there is an intensity to the flow of this one.. it is face-paced and keeps the reader's attention captivated.. anxiously awaiting what will happen next... the ending is a slap of raw reality that hits hard.. I like the short, concise lines--they add to the intensity and the power driving the piece.. you can feel the nerves... the anxiety.. the adrenaline coursing... nicely done...
one question...
(Keep your head down if you want it shot off,)... did you mean if you (don't) want it shot off?... or "unless you want it shot off"?.. I dunno, just made me stumble..
this reminds me when the punisher went to Vietnam in his comics. i really like it. here's the comic pictures i was talking about
I really enjoy your imager here, though I am the last person to claim any knowledge or talent on how poems work. I found that the different lengths of the lines allows for a sense of urgency and haste for the audience. I think that capturing the pulling the audience into a world is one of the amazing results of writing, and you’ve done this really well. I enjoyed reading it (:
your friend lost his head...a bit amusing, but also dark. It's almost a warning to walk straight, but watch out for the cross fire, there's always somebody trying to take you down.