffled as he felt him tighten his hold, “Where do you go
to?” “A safe house
not too far from here,” Christian answered softly. So badly did Kenny want to
caress his Protector’s exposed chest but suppressed the emotion that he figured
was filling the void William left. More moments of silence fell over them as
they just sat in each other’s presence. Christian was in no rush to get up off
the wet ground but now Kenny was starting to feel soggy and uncomfortable.
Almost like he read his mind, Christian pulled out from his pants pocket a
small bean with red florescent light swimming inside, and smashed it on his
Custody’s chest. It combusted in a small vapor that absorbed itself into the
wetness and immediately Kenny and his clothes were dry. They listened to the
ocean waves below crash into the sides of the cliffs in more prolonged peace
before anyone said anything. “He left me.”
Kenny finally voiced with heaviness in his tone, hearing a groan come from his
left. “I figured he
would do something like this to you,” Christian took his arm away, placed his
glasses on his face again and stood up, “You want to walk around for a bit and
maybe talk about it?” Kenny shrugged
and stood up with Christian’s outstretched hand for support. They walked side
by side, parallel to the ocean and gazed at the far away ships in the deep sea,
sparkling from the moonlight. “You know that
you deserve better, right?” “I guess,”
Kenny sighed, “I hate that I still love him after so long.” “You can’t help
that feeling, just let it flow and drift away in its own time.” “How did you
get so wise?” Kenny joked, both of them smirking. “Just
experience.” “I was going to
say old age.” Christian
laughed. “How old do I look?” Kenny smiled
now. “Do you want a
lie or the truth?” Christian
playfully punched Kenny’s shoulder. “The truth,
silly.” Kenny shrugged
and looked away from Christian’s silly smile, trying to keep his smirk hidden
to no avail. “I will be
thirty-nine next year.” They walked
together until the cliffs curved around and the trees of the Presidio in San
Francisco were seen in the distance with the bridge meeting in the middle over
the waters. Christian stopped gradually and faced Kenny. “There is
something I want to show you.” “Um, okay?” He watched his
Protector do concentric designs on his palm and waited for it to blink blue
light as he thought what he was about to see. When Christian grabbed his wrist,
they were thrown into a wormhole of fiery pixelated energy and in a split
second, the ground and scenery solidified and formed. The first thing Kenny
noticed was that it was freezing cold and the sun was rising over green hills
and sparse pine trees. Christian broke
into a sprint as Kenny jogged to keep up, hoping his body would warm up fast
from the exercise. It was too cold for his liking without the correct clothing.
But they weren’t outside long before Christian ducked under low hanging brush
and led them up to a small, two story cozy cottage with a brick chimney on the
right side blowing white smoke into the air. The windows were difficult to see
in with the many wooded designs separating the distorted glass. As they
approached the door, it looked the same as the windows but they saw the inside
was full of tables with cushioned chairs, pool tables, darts on every wall and
stools against the bar in the middle of the huge room with a roped off wooden
steps behind it. Burly woodsman and women filled the bar to every corner and a
quite a few cheered when Christian entered. He blushed and
waved, shaking hands with random people introducing Kenny as his close friend.
The signs on the boards weren’t in English and if he was correct in guessing,
Kenny figured it was Norwegian and was equally impressed at Christian speaking
it fluently. After finally making it to the bar, and Christian speaking more
Norwegian to the bartender, they were lead up the roped off steps by a barmaid
in a long ruffled fuchsia dress. She led them through thick burgundy doors and
into a velvet walled room. The only windows were at the opposite end of the
room and overlooked the mountains and hills beaming with sunlight. Huge
fireplaces warmed the warm from both sides and three chandeliers dangled high
above on the vaulted ceiling. There were rectangle tables the size to seat four
with only a few of them full with families but Christian asked to be seated by
the windows where the booths were. After they were
seated, Kenny gazed in amazement out the window at the new country he was in.
It was beautiful with snowcapped mountains and green healthy forests. Two
steaming mugs of apple cider were placed in front of them as well as two menus.
Kenny scoffed at not being able to read any other language but English or
Spanish and Christian continued charming the barmaid while she giggled and
scribbled on a small pad. Abruptly, she
took the menus back and hurried off. “What did you
order?” Kenny asked looking from Christian to the outside and back. “Lapskaus.” He answered with a matter of
fact tone. Kenny just
shrugged and sipped his cider and pleasantly surprised there was alcohol in it. “Pretend that I
learned every language in the world and only by sitting here in this seat at
this moment did I forget everything but English.” “It’s a very
meaty stew.” Christian humorously snorted, “Very delicious really. I love it
and it keeps you warm on a freezing day like this.” “Where exactly
is this?” “Norway.” Kenny gazed
happily out the window and took the scenery in even more now. “Norway? Are
you serious?” “Yeah, I come
here sometimes just to get away and clear my mind. I love the food here and the
trails they have but I think they may be snowed in now.” Christian cleaned his
glasses with the bottom of his shirt, replaced them and gazed out the window
with Kenny. “I’m down for a
snowy hike, granted we get the right clothes for this weather.” They met each
other’s gaze. “Okay, I can do
that.” Christian smiled, “So I thought maybe this would be a great place to
help start you getting your mind off of-” The thick doors
burst open and a short hairy man, with a ruffled suit and a bronze cane came
rushing toward their table in excitement. “Andre! Andre!
I didn’t believe them when they said you had arrived!” the man’s voice was
raspy and low with a pinch of nasal congestion. “Svein! Yes, I
am back! I can’t stay away from your delicious food here that’s why I’ve
returned after a week!” The two met in
a friendly chuckling hug, with Christian having to bend down on one knee. “You are
welcome anytime, my friend, anytime! A friend of Percy’s is always welcome
here!” “Percy?” Kenny
quietly questioned but Christian brushed him away as he sat again. Svein caught
sight of Kenny and looked him up and down with his wide different color eyes. “You must zot
like women, no?” Christian
blushed and coughed on his cider, Kenny snickered into his. “What makes you
say that?” “You only visit
here with oz’er gentlemen excluding Percy, of course-” “Who is Percy?”
Kenny asked in a hush. “-There vas ze
long haired skinny one-” “Drop it,
okay?” Christian hissed under his breath to Kenny, while keep a small smile
toward Svein. “-the full
bodied dark haired one and now this kind gent that looks more like you.” Svein
politely smiled at Kenny before quickly laughing at Christian, patting on him
on the back, “No matter! All are welcome in ze House of Svein! Come, come, what
are ze having tonight?” Kenny sighed
and stared blankly at his menu while his Protector explained the dish he
ordered, to which the owner quickly added more items to which he charged on the
house once the barmaid scurried over to him. “Now,” the
stubby man croaked once she vanished from sight, “What brings you on this side
of the world again Mr. Adventure?” “Just passing
through this time, really,” Christian yanked the menu from Kenny’s daydream and
handed them back to the owner, “But now that you mention it, are the trails
open with the snow?” “Of course zey
are open, zilly! My trails are open all year round no matter what Mother Nature
zays!” Christian
nodded in thought. “Great. Would
you have any hiking gear for the weather conditions by any chance? We came
spontaneously, you know.” “Ah,” Svein
stroked his long red beard slowly, “Yes, I do believe zat I have a couple left
for zuse. Come zee me after your morning meal! God Morgen!” “Good morning,
Svein.” Christian glared at Kenny, who was still staring out the window,
leaning against his wrist, with a more bored look on his face, “I’m sorry that
I can’t tell you who Percy is because it’s not up to me. So please drop it and
enjoy this outing that I am taking you on! I mean, that b*****d did just break
up with you.” Kenny sighed
and looked up solemnly. “I’m sorry and
thanks for this. I really do appreciate it.” “Don’t mention
it, man. It’s my job.” The sun began
to brighten up the large café with a glare from the snow that caused the
workers to turn on an automatic dimmer to reflect the glare back outside. All
the food that came filled the entire table with little room for a small plate;
there was a dish of a yummy brown liquid with chunks of meat and slices of
sausage floating at the top, two plates of a creamy type of porridge with
homemade bread glazed with homemade butter and on the edge was a funnel cake
looking dish without the sugar on the top but egg and bacon. They ate in
small conversation, Kenny telling small pieces of everything William said to
him and Christian hoping to never run into him again. Briefly the Protector
explained how he had aid in the battle he expelled Kenny from, once the
question was asked, making sure to dodge who the aid was. It explained the
large crater he was standing in last time he projected there. Occasionally, the
two would look out the window together at the snowy mountainous and green
pastures scene. A sense of tranquility ran through the both of them as the meal
progressed on. A few hours
later, after leaving a large tip and getting the gear from Svein in the lower
most level of his house that resembled a mad scientist room to Kenny, they made
their way onto the snowy trail. The snow wasn’t too bad but it was all new to
the Miami native. He had seen snow on television, movies and books but never
under his feet. Or around his ankles as it was now. The chill sent
a shiver up his spine as they climbed up the incline. Christian was unusually
quiet during the hike, seeming to be in deep thought. Kenny attempted to see
what the matter was but always talked himself out of it at the last moment. It
seemed Christian’s cheery mood was left back at the café house and Kenny hated
every second of it. But quick as
the wind shifted, they approached a tall ledge that overlooked a large icy
gorge. It glistened in the sunlight, sparkling the cliffs with snow and sleet.
Kenny’s breath was taken away at the clear view seen for miles and miles.
Mountains and gorges surrounded his vision and when he looked up to view
Christian, he noticed a tear was in his eye. “Are you okay,
Christian?” “Oh, yeah,
yeah,” He quickly dabbed his eye with his sleeve, “The view is spectacular
isn’t it?” Kenny couldn’t
remember William every bringing him to anything this beautiful. They stayed in
South Florida and never even went on a cruise to the Bahamas or a weekend
getaway to the Keyes. He felt a shining in his soul at the bit of his stomach
that warmed his body and noticed a very faint golden hue on his skin. The view
was so breathtaking he only thought of sharing this moment with his friends. “OH S**T!”
Kenny quickly unstrapped his oversized Velcro coat, jolted his hand in his side
pocket of his jacket and pulled out his cell. It was on Silence Mode and had
already missed twelve calls from Malcolm, twenty texts from Shawn and dozens
from the others, “Do you think I
can get MetroPCS in Norway?” Christian
chuckled and handed Kenny his relic phone from the satchel under his coat. It
was the size of a banana and its antenna had to be manually pulled out. Once
all the calls were made to the astonished voices at the information of Norway
and William leaving him, Christian pocketed the phone and began climbing up
again behind them. “Wait! Where
are you going?” “I said I
wanted to show you something, remember?” Christian answered not looking behind
him. “That wasn’t it?” “Of course it
wasn’t it. Come on and stop all the belly aching.” Kenny
reluctantly climbed more, enjoying seeing more of the clear sky and scenery, as
Christian suddenly stopped at a random stop on the trail and sniffed. He looked
over to the rocky wall and rubbed it in the middle before his hold fell into a
makeshift button. The wall shook quickly before a piece of it slid sluggishly
open like a door. “We can’t
access the top going up this trail.” Christian explained when he saw Kenny’s
confused look. “Another
mountain shortcut?” “Come on.” He
gently pushed Kenny in the darkness. They entered
the opening, which automatically closed once Christian was the last in, and the
walls themselves illumined with yellow and orange light as it revealed another
sharp incline ahead. They took off the heavy coats and left them at the door as
Christian instructed. The air was easy and lukewarm, allowing the climb to be
more pleasant. The walls were made of clear crystal that danced with light inside
of them and the ceiling was close enough to touch. Kenny’s body
was full and energized but the constant incline was making his legs burn.
Christian remained silent throughout the climb but it seemed that none of climb
was bothering him. They eventually climbed toward a small opening that greeted
with beaming sunlight and exited onto a snowy platform overlooking a huge river
and rolling green hills and forest. There was a
huge symbol of a dragonfly tail tied with a hummingbird etched into the snow.
Christian smiled and inhaled deeply. “This is what I
wanted to show you.” “A design made
in the snow?” Kenny frowned. “You know,
you’re a kill joy sometimes.” “I just got
broken up with a second time, what do you expect?” Christian
shrugged and looked down at the symbol. “This isn’t
just any design in the snow, it’s how I get to you in the other plane.” “By what,
stepping on this?” Kenny’s voice had wonderment in it now, staring down
relentlessly. “More like in it,” Christian doodled on his palm
and with its blue shadow, the symbol absorbed the palm light and flashed out
rays of energy, twirling into the air and forming into a beautiful standing
mirror with diamond encrusted trimmings, “I was able to carve an opening right
to the edge of the tower we are heading to and the good news is that you don’t
have to be sleep this time. Travel is on me.” He flashed
those pearly whites which made Kenny blush and looked toward the mirror. “We are almost
done with this? No more attacks anymore?” “Not in that
plane.” They inched
their way to the front of the mirror and Kenny noticed it had a deep clear
reflection in the glass. “Ready?” Kenny broke his
attention and stepped back a little. And after a few moments of hesitation, he
agreed. “Good,”
Christian touched the glass and it abruptly shattered into a thousand spinning
shards that flowed into the design in the snow. And with a quick blaze, white
powdery light passed through and around them (forming the katana at Christian’s
side) and another bright blaze and they were in the spiritual plane, surrounded
by the ruin that was left from the battle. The small crystal path was still
being lighted by the moon and began following it without pause. “I wasn’t able
to leave this crater when I was here earlier.” “You were
here?” Christian had a sense of agitation in his tone, “You weren’t supposed to
be able to get back here without me.” “Maybe my power
is stronger than you first realized, I don’t know. All I do know is that I
couldn’t move at all.” “At least that
worked.” The Protector muttered, “There’s too much darkness and evil on its way
through the universe to get at you. I need you to try and project yourself back
if you find yourself anywhere new without me.” “You say that
like I can just snap my fingers and go instantly with thought.” “If that’s how
it happens for you.” The crystal
path wormed out of the barren land and up to a large standing wall of vine that
seemed to be protected from that acid rain. Christian stabbed his katana in the
center that became a spider-web of fire and burned outwards to reveal the edge
of two gigantic mountains meeting together, creating a very narrow cliffy
opening that grew darker as they looked onward. The Protector inhaled deeply
and tapped his necklace twice. Almost
instantly, as if hatching from a shell, Hummer broke from the pendant and
ruffled her feathers in a daze. “Sorry you
didn’t charge much but I need a light ahead and then you can go back to sleep
again.” It sounded to Kenny that Christian was trying to reason with a child.
Hummer didn’t respond but just illuminated a bright white light and fluttered
lazily ahead. As they had just enough room to maneuver through the gigantic
trench, Kenny noticed the walls were scorched black and cracked everywhere he
looked, on both sides. It wasn’t long
before they reached the end of the tunnel and Hummer automatically flew to
Christian’s chest and fused in a small circular energy to create the pendant
around his neck. When they both looked up, it was an uplifting sight for Kenny;
they were both standing at the entrance to the grounds that the mountainous
size tower stood on. It was covered for miles with vines, plants and moss
growing on it. Stone coliseum type seating was parallel to the wall but it too
was overgrown with greenery. A heavy white mist hovered high above to block
sight to the top but the moonlight broke through and the crystal path led right
into the center of the tower and at the grace of the night time light, the
foliage parted and allowed them to pass through. There was a
type of eternal evening twilight inside that allowed them vision around the
room. They walked into an immense size foyer, with yellow crystal pillars as
tall as the tower itself, lining the walls with stone staircases and archways
into other abandoned rooms. A type of divine light emanated from the pillars
but it was very faint but strong enough to send feelings of hope and despair
deep in Kenny’s soul when he touched it. He swore he
heard his name being whispered again in the wind. “You feeling
alright?” Christian asked, placing his hand gently on Kenny’s shoulder. “Oh, yeah,” He
broke his attention from the pillar, “You were correct about this being the
place I can get my answers. There’s something I can feel in this place that
feels, I don’t know…right.” “You ready to
head on till we get to the top then?” They rushed up
the floors of steps, resting at a stone archway that led to an empty lake with
the stairs beginning again behind it. As they ascended the stone steps, the
walls became transparent and they were in awe at the moons beaming in the
night. But as if the stairs needed them to keep moving, it shook softly and
rolled their feet ahead. At the last
door, positioned at the upmost part of the tower, they slowed their step and
Kenny eventually hesitated. The light from the other side of the door was
bright like a morning sunrise but the walls showed it still being night
outside. “I’m scared.”
Kenny muttered. Christian doubled back and gripped his shoulder. “Of what?” “Everything.
All that I know is about to change for me. For my family. My friends. I won’t
be the same person I was when this all happens.” There were a
few light fluffy clouds that brushed by the vision of the biggest moon. “Change is
good, you know that?” Kenny found a calming understanding in Christian’s voice,
“You are a very strong person and whatever happens from this point forward,
know that you have me at your side. I promise I won’t let anything happen to
you that will cause any pain or harm because I am your protector. If you’re
scared, tell me. If you’re feeling alone, call on me.” Kenny looked up
at Christian slowly, with eyes full of dreams. “I could really
fall for you.” “You wouldn’t
want to do that,” he waved Kenny away somberly, “I’m too complicated.” But Kenny
grabbed Christian’s wrist as he turned to walk up toward the archway. “Explain to me
what that means?” His voice demanding, “Who isn’t complicated or damaged or
comes with baggage? Do you understand how vague you are being with me? How am I
supposed to trust-” “Why do you
care so much? What does it matter?” Christian didn’t look back but his voice
was still heavy and soft, “Didn’t you just get out of a relationship with that
b*****d of a boyfriend of yours?” “We had broken
up long before-” “Protectors
shouldn’t be involved with their Custody.” “That sounds
like a copout-” “Learn to fall
for yourself, Kenny. Embrace your own beauty through your own eyes. I can’t
fill that void that you are filling right now and I’m sorry but I just can’t…” Christian
inhaled deeply, looking up with his eyes shut in agony. “I just can’t
love you like you need to be loved right now.” Kenny dropped
his hold and sighed deeply. “You’re lying
to me. It’s in your voice, somehow, I can hear it.” Christian
snapped his attention in confusion and unhappiness. “Kenny, I…I…” “Just tell me.” The Protector
dropped his head in defeat. “Can we please
just go?” “Why can’t you
tell me?” “I’m sorry,
please understand that I mean that. But I just can’t tell you why.” For the first
time, Kenny felt helpless toward Christian. He wasn’t angry or upset but felt
the deepest sympathy and pity from the break and crackle in his Protector’s
voice. Gradually, he gently pushed past Christian and up toward the archway. A sudden clap of
thunder startled them both as they approached the top of the immeasurable tower
that could be seen from miles away. It oversaw the barren lands the acid rain
touched, the mountain ranges that were left cracked and scorched from the
attack, the cliffs that ran against rivers of fire and thick heavy mist that
covered the other untouched jungles. There was a large radiating white light
pulsating from the center but its rays were only reaching the battlements
before dimming away. With each step
they took toward the light, white clouds would raise around their feet until it
covered to their knees. Thunder rumbled gently with a light breeze picking up
around the center. Christian approached it with wonder and caution as he stood
across from Kenny, who shared the same emotions. The light wasn’t blinding to
their eyes and it gave off a loving feel that warmed their souls and spirits. “Go on.”
Christian instructed with marvel in his tone. “What do I do?” “Whatever comes
to you naturally.” And without
thinking, he reached out to touch the warm and pulsating ball of light.
Snappishly, it began dancing wildly and creating a whirl of shocking
psychedelic energy surrounding the two. A deep gong was heard above them
causing a sudden crash of blue light (which was wrapped in fire, water and
electricity) to orbit around into the center. Once it met together, everything
stood calm and peaceful with the exception of the walking personification of
light. They noticed
they were standing in a void of white energy, clouds at their feet and blue
skies above. Christian stood at Kenny’s side, both thunderstruck. When the
spirit spoke, it spoke with pose and it demanded attention yet there was
compassion etched in the tone. “The Host of the Chaos seed arrives!” It
echoed while walking unthreateningly toward them, “This moment was foretold long ago. With your arrival the prophecy will
be fulfilled and everything will begin.” “What will
begin?” Kenny stepped forward, “Please, I just need to know who I am! What am I
supposed to be here for? I don’t know how you expect me to save this place when
I can’t even save myself!” The spirit
stopped walking to their surprise and in a blink, there was a rush of mighty
wind and loud crash that shook the tower violently. It knocked the two of them
to their knees with Christian reaching to shield Kenny. But as quick as it
began, it ended. Fire was heard
crackling beneath their feet and when they stood up, it was as the spirit
encamped them in a silvery transparent shield to protect them from the horrific
scene around them. The earth was consumed with flame and people lay on the
ground struggling to breath and burning to ash. Trees were engulfed and the
inferno was absolute all around them. “This is what is to come if the Host of the
Chaos seed does not exists.” The angelic voice rang out, “The power of the mighty soul will be won to
the hells of Dark-El and his unquenchable thirst for blood and power.” Kenny felt
Christian grab his hand and squeezed softly, his grip shaking a little. Dark
clouds infested the sky with flying dark silhouettes of demons and winged
skinless creatures. Bodies were being ripped apart and chewed up. Blood was
splattered on every rocky surface and the earsplitting cries were unanswered
and unbearable. Black lightning destroyed everything built and tsunamis of lava
rushed behind them like a raging bull, completely obliterating the people
caught in its rampant path. And then Kenny
gasped and covered his mouth in horror. Tonya, Jerry,
Teddy, Junior and Shawn hung from a willow tree, bleeding from their heads
dripping to the simmering ground below. But when Kenny went to step toward them
and Christian grabbed him back, his friends spontaneously combusted into a rage
of brimstone and fire, screaming in excruciating pain. “STOP IT!
PLEASE STOP!” Kenny screamed as he fell back into Christian, sobbing as his
friends burned. “There will be no end to Dark-El’s terror!
There will be no stopping to his power! YOU are the only one who can stop this,
Host of Chaos! Accept your destiny and walk in your truth!” The voice
boomed, “You are not ready!” Without further
explanation or hesitation, there was another sudden rush of wind and a bright
flash that blinded them. And with a snap and sudden pull at their stomachs,
both Christian and Kenny were tossed back forcefully and landed on a hard
surface. “MAL! KENNY’S
BACK!” Kenny opened
his eyes and inhaled deeply. The sky was dusk, air easy to breath and Shawn’s
voice was still as booming as ever. When he forced himself on his side, he noticed
the wooden gate was a few feet away and figured he was in his own backyard. “You okay?”
Christian asked from behind, startling Kenny. Shawn had begun approaching them
with his e-cigarette in his hand and Malcolm came busting out the back door.
Kenny nodded as they were helped to their feet. “You know those
are just as bad for you.” Christian said to Shawn in casual conversation, to
which Shawn cussed and threw the plastic cigarette into Junior’s side of the
fence. But the two became suddenly focused on Kenny when Malcolm kept yelling
his name. He had passed
out cold as soon as he stood to his feet. © 2015 Jonny B. Mitchell |
Added on June 30, 2015 Last Updated on July 7, 2015 Tags: love, supernatural, friendship, dreams, gay, demon, hell, hiv, homosexuality, protector, the collection Author![]() Jonny B. MitchellLos Angeles, CAAboutBorn in Virginia but moved to California in 2004. Enjoys reading book version of movies. Loves motion seating in the theater. Camping, fishing and baseball top the list of most enjoyable acti.. more..Writing