Chapter TwoA Chapter by Jonny B. Mitchell![]() The Welcome Back party gets a little personal.![]() The Shin-Dig The early
afternoon sun beamed brightly in the cloudless Sunday sky as the temperatures
hit the upper eighties. People walked up and down Telegraph Avenue; a tree
lined, four lane street that housed many Asian restaurants and mom & pop
pizza shops. Buildings had abstract murals painted on the side that each told a
different story. As Kenny, Shawn and Junior walked by one, they began
discussing what the meaning behind a flying dragon eating a school bus of guns
and explosives was. All painted in purple, green and yellow. They passed a
Hispanic family with a stroller as they crossed the street still in
conversation. Kenny walked in the middle, with his hands in his khaki short
pockets. A black tank top lay under a solid yellow button up, which flapped
openly against the small breeze. He finished his ensemble with a small straw
hat and brown sandals. Shawn walked on his left and wore a basic jeans and
white t-shirt with a cartoon Stewie
from Family Guy on it, while Junior
sported a white fitted tank top and baggy jean shorts with pearl white Sketchers. They all wore
sunglasses of some kind: Kenny had on the basic dollar store square brand,
Shawn had a fitted pair of Men in Black
type kind, and Junior had brown lenses, diamond framed with silver framing. By
the time they went a few blocks and passed a paint shop, the conversation had
turned to Kenny and the new neighbor. “What about
him?” “You couldn’t
stop talking about him!” Shawn exclaimed. “He’s very
attractive, I think, but I don’t really know if he’s even gay.” Junior pinched
Kenny’s arm. “Dude, he gave
you his number when he left. Not any of us he was watching football with but
you. He pulled you aside to say goodbye personally when he lives across the
street from you. Come on now.” Kenny just
blinked obliviously. “He’s gay,
Kenny.” Shawn pulled out an electronic cigarette, “Gayer than the day is long.
Did you see how he kept smiling at you? Gay.” “Whatever,”
Kenny sighed dreamily, “This just seems so much like Desperate Housewives.” “Oh for f**k’s
sake, enough with the Desperate
Housewives,” Shawn took a puff, “You think everything in your life is a
reenactment of that stupid show.” “Or Friends.” Junior added as Kenny groaned. “All I am
saying is that it just seems too good to be true that this handsome man moves
directly across the street. And it’s not
a stupid show.” “You do realize
that he didn’t move there because of you.” Junior said as they stopped at a
corner and waited for the walk signal. “Well, I get
that. But after he left, he didn’t go to any of the other neighbors. Mrs.
Barnes? No. Bonnie? No.” “I wouldn’t
talk to that b***h either.” Shawn snarled. “The point is,
why did he just come see me and that’s it?” “He actually
came and said hello and we dragged him to watch football.” Junior corrected as
they began walking again in the warm sun. Kenny sighed again. “He only had
one bag of groceries.” “Oh just stop
and call the dude already.” Shawn playfully snapped, puffing again, “You have
been talking about him since he left. And then for hours on the phone to
Tonya.” “And came to my
place and talked about him there.” Kenny blushed
and embarrassedly walked a little bit faster than the other two. They called
out and caught up, expressing love and admiration for his ability to wear his
emotion on his sleeves. But when the conversation changed as they rounded the
corner, Junior started picking at Desperate
Housewives and why the only black family were the main antagonist. And why
no more black people were on the show. Kenny ignored his rants and just rolled
his eyes, while Shawn just puffed away. Eventually they
reached MacArthur Bart Station where Teddy was waiting outside the gate with
his TransLink card. Dressed in a
small jean jacket over an orange tank top and short jean shorts and head a
black headband pulling back his hair. A Halloween bandana was tied around his
neck and stuffed inside the top of his tank top. He immediately hugged Kenny
and congratulated him on landing a man. “They just met,
you doofus.” Shawn said. “And in gay
years that’s already eight months.” Teddy chuckled before whispering to Kenny
but loud enough for the guys to hear, “So…did you drop his pants and suck his
big black c**k?” “Teddy!” Junior
yelled as the three of them were buying tickets at the machine. “What?” “No, I didn’t.”
Kenny grabbed his ticket and shook his head, “But don’t think it didn’t cross
my mind, though.” “Disgusting.
There are children around!” Shawn sarcastically hissed. “Where?” Teddy
asked, spinning in a full circle, “I don’t see any. They better all still be in
church.” They all
entered the station and waited on the platform up top that was sprinkled with a
handful of people traveling in each direction. Posters of Wicked, Get Tested and The
Nut Cracker were framed on the walls that separated the tracks. A train
pulled off into the direction of Richmond as Junior found them all a seat that
put the Berkeley and Oakland Hills in view of them. Small boxes of houses
littered the gold-green hillside with a nice calmly breeze at their backs.
Kenny checked his vibrating cell phone and saw a message from Tonya that her
train left Berkeley. “Our train is
arriving in fifteen minutes.” Teddy repeated as the automated announcer gave
the next few trip times going to San Francisco Airport in a five car train. “Tonya will be
here in five.” Kenny added, stuffing his phone back in his pocket. “Good. Is Jerry
done with the preparations?” Junior asked, to which Kenny grunted, pulled out
his phone again and began texting away. Tonya met up
with the group and all five of them got on the next train toward San Francisco.
She loved to put her hair in a bun when she wore her red romper suit. They
encountered a drunk man walking up and down each aisle, yelling and cussing to
which Shawn had placed a secret message to the nearest police car to get to the
next station and escort the “dangerous person” off. When the train arrived at
the Glen Park station, it was two blocks before they approached a white
craftsmen style one story house, overlooking the small panhandle of the park.
Jerry was far from having the decorations set up. There was only one green
streamer half hung in the clean and neat oak inspired living room and a ‘Welcome Back’ sign strung over the
kitchen door. The entertainment system and black leather couch sat adjacent to
the dining area, which shared a huge open space with a grandfather clock
separating the two rooms. Through the old
swinging saloon doors and inside the kitchen was another vision. Pots and pans
were out and some laying on top of each other, some with food others without.
Onions, red peppers, potatoes, kale and carrots were diced and sitting on the
wooden cutting board with a blue Star of
David outlined in the middle. Jerry had on an apron with frilly edges and a
chef’s hat, rolled up blue button up and some jeans, covered in flours at the
feet. A smaller, feminine version of him stood on a pink and blue pedestal next
to her father with a hair net covering her dirty blond hair, while she
smothered chocolate on top of a yellow cake. “Uncle Kenny is
here!” yelled the four year old, jumping down and running into a hug. Jerry
rushed and hugged everyone as he stirred a pot of greens and one with boiling
brown rice. “Hey, Alicen
Wonderland!” Kenny tickled Alice into a fit of chocolate smudge faced giggles. “I hadn’t
really been able to get any decorations up for the party.” Jerry remorsefully
confessed to everyone. “We can smell
that!” Teddy opened the oven and got a waft of brisket. “Let me take
care of that,” Junior turned to leave the kitchen, “You still keep everything
in the hall closet?” “Yes, thanks.” And Junior had
rushed into the living room, out of sight but not unheard. Teddy quickly turned
into Jerry’s sous chef as Tonya played with Alice in the backyard after a quick
clean up. Kenny and Shawn took a seat from cushioned chairs at the round table
by the back door and began playing a game of cards that Shawn had in his coat
pocket. The conversation in the kitchen went from updates on Alice’s ballet to
Kenny’s new neighbor, to which Kenny tried to quickly change the subject to no
avail. Jerry was very intrigued at the new guy and wanted to know more about
him. “He’s a civil
engineer for a power company specializing in earthquakes and bridges. Graduated
from the University of Pennsylvania,” Shawn answered when Kenny purposely
focused more on the game instead of the conversation. “Oh, honey,
yes!” Teddy snapped his fingers, “Make that coin, okay?” “It’s not about
that,” Kenny spoke up, “He’s a very nice guy who happens to also be a very nice
gentleman-” “Blah blah,”
Shawn cut in, “He’s over six feet four inches, very professional looking and
apparently has the hots for our dear friend here.” Kenny heard the
emphasis Shawn put on the word ‘friend’
and frowned. There was a small grunt from the living room and tape being torn. “You going to
pursue him?” Jerry asked, as he pulled out the brisket and began spreading the
diced vegetables on top. “Pursue? You
make me sound like a stalker.” “You practically
are,” Shawn laid down a queen of hearts and took the deck, “How many times have
you looked out your window?” Kenny rolled
his eyes as Jerry took a gulp of water. “You still
haven’t answered Jerry’s question,” Teddy was plating the rice in a porcelain
bowl, “Are you going to suck his dick or not?” Jerry spit out
his water in a shocked laughter and Shawn chuckled as Kenny blushed. “He didn’t ask
that offensive question.” Kenny tried to turn his focus back on the game. “Oh, don’t act
like you don’t suck dick.” Teddy began plating the sweet potatoes Jerry handing
him, still laughing. “Teddy, please, there are children around.”
Kenny put down two Aces, smirking. “Where?” Shawn
sardonically questioned, looking around. “Anyways,
Jerry,” Kenny flustered his reply, “I don’t plan on doing anything with him.
(Teddy and Shawn coughed ‘LIES’) and I definitely don’t plan on sucking
anyone’s…thing.” “Dick. Just say dick!” Shawn yelled, “And
you thought about it.” “Shawn, shut
up.” Kenny slammed down a King of Spades and took the pile. Junior came in the
kitchen, only in his tank top and khakis, wiping his forehead with a paper
towel. “What are you
guys in here talking about? I heard the word dick.” “Of course you
did.” Shawn muttered. Jerry clued him
in with fits of laughter every now and then as he began creating a coconut
cream base. Alice and Tonya continued to play tea party outside in the bright
lowering sun as dinner began to slowly finish. Kenny and Shawn set the huge
round table in the living room that Junior set up with balloons in the center
and streamers strung every direction. There was a huge white table cloth over
the top where the food was set and six thick golden porcelain plates sat
around. Junior turned on soft jazz music to play in the background with a few
candles lit around the windows as Teddy cleaned the dishes with Jerry, less the
apron and hat. Within the half
hour the sun was setting and dinner was completely ready; brisket with chopped
potatoes and chives, onions and peppers, baked sweet potatoes smothered in
melted marshmallows, collard greens cooked in turkey bacon, brown rice and
matzah ball soup and homemade challah bread. Jerry made his daughter’s plate
and sat her in front of reruns of Muppet
Babies. Shawn gave a speech once everyone was seated and food on their
plate. He spoke about knowing Kenny from children and was happy to have him
back. Everyone cheered to which Alice shushed them and complained she couldn’t
hear Miss Piggy. Jerry
reminisced about college and when Kenny actually moved away, it was the biggest
fraternity party of the year but wasn’t the same without Kenny. Teddy wolfed
down his food and got seconds and thirds before anyone had finished their first
helping. Only Kenny noticed this but chose to stay silent and enjoy the
conversation now about Desperate
Housewives and then the upcoming Presidential Election between John McCain
and Barack Obama. “Who you guys
voting for?” Jerry asked, opening their third bottle of White Zinfandel and
refilled Tonya’s glass on his right and then to Shawn’s on his left. Kenny
reached across Shawn’s left to get the salt and pass it to Teddy next to him. “Obama, of
course.” Junior beamed, stuffing his mouth with potatoes. “Why ‘of course’?” Shawn twisted his face,
“Because he’s black?” “So you’re
saying that you’re not?” “Don’t do that.
Why are you voting for the token black man?” “How did this
get on race? But I would hope that as a black man yourself you would vote for
the black man.” Junior sighed staring angrily across the table, “We as a people
have been held back for generations. We finally have one of our brothers
running for President of the United States. He has a lot to say about change in
this country and ending this unnecessary war Bush put us in. Obama most definitely
will get my vote over McCain and his money and war hungry self. And he just so
happens to be black. Who are you voting for?!” “That’s my
business. One shouldn’t automatically assume that because I’m f****n’ black
that I am going to vote for the black man. I don’t necessarily agree with
everything he has to say on most of his policies. If elected, he will do just
like all the rest of the goddamn corrupted presidents before and be a puppet
for congress. I’d rather vote for a white man that has some balls than a black
man who doesn’t own any.” “Oh, boy.”
Tonya took a gulp, quickly escorted Alice to her room to finish her food and
show there, before returning back beside Jerry, who had his face in his palm. Junior grunted
loudly and Kenny lowered his head. “So you’re
voting for McCain?!” Shawn rolled
his eyes and threw down his silverware. “THAT’S ALL YOU
F*****G HEARD FROM THAT?! I am voting for McCain?! You sound just like every
cry baby n***a in America, ignorant! Always complaining that there aren’t any
f****n’ black people on Friends but
you turned a blind eye to Will and Grace
didn’t you? Couldn’t get enough of that show. Hypocrite is something I can
never call myself!” “Ralph Nader
has my vote-” Teddy drunkenly tried to cut in. “I sound
ignorant? You have some nerve! You sound like every self-hating black person
that yells ‘fight the power’ for all
blacks but be the first to turn your nose up at Mexicans or Asians! No offense,
Tonya.” “Uh, I’m not
Asian-” “Listen!” Jerry
bellowed, pounding his fist on the table, “If I knew it was going to become
this big of a goddamn deal I would have never brought up the subject!” “Really? You
thought politics wouldn’t get people hyped?” Tonya shook her head, “What about
you Kenny?” Kenny lifted up
his head and sighed. “I’d, um,
rather not. But whoever is for gay marriage.” “That doesn’t
seem like any of them.” Teddy answered to which Kenny shrugged. “Then I will
vote for myself. Like I do every election year.” He nervously eyed Shawn and
Junior, who were shooting daggers at each other. Junior quietly
seethed as he finished his second helping and they all cleared the table before
Jerry brought out the dessert. Shawn didn’t seem to care about Junior’s
animosity and dug into the pie, while Teddy and Kenny quietly talked about the
previous episode of Desperate Housewives.
Tonya had took Alice to get ready for bed before Jerry tucked her in. They
walked into another debate subject; legalizing prostitution. “I would
legalize it on a federal level. Tax it and get America out of its debt.” Jerry
announced as he whipped out a vape pen and a small canister filled with a ball
of wax from under a Macramé turtle on the window, took his seat and handed it
to Tonya. She took the first hit as she sat. “And weed,” she added, “Billion dollar
business to tax.” “Why would you
do either of that?” Junior twisted his face this time, “You would be just
opening up America to a plethora of diseases and addictions. And we all know
one leads toward the other. No one would have any respect for sex and not to
mention new HIV infections would skyrocket. And that’s just sick.” “Ladies and
gentlemen, our teacher of the next generation.” Shawn sarcastically whipped. “I respect
sex-” Jerry low fived Tonya as they took another vape. “Prostituting
is sick or getting HIV is sick?! You may want to clarify for me!” Teddy
snapped, to the surprise of everyone. “What does it
matter to you? You aren’t sick or a hoe.” Junior waved him away, but Shawn was
just about to respond before Teddy slammed down his glass of wine, splashing it
on the table. “I never knew
you to be such a closed minded individual, Johnson!” Junior
swallowed his bite of pie bewilderedly. “You’re just
drunk. Why are you overreacting about this?” “Maybe you
aren’t getting it,” Shawn chimed in. “Let’s just
change the subject, please.” Jerry sighed. “Once again.”
Kenny and Tonya muttered when Alice called for Jerry from down the hallway. He
sprang out of sight as the debate continued. “What if I told
you I had HIV, then what?” Teddy yelled, tears forming. “Do you?”
Junior hesitantly asked. “NO! This is
all hypothetical, no? What if I had
it? How would you feel then?” “Well, why
would I care then if it’s all hypothetical? Only hoes get infected. You’re not
a hoe so why worry about it?” Teddy shot up
and stormed out the back door with trails of tears falling behind. Kenny was
the one who went after him as Junior stood thunderstruck. “Teddy!” Kenny
called as the door slammed behind him in the chilly night air, “What’s going on?” Teddy had
stormed to the other side of the gated yard and slumped onto a log at the
farthest corner, submerging them out of sight in foliage. Tears were streaming
down his eyes as he clutched Kenny’s shoulders, who finally caught up and sat. “Junior has
been my very best friend since high school. I thought I knew how he thought and
felt on most of these issues, no?” Teddy wiped his nose on his sleeve, “I can’t
keep listening to him babble on about something he knows nothing about!” “What are you
talking about?” Kenny questioned calmly, “Do you really have HIV?” “No! But-but…”
Teddy lowered his arms and looked shamefully looked down, “I was laid off my
job a month ago and I’ve been placing ads on websites like Craigslist or Adam
for escorting.” Kenny stared
off for a moment and then nodded slowly. “Are you okay?” “No! It’s
humiliating. I hate doing it.” “Then why not
do something else?” “I am looking,
but I haven’t been getting any leads from this damn economy. But I have been
getting replies about sex all the time. Mostly all of it has been safe.” Teddy
turned and looked up at the partly cloudy moon, “Old out of shape men wanting
you to come over and strip for them. ‘Flex
your European-American muscles for daddy’. Sometimes that’s all they want.
Other times…” His voice
trailed off as Kenny scooted closer beside him in a hug. “When’s the
last time you’ve been tested, Theodore?” Teddy exhaled
deeply before shrugging. “I have been
too scared. I think it’s been two or three years.” Kenny inhaled
slowly and looked into his friend’s greenish eyes. “The pay is that good?” “Five hundred
just for going to their house. A thousand for anything more.” Silence settled
for a few moments as they both looked into the moon, with the crickets chirping
close by and car horns in the distance. Two small dogs began barking a few
houses down before Kenny spoke. “Then we will
go together to get tested.” Quietness fell
again before Teddy smiled and nodded. “Kenny,” “Yeah, buddy.” “Keep this
between you and me, please?” Kenny tightened
into another hug and released. “Of course. But
what do I tell the nosey hens in there?” “I will just
tell them I have a family member close to me that died being a prostitute or
something.” The two shared
a small laugh together before walking back toward the house. Everyone helped
with the clean-up in mostly silence, only the soft jazz music soothing the air.
Junior left preferring to take BART home alone after Jerry offered to drive.
Tonya reminded him that they wouldn’t fit in his small luxury car with Alice
riding too and reluctantly he gave up and walked them to the station instead
thirty minutes later, with his daughter sleep on his back. The soft chatter was
mostly about Junior and the upcoming Halloween party at the end of the month in
the Castro District. When Kenny
arrived home, he stared absentmindedly at the house across the street. There
was a light on beaming from each side of the house, before Shawn pushed him
inside when he noticed Kenny gawking. That night, they both fell asleep with a
lot on their minds. But the
recurring dream only came to Kenny. He was stuck in
the middle of a dark jungle of thorny vines, following a hummingbird into a
towering wall. The wall of vine was taller than before and the top was hidden
from view. The soft moonlight faintly glittered through the thick brushes
above. A shining light would occasionally pierce through cracks on the vine
wall but each touch would cut deeply. Kenny cussed and sucked his bloody
fingers, kicking the wall in frustration. Abruptly, the hummingbird fluttered
from his right and hopelessly tried to find an opening over every inch without
getting cut. But a quick,
small red flash stole his attention and when he slowly walked over the flatten
plants and stepped through a loosely vined opening, he almost fell off the side
of a steep cliff. Destruction and ruin lined the deep valleys with fire and
lava. The sky was blackened on that side and lightning crashed violently. Wind
started to pick up making it harder for him to breath but drastically changed
coarse pushing Kenny over the side. He frantically
reached out for a vine unsuccessfully when lightning struck the cliff. Rocks
began to crumble beneath his feet as the ground suddenly gave way. But just as
he felt his life flashing before his eyes while his body began to fall, a hand
reached out and grabbed his wrist. The sudden
feeling of falling jolted Kenny out of his sleep before he could see his
savior’s face. The digital clock flashed that it was midnight and before he
went back to sleep, he snuck a peek across the street again. All the lights at
Christian’s house were off and Kenny could hear Shawn’s voice in his head about
stalking. But no sleep
came to Kenny for the rest of the night. © 2015 Jonny B. Mitchell |
Added on June 30, 2015 Last Updated on July 7, 2015 Tags: love, suicide, supernatural, dreams, gay, hiv, homosexuality, protector, the collection Author![]() Jonny B. MitchellLos Angeles, CAAboutBorn in Virginia but moved to California in 2004. Enjoys reading book version of movies. Loves motion seating in the theater. Camping, fishing and baseball top the list of most enjoyable acti.. more..Writing