Chapter 1: A Sudden Chance of Fate

Chapter 1: A Sudden Chance of Fate

A Chapter by Smudjy

Aisling's life comes to an abrupt change


Magic is the blood of the world; without it all will perish. When perfectly balanced, magic provides abundance and protection for all peoples. And yet, every 2000 years, this balance is shifted towards the Darkness. The 5 kingdoms, each with their own strengths and ideologies, have long sought the solution to the even oncoming Darkness.

The Northern Kingdom is a land of industry; guarded by the Black Tortoise.

The Eastern Kingdom is a land of culture; guarded by the Azure Dragon.

The Southern Kingdom is a land of hardship; guarded by the Great Phoenix.

The Western Kingdom is a land of warriors; guarded by White Tiger.

The Central Kingdom was formed from the void. The unity of each country births the Golden Dragon, ruler of the entire world.


“Are you listening, Lady Aisling?” the Old Sage boomed as he slammed his book on the desk

He gained no response from the beautiful young lady as she stared longingly outside the window. This often happened during his attempts to educate the young lady, her free spirit kept prisoner by the shackles of her birth.

“Lady Aisling, the lesson is not in the tree”

“I’d be far more willing to pay attention if the lesson were outside” she replied, her voice sweet yet solemn.

“How will you be able to lead your people if you do not understand the responsibility that rests upon your shoulders, My Lady?”

She smiled and gently ran her delicate fingers over the pages of the book laid out in front of her. Aisling did not dislike her lessons, and she especially did not dislike books. Books had long been her only friend; her only way of leaving the palace she was kept in. She longed to go outside, to live like the common people. But she knew there were limited ways she could serve her people. She could not lead the armies like her father, nor lead the faith like her cousin. At best she could marry a man of good standing and continue her family line. She felt smothered by this fate of chains.

“There is nothing more you can teach me on this subject, Dear Teacher, I have listened to every story you have”

“This is no story, child” he chided

“’Tis little more than a legend, every child knows it, sir”

“There is always an aspect of truth in even the most fantastic story, child”

Aisling turned to face her teacher, adjusting her golden hair entangled in her circlet as she did so. She searched his face with a quizzical look, slight mischief showing in her sapphire eyes.

“Are you speaking from experience ‘Old Sage’? Have you seen the ‘Darkness’” she inquired.

“I am not nearly so old to have seen what you ask, but it takes a wilful fool to ignore the signs” he explained. “Often, the Darkness begins within people. Tyrants, murderers, villains; they are all signs of the Darkness”.

Aisling listened intently. Her teacher was not known for being so candid; indeed she had never experienced him being so forthright. He lived by the mantra that things must never be revealed before they are fated to. While he explained this to her, as he had many times when she was a young child, she noticed a look of worry in his eyes.

“I know of no tyrants today. Even the Southernmost Kingdom has been quiet since my father took the throne”

“Indeed. Perhaps The Darkness has not yet decided how it will herald its coming this time.” He said, a deep look of thought on his face. “I have never known the Darkness to come without a Herald”

The Old Sage began to search the shelves, as if looking for a certain item. His fingers scanned the shelves, each filled to the brim with all manner of books. Aisling had many fond memories of this library, it was her favourite place. In this room she had travelled the world. She followed the Old Sage’s hand until it came to an abrupt stop. He took a very old, leather bound book from the shelf. It was very thick, and the leather had become very warn.

“This is a book of legends. It is an encyclopaedia of old spells, alchemy and the many uses of flora and fauna. I know you have a fondness for things you cannot do while trapped in a castle, but you could at least have a read of it”

He handed Aisling the old book, treating it as if it is a sacred treasure. Although he said no such thing, she knew this book belonged to him. She knew it was an accumulation of all that he had learned throughout his long life. She brought the book to her chest and fondly held it there.

“I hope it can aid you in your travels, my dear. It is the only help that I may offer you now, at the end”

Before she even had the chance to contemplate his words, she heard a loud noise from the front gates of the castle. Shouts and screams; the clang of metal. She ran to the door to see what was happening when the smell of death permeated the air. She heard unfamiliar voices shouting in the halls.

“Aisling” a gentle voice called to her from behind.

She slowly turned; the horror of what was happening was beginning to set it.

“Aisling, you need to leave here, as quickly as your feet can take you. Run as far as you can. You must try to survive”

The Old Sage moved over to a bookshelf and took out an old story book. The room began to shake as the bookshelves moved to reveal a hidden passage. She looked to her beloved teacher as she realised what he was instructing her to do.

“No! You can’t suggest I leave you here!” she protested as she reached out to clutch his robes.

He gentle placed his hand on her head, stroking her hair. He had always done this for her when she was small and frightened. Footsteps in the hallway were getting louder as the invaders destroyed everything in their path. Aisling knew what fate awaited her if she stayed, and her friend if she left. He had lived far beyond the means of a normal man, and for him to die here seemed unjust. He gently laid his hand on Aisling’s back and beckoned her to the passage. As he gently pushed her forward, he began to replace the book.

“I will always be proud of you, Aisling. Be strong.”

His words faded as the light disappeared, leaving Aisling alone in the dark.

© 2017 Smudjy

Author's Note

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Added on June 29, 2017
Last Updated on June 29, 2017
Tags: Fantasy, Romance, Magic, Adventure



Manchester, Lancashire, United Kingdom

I'm trying to be a fantasy writer, with romancy elements. I'm not great haha more..
