The Collection
A Book by Jonny B. Mitchell
The mythical story about adventures of Kenneth Whitley; the host of the mightiest power in the realms, The Chaos Soul seed, coming to odds with being HIV+ while keeping his soul alive.
© 2018 Jonny B. Mitchell
Author's Note
Tell me all your questions and concern for a better work of art. Do not be afraid to voice your opinion. Ignore any spelling errors (still editing as I go) with a lot more to come! There will be at least about 25 chapters, more or less, in total. Enjoy!
Added on June 30, 2015
Last Updated on July 3, 2018
Tags: death, time, angels, gifts, war, gods, powers, deities, heavens, the collection, soul seeds, HIV, LGBT, SUPERNATURAL, love, fantasy, friendship, chaos, universe
Jonny B. MitchellLos Angeles, CA
Born in Virginia but moved to California in 2004.
Enjoys reading book version of movies.
Loves motion seating in the theater.
Camping, fishing and baseball top the list of most enjoyable acti.. more..