![]() Chapter SixA Chapter by Jonny B. Mitchell![]() Another trip to the mysterious spiritual plane, this time with a warning.![]() Hummer’s Melody Over the next
two days, the hospital had Kenny under the medication of morphine and
anti-depressant drugs that kept him sleep over the next two days. When he was
up, his brain was so incoherent that he doesn’t recall anything happening
during this time: except for the trip to the spiritual plane and the journey
that ensued. The acid rain
steadily fell outside the open mouth cavern, eating everything that it fell on
until the land became dead and desolate. Kenny stared with a heavy sigh as
Christian turned to walk further into the cave. He tightened the belt on his
leather jacket before reminding Kenny they had to remain moving in an irritated
tone. The buzzing bird’s body became encompassed in a radiated bright light that
served as a torch for their twisting pathway of dirt and clay. There was a calm
that staled the air but faintly you could hear the wind and rain outside the
cavernous walls. “Who is that
dude and how do you even know him?” Christian grilled as they journeyed around
a black lake of diamond with rippling waters on the coast of iron boulders. The
hummingbird’s glow reflected with a sight smudge off the lake as they climbed
by. “He’s the guy I
have been seeing for the last half a decade.” There was a rising irritation in
Kenny’s voice now, “Why are you questioning me like that?” “You mean you
don’t see it?” Kenny jumped
over two small rocks with a befuddled look etched on his face. “What am I
supposed to see?” “There’s a
gloom to his chakra and a black poison in his aura.” Christian slid down a
slope of loose gems and rock and came into a hall of crystallized stalagmites
that sparkled sharply, “You seriously
don’t see it?” “I did feel
something off between us over the years but nothing like you are describing.” “He’s bad news,
Kenny.” “Can we change
the subject?” he sighed. The two mazed through the hall in silence before the
hummingbird whirred excitedly at a blocked wall. Christian let the fluttering
bird rest on his finger as she fluttered and chirped. He nodded and proceed to
inspect the dusty wall with the tip of his fingers. As he adjusted his glasses
and cleared his throat, Kenny has inched closer to see himself. “It looks like
we will be waiting here for a bit,” Christian announced so suddenly that it
startled Kenny back a step, “The wall doesn’t move until the moon passes over
the ridge of this mountain we are in. It carries a message of love to the heart
of the mountain making this place pulsate.” “You come here
often?” Kenny joked as he sat adjacent from the wall, against a small
stalagmite. “No, smartass,”
Christian spun the bird to her stomach showing a screen of scrolling words,
“It’s uploaded in Hummer’s database.” “So the bird
does have a name.” Kenny nodded while Christian rested beside him on the wall,
placing his katana and pistol at his side. “Of course she
does! I have had this baby for a few decades now. Each year she gets an upgrade
and does better things than her last update.” The bird fluttered angrily out of
his hold from being man handled and pecked his hand. Kenny
thoughtlessly kicked a small pebble away as Hummer buzzed over and hopped
around the rocks forgetting the humans behind her. He watched her buzz around
freely, body still encased in a sphere of light, and it caused a shadow on
Christian’s face, who was studying him intently. “What are you
looking at?” “You have this
brilliant battered aura around you, if that makes any sense,” There was an air
of dream and awe in his voice, “It’s very beautiful if you ask me. A mix
between a burning hillside and a golden sunset.” “Do you see
these things all the time?” Christian broke
his concentration and shook his head no. “Not all the
time but it’s a gift. Much like how you can feel things are off in a
relationship or how you notice that you talk up people more so than your
friends. Or feeling like you’ve know someone forever. Your power is going to be
something great once it fully develops. You will be something great! Not saying
that you aren’t now, but blimey, the things you will see.” For the first
time, Kenny felt a sense of excitement about the entire situation. After a
foiled suicide attempt, he saw that things were becoming different and that
Christian had felt to be more trustworthy than anything he recalls William
telling him. Maybe this was a piece of his impregnated powers. The more his
protector talked about these potential powers, the more Kenny wanted to embrace
it and learn it. There was one
small hope in the back of his mind that these new powers would eradicate any
disease growing in his body. It was a constant prayer on this journey. “Why are you
single, if you don’t mind me asking? I mean, as your boss I should know
everything about you.” Christian
laughed heartily and wiped a few tears out the corner of his eyes. “Boss? No, man.
You are my Custody: The one person
whom I am given immediate charge over to protect till the end of my life. Many
of us come and go, protecting our Custodies throughout the time-space continuum
but you were the last one to be born into this world making me your first and
only Protector. I spent a lot of my adult life protecting you from a distance
in stealth as best as I could but you like to move around a lot. So, I guess my
relationship status is complicated in a way.” Kenny sighed
trying to take everything in while the sound a dripping was softly heard in the
distance. “But I am
thirty, I don’t get it. Why now?” Christian sat
straight up and inhaled deeply. “The only thing
I know for sure,” He started, taking an occasional pause to find the right
wording, “Your power is encased in some type of magnificent crystal of not just
one soul, like the rest of humanity has, but it is infused with the power of
six godly domains. Making your soul a dominant rare commodity and wanted by
every malicious spirit there is. So your power was bound at your birth until
the time came where your foretelling had to be fulfilled. At least, that’s what
I was told about you.” “By who? You
never did answer me that last time.” “You will find
out soon enough.” The dripping noise grew steadier and louder, “The moon is
close.” He stood up
from against the wall, replacing his weapons on his utility belt and waited
with Kenny standing by his side. Hummer was still fluttering freely, diving in
and out of the drips in the distance. To Kenny, she looked like a speeding
firefly. Before long, there was a swift shake, a flowing river of honey rushing
against the wall causing it to vanish into thin air, revealing a wide walkway. The next room
was shown to be full of gold, coins and gemstones piled to the ceiling. They
had lost their luster and very few still had any sparkle left. Christian led
him slowly around the piles, as Hummer lit the way. Kenny was amazed at the
treasure and the amount of it while wondering who it all belonged to. “What did you
see in that William guy?” Christian asked, breaking the silence. “I don’t really
want to talk about him.” “I’m sorry,”
They turned and began the climb down a dozen immeasurable marble steps (that
could have been mistaken for small cliffs), leading down deeper into the
mountain. “Don’t
apologize. I am just tired of being sucked into his enchanting charm and ending
up falling all over again for his bullshit. We had something really exciting
and great at first but it seemed like it fizzled out quickly.” Christian
jumped down to the next step and held out his hand for Kenny, who smacked it
away and jumped himself. A small satisfactory smile curled on both of their
faces. “Where did you
two meet?” “At a club in San
Francisco and then shortly after, I quit school and went back to Florida for a
full blown relationship that lasted six years. I know I shouldn’t have done
something so hasty for a man, but I was just head over heels for him.” Christian
groaned and continued his jumping while Kenny followed behind. “What about
your ‘complicated relationship’ status? You care to
elaborate on that?” “No, not
really.” Kenny let out a
huge wail of impatience and sighed heavily. “What was that
about?” Christian asked looking up above him in the dusk staircase. “It’s not fair
that you can just shut down on me but you expect me to just open up to you. In
case you forgot, we haven’t known each other too long so this is like a case of
mutual reciprocation, you know?” The Protector
just cracked his neck and jumped down another step. “I suppose you
have me there,” “So?” “For all
intents and purposes, I’m single.” “What does that
even mean?” Kenny had lost his footing on his last jump but found it swiftly
before Christian had raced back to the edge of the step. “It really is
something that is too complicated to try to explain right now,” He began once
he saw everything was fine, “Let’s just say that I haven’t really been able to
fully live happily yet, and leave it at that.” A feeling of
aggravation passed through the air and Kenny knew immediately that it was not
directed toward him. He assumed there was something deeper to this explanation
but for the time, he was going to let it go. He figured in time, Christian
would find the right words to explain it. After they
passed the steps, Hummer led them into a long golden tunnel that felt like
walking in a very clean sewer pipe. At the end was a silk thin curtain that
opened up to a vast sunny room overlooking crystal clear waterfalls irradiating
its own light from the waters and embankments of ferns and pine trees against a
flowing stream. The feeling they were outside and not under a mountain ridge
took over both their senses. Fresh pine wafted in the wind and a scent of jasmine
flowers and lilies invaded the sense of smell. It was nothing like Kenny had
ever seen in his life and it welcomed them with a fresh warm breeze and smells
of nature. They climbed down a dusty trail and walked through the open forest
with calm and ease as the pollen gave them a refreshing look on their journey. Christian
started setting up two tents that sprang from inside a miniature rubrics cube
that he housed in his sleeves. They popped up automatically (with his weapons
guarding in front of his tent), complete with chairs and a blow up mattress and
pillows inside. This stunned Kenny and it took over half an hour for Christian
to explain how hit worked and where it came from. Hummer had eventually
disappeared into the trees to rest as moments later, buckets of fish were
brought up from the banks on the Protector’s shoulders, who had removed his
jacket and shirt leaving on a white tank top. He placed the buckets in front of
the stone walled campfire Kenny had started and watched the enchanted fire dance
with a hint of sullen in his face. The only thing Kenny had noticed was how
defined Christian’s muscles were and how tall he was that made it all perfectly
come together. After a meal of
cooked salmon washed down with fresh berry juice, the two talked more about
each other’s lives while the warm breeze swept around the forest floor, kicking
up dead pine needles from time to time. Kenny was very intrigued that Christian
was once a father but lost his son to Sudden Infant Death Syndrome only a month
after the birth. He is the brother of three younger sisters and two older
brothers. His mother and father were still alive and, according to Christian,
the best people anyone could ever run across. He plays the guitar expertly and
performs in a band back home in England. He loves birds and the new show called
Breaking Bad. Likewise,
Christian was deeply interested in the many trials Kenny had faced throughout
his lifetime; bullying, getting robbed, disownment by his parents, abuse in his
love life and a constant questioning of who he was. But he had some silver
moments as well; he had a very close relationship with his older brother, a
great support group in friends, was planning on finishing his schooling and was
starting to get back into his craft of writing poetry, which he has been doing
since he was a child. He even gave a small performance to Christian who begged
to hear something he wrote: “If I ask you for some precious time, will
you give it without care? If I tell you that I need some space, will
you let me breathe the air? If I give you my entire heart, will you
cover it up from the rain? Or would my gift have been too quick to
you, ending well in vain?
If I make my life a better place, will you
come in and take part? If I take my problems to the Source, will
our love finally start? To Whom It May Concern, this poem is all
about me Because, only I can make myself feel
light, and happy and free.” Christian sat
in his chair completely flabbergasted for moments before he clapped and
cheered. “Astounding!
I’m impressed! When did you write that?” “After my first
boyfriend that I had in high school dumped me. This one I committed to memory
but it was originally much longer. Not many people have heard my poetry but it
feels like I have known you all my life in a way. I am genuinely happy that I
met you.” “I feel honored
and happy myself plus I plan to cherish this moment for a lifetime.” It was Kenny’s
turn to laugh now. “A lifetime? You and your dramatics.” The two shared
a mutual chuckle before the light over the trees began to wane and fade. When
the blue sky burst to an orange hue, a small chirping melody was heard overhead
that grew louder as the sun faded. It was a chorus of peeps and chirps that
blended to sound like harps and bells coming from the fiery looking trees. The
tune waved over the forest in a gentle breeze of music. Kenny looked up and saw
a sphere of light from the brushes and realized the melody was orchestrating
from Hummer. She was buzzing
around the trees, getting all the other birds to join in and they each would
start to glow around their feathery bellies. Lovebirds, doves, robins and blue
jays all joined in the bird song that created a feeling of intense calm. The
trees swayed and rocked softly, rustling their own jingle through the leaves as
the fiery sky faded to a velvet color before birthing a sky full of blinking
stars in a darkened hue, reflecting a glint of sparkle from the light of the
waters not far away. Gradually, the song died away to only a single chirp. Kenny had
smiled the entire time, feeling nothing but peace and calmness and when he
looked down he noticed Christian had dozed off, his head hanging over the neck
of the chair. He scoffed silently and stroked the crackling fire with a stick
he found lying beside him. The thought of his friends stung into his brain like
a bee sting and he wished they could be experiencing this with him. He missed
their support in spite of all their debating. It is what made their bond so
unique and special; the ability to have disagreements while remaining loving. Although to
Kenny, the word ‘loving’ could be used loosely towards some of them. It was in
a silent chuckle, over the snores of his protector, that he noticed the
extraordinary; there was a golden, dusty, translucent film that was radiating
from his skin. It extended all over him from what he could see and in a fright
he screamed for Christian so suddenly, he startled out of his chair and smacked
face first into the ground. “What are you
bellowing unnecessarily for?” He stood to his knees and brushed off his face
and chest. Kenny stuck out his arms towards him in a small wailing motion. “What is this
yellowy stuff covering me?” Christian
blinked for a second and smiled deeper than before. “You can see
that?” “YES! WHAT IS
IT?” “Your aura.” Kenny dropped
his arms in wonderment, mouth open and slowly looked over his body again. The
golden dusty film leisurely faded from his sight causing another panic. “Where’d it go?
Why can’t I see it anymore?” “Calm down,”
Christian came to crouch beside Kenny’s legs, reached over and inspected his
wrist, “What were you thinking when you saw the aura?” Kenny had
noticed too that the scars were completely healed and had vanished. “Tonya, Jerry,
Shawn, Teddy and Junior. I wanted them here to see this too.” There was a
small quietness that settled between them while they locked eyes, full of
patience and joy, silly smiles across their faces. Kenny noticed a smudge on
Christian’s glasses, slowly removed them and used the end of his shirt to clean
it, and very softly did he replace the glasses back. It felt like magic in the
air between their comfortable silences. Liberation above any description is how
Kenny tried to sum it up. But before anything else could transpire, another sound
sprung Christian in a tumble to retrieve his weapons and Kenny to his feet. A stick had
snapped in the forest and then another causing a deep silence throughout. Each
sound grew closer and closer making it apparent that the sound was someone
sprinting. Christian had moved to guard Kenny, his katana out and at his chest
while stuffed the pistol in Kenny’s hand instantaneously. He scanned the
surroundings fervently, not letting the Japanese sword lower an inch, as the
stepping approached right up to the edge of their camp before halting. He saw
nothing out of the ordinary in the forest of trees. Kenny had
joined in the scan too but frantically was unsuccessful as well. An uncanny
calm passed over them before Christian extended his sword arm around him, who
didn’t hesitate to clutch tightly, and a burst of huge gusts of wind and
blinding light came from all sides; with voices in the rushing that sounded
almost angelic to their ears. “You will not be safe here after a while. The
servants of the Dark God hoovers around the mountains of Gen and will approach
with stealth. Sleep. Rest now. I, the Angel of the Omega Order, will watch over
you for the duration. But when the phantom sun waxes and the phantom moon
wades, you must exit this under-part. Head my words.” In an odd
sensation, Kenny could feel the words forming in his thoughts before they were
uttered but quickly the wind died away and everything was still. Christian
dropped his arm and exhaled, looking at his Custody in worry who returned the
same look back. And as if knowing their worry would bring them no sleep,
another gust of wind blew a sparkling mist that straightaway caused them to
pass out next to each other in cold slumber. © 2015 Jonny B. Mitchell |
Added on June 30, 2015 Last Updated on July 7, 2015 Tags: love, suicide, supernatural, dreams, gay, hiv, homosexuality, protector, the collection Author![]() Jonny B. MitchellLos Angeles, CAAboutBorn in Virginia but moved to California in 2004. Enjoys reading book version of movies. Loves motion seating in the theater. Camping, fishing and baseball top the list of most enjoyable acti.. more..Writing